Vegan elf

>Vegan elf

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Fuck vegans and fuck elves.

>haughty treehugger gets schooled in how superior humans are, even at their veganfag cuisine

>Knife-ear is a haughty vegan cunt

>elves are shit
Nothing new here

>elves being gigantic hypocrites again

What a shocker

poor laius

I have a perfect dish which contains no meat, fish, eggs, or dairy.

It's my semen.

The cock that you'll be sucking it out of is quite thick with meat, but it will only go in and out of your mouth for a while, until your meal is delivered.

>tree huggers
>yet eat plants

did she pay with elf-rape or gold?

I hug dogs.
Also I enjoy chinese food.

What the hell was that?

>no meat
>with meat
i think you messed up there new-senpai

anime made by elves

QUALITY bunny animation.

The meal that she'll be swallowing contains no meat.

The tool used to serve the meal does.

There's no contradiction.

Jesus christ those run cycles.

>vegan elf

The choice is obvious.

Yet another reason why they should be genocided. Along with every other non-human.

I pick loli hime.

While I myself am not a vegan, I can recognize that it is objectively healthier and better for the enviroment to do so, while also more moral. Animal agriculture is fucked man.

Semen is animal protein, those are swimming little animals.

If she can't have eggs or dairy what makes you think she can drink your semen or piss or anything else that comes out of an animal?

> objectively healthier
How is privation of protein sources, be it fish or eggs healthy in any way?

You do not need to eat animals to get protein, and the amount of protein you need a day are over exaggerated. You really don't need much.

Why the fuck did she have a bow if she was gonna hunt fucking mushrooms?


Exactly. Fuck elves and vegans. Both deserve rape.

>A Cows Daily Life by ShindoL

t. dumb manlet that didn't get enough proteins growing up

She might come across mothmen.

>You really don't need much
If you live the neet life as a shrimp maybe.

Oh, that's a sound argument.Thank you for taking your time to reply.

The organic material plants use to grow in the vast majority of cases are made up of dead animals and dead plants.
A filthy knife ear that doesn't understand the cycle of life and death has no place being haughty about their retarded dietary decisions.


>contains no meat, fish, milk, or eggs
>no meat, fish
>meat, fish
A little redundant, don't you think?

Anyone knows who is the voice narrating what happens?
And the vegan elf story was pathetic, oh look the elf is a cunt but she gets blown away by the human cooking. I never realized how much of a masturbation material this was until now.

There are ways to get enough protein to get big without consuming animal based products, but if you're not trying to bulk up you do not need a large amount of protein.

Pescetarians exist.

A lot of Vegans make a weird distinction between fish and other meats.

>masturbation material
>implying filthy fucking elves wouldn't bow down to superior human culinary ingenuity regardless

Fuck off sympathizer.

>no meat, fish, milk, or eggs
What the fuck do these "people" eat then? Leaves and tree bark?

No oil as well. No refined fats sugars or protein

The episode about the spaghetti didn't tip you off?

The main thing I could never give up is dairy.
A life without cheese/lattes/cheesecake/deserts involving condensed milk/ect.
Meats not a big part of my life, I'd live.


grains, vegetables, fruit, starches and legumes.

Mushrooms are people too. She should be arrested.

Vegetarian is healthy since it allows dairy, eggs, fish and all of that.
Vegan objectively isn't unless you're willing to eat soylent powder shit and other disgusting replacement.

come the fuck on, being a vegan is pointless, the most you can reasonably deviate from omnivorousness is vegetarianism based on morals, everythign is pointless circlejerk

Fucking spooked faggots I swear

I couldn't live without milk.I've had like a glass of milk every day since I was 5.

Cheese actually has an addictive quality to it, which is why most people feel that way. There are artificial replacements, I haven't tried them but my vegan friend says they're pretty ok.

How big are your tiddies?

Senpai, the whole made no sense. How could the elves not know about dried mushroom until the human told them?

