Political compass thread

political compass thread


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I swear I'm right wing




Pretty much farthest away from the left as a person can be

i just come here to troll you guys because it is funny how normie you guys have become

Classical liberalism or?

>tfw always get Centrist on political tests
wtf is wrong with me, Sup Forums?


>green square
Yeah yeah baitposting whatever. kys

Left Libertarian. So the pedophile ideology. Gimme your daughter.

truth hurts i know

i like trolling because when your argument falls apart you guys just go to ad homs

You're Nazbol.

this shit again?

>thinking my argument was anything but the green square being normie as fuck


authority above ALL

im not talking about right now you dense mother fucker. I mean in general when i argue with poltards

This test is loaded. Apparently I'm a left-leaning authoritarian, but I believe in free markets as long as it benefits the nation.

Why? Cause your dumb ass says so?

You can't dismantle my arguments. They are infathomable. I can't speak for the rest of Sup Forums but I have fully fleshed out reasoning behind my opinions.
Also why would you say truth hurts? I don't care about being a normie. Its better to be an undercover Sup Forumsack larping as a normie than it is not to be.

because faggots like you spread degeneracy of the jews and now we cant have great things

That’s so fucking dumb. Jews are successful because they don’t go home to a drunk dad bitching about Mexicans and climate change

Is this good?


>doing just one political test


Lol inalways knew

Too much there buddy

this is the latest CIA bot tech, say hello

I think I'm at a good spot


legit almost identical to mine

What did you get?

Oh god I didn't realize I was a fag


Pretty bad to be honest

Ok you're me.
I was a little more center 4.0 on rigth
you seem to be 5.5

I swear I'm moving more to the authoritarian right every time I take this test.

Wow, that's a lot further right than your flag would suggest.

>Seig heil

Typical R The Donald

I'm about as right as I always have been, but I also used to be more into ANCAP territory. It's hard to be tolerant of others when they're fucking degenerate.


thats farther than i thought id be

>t. Soyboy

hey comrade



Fight me bro.

Any more watering down and I'd be marching with leftycucks.

Nah you already lost at 1993






Voted for Trump, consider myself a classical liberal or libertarian




sargon, go home

Consider myself an independent libertarian that doesn't believe that a 2-party system is best.

Was between Johnson and Trump at crunchtime, was definitely not voting for Hillary.

Thought some questions were slanted in this quiz. You could agree with a statement but believe/disagree in an underlying principle.

Sargon is a UKuck and can't vote

But I like his videos


Reminder that national socialism is this, OP is a cuckservative who thinks capitalism will save him and his people

ITT filthy communists and capitalists.

you're not, national socialism is fairly leftwing, just with a wholly different spirit than our current left wing. Marxism is cancer.

>t. capitalist

>0.13 right wing

Nigger it's corporatism not capitalism

What u faggots think?

Actual fecal matter.


not on the left, that is all that matters

We're fairly similar op

I agree, some of them I disagreed/agreed with just because of the wording used.

Heil fags


(9.8,9.2) National Capitalist
Pinochet Reincarnated

What am I /pol?


I've moved more authoritarian for sure. I've always been right, though been far more libertarian in the past.







You honestly believe that companies will regulate their own pollution? Or is it that you believe that the consumer will willingly not buy cheap products from heavily polluting companies? Both are pretty retarded. 99% free markets work, but not 100%.

Go away gov

Hurr durr polluting your neighbors air space is a right!

I was was to the left of this and I'm NatSoc. I was triggered before I remembered that left/right is retarded. Also surprised that I wasn't or authoritarian, although I do believe in some individual rights and minor capitalism.

I never liked how this one had markets and equality as opposed to one another.

Maybe you’re just retarded. If you don’t believe that capitalism is infinitely better than socialism, then you are a leftist.



NatSocs are leftists, period

They should all get helicoptered along with the commies


>the pedophile ideology
No that's right libertarians. Left libertarians leave that sort of thing up to ahmed

The middle of the road is never a good place to stand. Especially when in your case it's a designated shitting street.
