I am a traditional woman and I am completely disgusted by the misogyny shown by right-wing movements. No, I will not go back to the kitchen. No, I will not surrender my right to vote. Why do you think we would accept you taking the rights of women back 100 years?
As long as the far right-wing continues to promote misogyny, hatred of women and anti-feminism, even traditional women like myself cannot support you. You need to drop your hatred and rejection of us women if you want to win. I hear a lot of hatred for example for women who are not virgins on this board, you call us roasties and whores. What does my sexual past have to do with you, creep? Yes, I have slept with a lot of guys, and some were not white, but that doesn't mean I can't support pro-white causes.
You are all sad little pathetic losers which is why you hide behind your misogyny and hatred of women.
>AS A WOMAN Bitch, already you out of order. Please put your pussy away. How about you pretend your roastie flaps ain't the most important thing in the world for a few moments and then we can talk politics.
Anthony Morgan
>No, I will not go back to the kitchen. No, I will not surrender my right to vote. Then you're not a traditional women, just another larping trad thot
Jaxson Ward
tits or gtfo
Aiden James
Matthew Morales
It's lose, not lost. You can't even spell, it's no wonder stupid people like you litter this regressive board.
Jason Robinson
You lost any care when you posted this Jew as well as being a mudslime
Ayden Diaz
Fuck off roastie. Day of the Kitchen soon.
Joshua Morgan
>As a woman
Every. Fucking. Time.
This is the internet roastie, we don't give a shit if you are a woman or not. Stop telling us that. You can't offer us your holes here, they have no effect in this place.
Get out.
Joshua Hall
LARP more bic!
Jaxon Green
We're not fixing this with ballots and you will return to the kitchen. Well, not you in particular. But the ones who want to live and prosper will. You don't have a choice in sidees, moron. Your alternative is putting on a fucking burqa and living in Niggerhell. Get over yourself, thot. The kitchen is a happier place than living in a world fashioned after the affinities and capabilities of women and niggers.
Dylan Young
You're not "traditional" in the slightest.
Chase Baker
kill all roasties
Chase Morgan
After the collapse youre going to lose most of your rights when you fail to keep them by force. During the election when antifa women would try to goad the men into violence: that is the extent of your equality
Lucas Morales
I am 100% traditional and Christian, people like you are the ones who are not traditional. Tell me why would I care about the opinion of losers like you? All your kind does is sit around, play video games and masturbate to your anime porn all day. Pathetic.
Ethan Bell
Most men in the "right-wing" have wives, many have daughters. It is impossible to accuse these men of being misogynists unless you either do not understand the meaning of the word, or you are functionally retarded. The actual number of true misogynists in the world is incredibly small, yet you feminists love to throw that word around as if a man who even looks at you with lust is a person who hates women. You have no idea what misogyny really is.
Anthony Sullivan
>I am 100% traditional and Christian
1 Timothy 2:12
Lucas Rivera
Traditional woman are completely against feminism and promiscuity. This is just more D&C from a retarded shill.
Jordan Reed
tits or gtfo
Ian Flores
You are not right-wing.
Dominic Wilson
Bitch, go make me a sandwich
Cooper Allen
>I have slept with several guys >I am Christian and 100% traditional Ha, no shame. Please make this bait thread end.
Christopher White
Survey says you die childless. Best case scenario, you adopt after your eggs die. Have fun being a genetic dead end.
Brayden Evans
How the fuck exacly are you "traditional"?
Ian Bailey
you want the government to be your daddy, say it, guv daddy guv daddy give it to me guv daddy
Owen Smith
Cooper Ortiz
did it posts tits yet?
David Turner
>I have slept with a lot of guys, and some were not white >I am 100% traditional and Christian
Adam Russell
gib milkies??