I could somewhat justify it, and there was the "dark" part of the old man getting rich thanks to the restaurant's recipes.

*the whole story

I wish I could get breastfed by an elf. ;_;

Or you could eat any kind of Legume.

Most things with good flavor are addictive.

>. How could the elves not know about dried mushroom until the human told them?
The same way how Europeans don't know how to make ice creams for a millennial until they learn it from the Chinese.

>Eating vegetables is more moral than eating meat because cabbage doesn't scream
Cry me a river

Making ice cream isn't the same as leaving something out in the sun to dry out for a while.

>my vegan friend
Get the fuck out already.

that dudes brother was a fuck, all he needed was some stilts, I guess his hands/arms are useless but he could've came back from that.

Why again? You realize there's a difference between animals and plants, right?

same, milk is the nectar of the tits

Common sense tell us leaving fresh food outside is retarded.

It's really silly, honestly. Meat is meat. It's not like aqua meat is inherently not the same as land meat.


The addictive quality is called "flavour". I have tried soy "cheese", and it's shit. Do not trust a vegan's sense of taste. Actually just don't trust vegans.

Are you serious? How fucked is your diet?

Nah I think I get user's point a bit. You'd think an entirely vegan race would have practically mastered every kind of culinary technique when it comes to their diet.

Regardless, the lizard was better anyway.

Fish aren't as cute and cuddly as farm animals. That's why.

Does anyone have that depressing comic about an elf trying to feed her dead husband?

its for people who wish they could call themselves vegetarian/vegan but don't want to put the effort in, not even the effort to go vegetarian.

Shit is fucked, animal agriculture is incredibly immoral. Look up how milk is made, for example.

Dried food should be one of the first things the elves came up with, in order to preserve food, and mushrooms are probably the only thing they eat that can be dried.

Do not compare it with ice cream, which is what is it after thousands of years and it started as ice mixed with honey (Greece) or milk and rice with ice (China).

Just pretend theyre dolphins

Have you never seen a baby whale? They're adorable.

It's not the same thing.
even as a culinary point of view.
It doesn't cook/behave the same way red meat would.

look at those killing machines

Ice cream using dairy is made in China during the BC period using mare milk user.

Oh boy here we go.

An aquarium or fish pen is ten times more fucking satisfying than having farm animals.

>A Fish

They treat veggies way worse

Meant for


European education

Agreed, but more importantly it is actively a huge part of fucking up the environment. Animal farming and plant monocultures are destroying the ecosystem. Hell, even the Orangutans are starting to die out from palm oil monoculture industry. It's absolutely fucked.

Why couldn't she eat bread by the way? is Japanese bread made with milk or butter?

Not to make this Sup Forums, but in the first world the food industry is really really bad only in the USA, that shit is horrifying.

They are especially adorable when they are fucking up seals and dolphins for their meat

Dude fish are fucking ugly and gross

Depends on the place.
The US is known for those bad practices.

So? It's all meat. That's like saying there aren't varieties of vegetables or something. It's retarded.

I agree. Europe and America should banned all agriculture activities and massive deforestation in their own country so they actually will have some authority to speak about it to other countries unlike now where everyone is mocking them in local newspapers and media everywhere around the world.

damn, look how these veggies are suffering, getting all of them nerves stimulated, causing them to send signals to their brain which it registers as pain
oh wait

I assume some bread products are made with dairy products and/or eggs.

there's a point where you don't care whether it's moral or not and then there's a point where you realize you're just nitpicking morals, not going without them. unless you are far better at putting dogma into practice than pretty much everyone ever.

I wrote
> milk and rice with ice (China).
It's completely different from what we eat now and wasn't drastically different from what the greek were doing, which is why I wrote that the greek knew what they were doing.
Compare it now to a fucking elf living in a forest being impressed by dried mushrooms.

Dude it's flesh from a dead sentient being

do you feel guilty for eating smart things like ocotpus? so tasty but thinking about it dunno

Fuck off from my thread you dumbfucks take that non-anime shit out.