Let's do something nice for a change. Say or post something nice about the First Lady of The United States of America.
First Lady Worship Thread
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Nice snatch
She is distinguished among her peers in her career as a prostitute.
She's into rich grandpas. Which is good...
For rich grandpas
she has more class than trudeau's slut mother
Despite all the brothels,human trafficking and war she some how married one of the greatest Americans in Last 40 years
She's a gold digger who probably had zero intention on being first lady
She's a lot classier than the dude she replaced.
She's very faithful to her non disclosure agreement.
I married a ex yugo slav stripper, she's the who're with a heart of gold, she now helps run a dance studio making decent money, sometimes women from war zones don't have the best options.
We've been together for 3 years, strong, I pushed her to get her own citizenship, save for a nice car and turned her into a American housewife who can cook a badass roast beef
Torpedo tits
Much better looking than the ape Michael
Sloppy photoshop job.
Yeah, she's like the only person in the white house with a moral compass that still works.
its great isnt it?
Yeah, I heard the President is a compulsive bullshit artist.
Trump has better taste in women than Obama that's for sure.
Worship indeed
keep obama out of this.
Obama is Jewish negro.
would berry
Poor effort. Try harder.
I thought his mother was white ?
Thanks Batowl for the images, now this is a worship thread!
dont you have some knives to bin? faggot.
ywn have slav gf
Nigs will fuck anything.
His real father was Frank Marshall Davis, not that confused african fucker he's named after.
I do. It's great. I definitely recommend. Don't give up, user.
Can we get some First Lady foot worship up in this shit right here?
Is that it?
She seems like a really devoted wife and mother desu
>Is that it?
dont you have some knives to bin you spineless Muhammadan cumdumpster? faggot. Breed more kids for your muzzie overlords to rape, cucked TV taxpayer.
I think you missed out a few....more.
she's maybe the best looking FLOTUS of all time and i actually think she's cute and sophisticated
says a leaf
I love melania because she's as unimpressed as I am.
commie trash
So Bill Clinton and George Bush were at the inauguration?
So you're not going to turn to page two of your clichéd crap? Oh come on!!
She dosn't have a penis
ya of course
I think this explains everything. What a disappointment. Too busy jerking off over her toes!!
I think it’s very neat how she sews her own dresses
Many will die. Praise the Lord. ;)
Is this real? Getting a semi
Being the moral compass "Shut up, get on your knees and blow me once in a while, and give yourself a bad plastic surgery where look slightly happy and slightly sad all the time".
Back in the day, people thought Hillary was an abnegate wife for standing with Bill licking Monica's pink perky clit, but Melania is going to be the next Mother Theresa of trophy-wives.
Why have our recent First Ladies been trannies?