Jace Russell
All you pay the bastards. You are pilots. We're going to follow your mothers when you look and weep as a small, scarcely boy. Since we're in Hollywood and find those Miramax tram to shoot the film ... we're going to get them to eat our shit and then get rid of our shit and then eat their shit that is made up of our shit em. Then you are the sailors, the next
Owen Brown
it is your right to have a nigger baby and become a single mom. No it's not OK that my tax dollars go to support your poor decision. Nor will I pay for your college to support your nigger child.
Evan Stewart
>traditional woman >as long as the far right-wing continues to promote ((((...))) anti feminism LARP faggot a traditional woman would be anti feminist
Tyler White
>I am a traditional woman Traditional women are busy making and caring for kids not on the internet being an "activist" for attention. I suggest you get to it.
Jonathan Roberts
Nice bait, now go make me a sammich
John Adams
>Yes I have slept with alot of guys >Traditional woman
James Wilson
>as a vagina, the lack of left in right-wing movements needs to end >you should be more left wing guys >infact why don't you just drop drumpf and vote democrat anyway >its her turn stop being misogynists
Brandon Mitchell
>hey it's another one of those shit threads brought by the people who spam asian women
Bentley Thompson
Jose Sanchez
talk for you cuck, op has a point for once
Carson Roberts
Nobody is asking you to surrender your right to vote. If such a time comes, your right to vote would be revoked without consulting with you first. Seriously, why do you think that if women were to lose their right to vote, it would be through a democratic process?
Neither the left or the right wing authoritarians care about your opinion. One of them will take away your right to vote outright at gunpoint and the other will only give you 1 candidate to vote for. If you don't vote for that candidate or choose to protest by not voting at all, you'll disappear for being an anti-social agitator. I'll let you guess which is which.
Jose Collins
Tits or gtfo thats the rules...state of fem polacks these days...noone believes your a woman
Ayden Allen
Shit, this troll succeeded? KEK
Julian Powell
>promotes gender equality >hates race equality
Dominic Barnes
>Thinks going back to how things were 100 years ago is a bad thing >Claims to be a traditional woman wew las
Lincoln Long
Landon Reyes
Shut your damn pie hole and go make me a sandwich.
Michael Martinez
Landon Ross
>I am a traditional woman and I am completely disgusted by the misogyny shown by right-wing movements. No, I will not go back to the kitchen. No, I will not surrender my right to vote. Why do you think we would accept you taking the rights of women back 100 years? That's not what right-wing movements demand
Unless you read what American retards write
Josiah Sullivan
>are las
Gavin Wright
Fuck off shill
Ian Barnes
tits or gtfo slag
Evan King
>I am a traditional woman... Stopped reading.
Aiden Hughes
Dylan Gomez
Back to kitchen bitch
Nathaniel Gomez
as a man, shut the fuck up you whore
Matthew Nelson
Noah Murphy
Alright, I'll bite >You don't state you're a woman. You prove it >Right wing banter is misogynist. While, right wing idealogy mostly is anti 3rd wave feminists. (learn the differrence) >We have no problems with you voting, or working. What bothers us is women don't have genetic preservation tendencies and have abused independence to tank their forefathers genetic and idealogical legacy. But what do I know, I'm newfag
Aiden Reed
Enjoy your life with a faggot son or cats. It's good that feminist are self deleting their worthless genes out of the gene pool. Don't forget , 3 years after your death nobody will ever remember you even existed.
Jonathan Peterson
(((bait))) larping as a tradthot
Noah Johnson
>No, I will not go back to the kitchen. No, I will not surrender my right to vote.
You don't have to. We will force you to do so. lol
Thomas Lee
The natural order of things is for roasties to fade away. If any beta cuck white knights or is conned into settling down with this slag any children as a result of this union will cause the cycle to repeat itself. Whore for a daughter and cuck for a son.
Ian Peterson
>as a traditional woman I will not accept tradition
Nolan Rodriguez
You do realize that most of right wing men do not want to take away your right to vote or work. However, let me try my best to explain why men generally do not like women that have slept with a lot of men. First and for most it shows a lack of self-control around other guys. Something in which is a huge red flag when it comes to deciding whether or not you that woman. This is something that is biologically ingrained in the male brain. It is natural and debatably healthy hormonal reaction.
