Hello Sup Forums, this is my daughter Ernesti. She likes robots and she's super cute!

Hello Sup Forums, this is my daughter Ernesti. She likes robots and she's super cute!

And he's got a penis

Stop trying to rationalize your gay side, OP

That's a cute daughter (male)

That's a full grown adult in the body of a middleschool boy

Literally living the dream.

that smile is too pure for this world

Isekai started as a Shoujo genre and should had remained Shoujo and this girl looking shota is the proof.

Get with the times Grandpa. Cute Shotas are in

Why does she have an old grandpa-tier Finnish masculin name?


Why did you give her a man's name?

Hello, this is my son Hajime. He likes to play mahjong dressed like this and he is super sexy!

Never have i wanted so badly to fuck a boy.


I'm a proud straight male but my penis is confused.

What do?

Fap to the giant robots

Tell me more. I need to write a detailed note about his benis and abyss.

Welcome to the dark side

would you let your son dress like that?

Oniichan, wanna buy some rock cds?

I want to sniff this boy´s sweaty muscular chest.

It should be illegal to be this fucking pure and adorable.

>ywn reincarnate into robot loving qt shota and get your boipucci rammed
why even live

Well you can always get your boypussy rammed in this life, user

Looks like you need to see Doctor Donovan.

be honest Sup Forums, whats the first thing you do if you are suddenly inside a 11 yo boy

He doesn't really look excessively girly, guys. He just looks like a slightly-feminine cute shota.

How is the anime compared to the LN? I don't usually watch anime adaptations.

It skips much of the preamble to get right to the mechas. Preamble includes like entire volumes.

"How did I become a pedophile" I guess.