Now I understand that you say that you believe in pro-white causes. Examples being against the displacement of whites. Now that is all fine and dandy. However, the men who fight against forced diversity understandably see you as a hypocrite. After all you say you are against forced diversity. Yet you have actively took part in it multiple times. Knowing full well of what certain organizations want white women to stop breeding with white men. Basically, you drank the poison that you are trying to warn others about.
Now you may go all full SJW, because you can't accept that you embracing what you speak against. But it is quite frankly a lil insulting to your brother and sisters in arms. For you to preach about the cultural, and literal genocide of the white race. Followed by you sleeping around with men of other ethnicities. It makes you look bad and it makes you allies look bad.
Jaxon Hernandez
100 years? We're taking women's rights back 500 years you dumb broad.
Blake Brooks
There are no women on the internet
Julian Foster
>Why do you think we would accept you taking the rights of women back 100 years? Why do you women have the right to vote at 18 in my country but I don't until I'm 25? You didn't earn a goddamn thing cunt en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_feather#World_War_I
Landon Morgan
Pic related
Right wing ideology is anti 1st wave feminists. They're all rotten
Ryan Phillips
post tits, with clear timestamp. alternatively you can fuck off and never come back.
Michael Morales
Tyler Roberts
>traditional woman >complaining about misogyny
Angel Garcia
post tits, with clear timestamp. alternatively you can fuck off and never come back.
Joshua Clark
WTF I always though John Legend was a white guy
Jacob Scott
post tits, with clear timestamp. alternatively you can fuck off and never come back.
Gavin Parker
post your tits, or fuck right off m8
Andrew Myers
>lost nice english there chang
William Carter
t i t s o r gt f o
Lucas Evans
When the time comes you won't be asked, simply because the barbarian chad then beats the shit out of you. Your only chance is to accept you are only worth living on the side (and under control) of a man and give birth to children. That means
Dylan Robinson
upload a photograph of your breasts, or fuck off.
Dominic Diaz
John Legends wife will eventually cheat on him. He a total soy fag
Jose Garcia
tits, or get the FUCK off
Ethan Morgan
Not sure how else to say this sweetie, however unless your tits are posted on here, you must leave.
Nolan Lopez
>Doesn't state her case why she is a traditional woman >resorts to ad hominem attacks, and pointing out spelling errors instead *yawn* Typical thot
Justin Rogers
tits or leave
Daniel Murphy
Fuck off and die roastie. You're the reason the West fell. Kill yourself. Scum.
Jackson Lopez
Alexander Nelson
The rise of feminism is the start of the end of the society/state/empire you're living in. Read this book and understand:
Either you women step back and accept you can't lead a society and you are under the control of men, or barbarians will fall in your country and replace your weak men with themselves, beating the shit out of you and your "rights"
Ryder Edwards
I agree, white womyn are cancerous tumors inflicting our society. Kys.
Austin Watson
Isaiah Sullivan
tits tits tits tits, or gtfo.
Jace Turner
I'd rather we get rid of the right wing part but keep the misogyny
Justin Young
David Wright
womyn h8 thread NOW lads
Michael Smith
89 posts for copypasta 3/10 bait. OP is just gleaming with "success"
Cooper Ross
I honestly don't care, snookums.
Lucas Thompson
Because according to J.D. Unwin's "Sex and Culture" (and Aristophanes "Assembly women" a thousand years before Unwin) catering to women in politics usually results in a societies demise
William Jones
>why would i care about the opinions of losers >like you? >you losers need to change your opinions to >please blown out roasties like me
Some bait is just too good to pass up.
Ayden Roberts
I'm woman, left and feminist. Feels good.
Daniel Robinson
I am certain that this is the post that finally changes Sup Forums.