At 14 years old

At 14 years old

>Parents: "Clean your room"
>You: "Fuck you guys, you'll never understand me!"

At 20 years old

>Some Professor on the Internet: "Clean your room, bucko"
>You: "Yeah I'm gonna clean my room! And save my dad from the belly of the whale"

This is how retarded you Peterson fans are

Other urls found in this thread:

>we've reduced the shills to this

feels good

>You: "Fuck you guys, you'll never understand me!"

Who the fuck says this after being told to clean his room?

Peterson has been exposed as a Zionist that is surrounded by Zionist jews who are supporting his rise to fame:

Peterson is anti-White and propagates the Marxist lie about mass immigration being done for "economic reasons" and not to replace Whites:

JP: "Who cares about an irrelevant corner of the world? Why does it matter. I can't propose a solution to the situation in any case"

memeflag shill: you hear that? he's pro-Zionist. Vote Trudeau 2019

you should do more of the silly screencaps though

>My mom, before spending two hours watching singing competition television shows and drinking wine: "Clean your room because I told you so"

>Jordan B Peterson, esteemed professor emeritus of psychology at UT, right after explaining the millennia old mythology of the Bible in accessible terms: "And that's why it is important that you start with cleaning your room, bucko."

Lol, pathetic. If you're paid to do this shilling, you should be fired.

>entire post is literally just a meme written out in text for a post
>this is what lefties think will win them the culture war


You are the 1000th poster of this meme!
You heard me: 1000th!

wtf i hate pettersen now

Seriously bro this is the best you have? Seriously bro it might be time to kill youself if this is how you make a living

Sort yourself out. Now.

>gives a speech at a ZIONIST CELEBRATION of Israel
>agrees with Ezra Levant that "anti-Zionism is antisemitism"
>calls anyone who objects to Zionism antisemites and social justice warriors
"heh he's not a Zionist guys, seriously he was actually anti-Israel the whole time, you just don't understand 5D chess."

>Sort yourself out

We've won. They are totally out of arguments, folks. I see the youngsters being more and more right wing. The future is bright, lads.

People actually get paid to (or worse, voluntarily) create these images for shilling purposes on fucking Sup Forums

This menopausal old woman doesn't actually have a following, does she?

>Guy is more mature at 20 than at 14
>lmao what a retard

>because we said so

>because it will not only test, but improve you character in ways will surprise you
>it is an exercise in discipline and orderliness, traits needed for successful life

Not an argument.

If you're so paranoid and out of touch with reality that you think every single meme that makes fun of an eceleb was made by "muh russians" then you should probably seek medical attention.

Pro Tip: Peterson is a weapon of the Jew. Notice Peterson detractors have reasons for their opinion whilst Peterson defenders resort to ad hominem and hysterics.
Beware the J Right, they're as bad as the J Left.

We're not arguing

>meme flag
>obvious shill

the state of this fucking world

>people go on an anime imageboard's politics section to attempt to undermine a psychology professor who decided to try his hand at political philosophy and in doing so publicly exposed the insanity of the far left, almost accidentally
>people are paid to do this

>Peterson is a weapon of the Jew.
They're now trying to desperately convince us that the speech he gave in celebration of Israel being given to the Rothschilds was "totally neutral bro, actually it want anti-Israel".

>Peterstein receives thunderous applause from an auditorium full of Zionist jews as he calls anyone who objects to the illegal expansion of the state of Israel "antisemites"

>implying weebs are mentally capable of forming a coherent argument.

The people he's speaking to are usually the kids of worthless parents or single mothers.

How about post the 10 second video clip instead of describing it. You know? Really focus.

You're the only shill here kike, desperate to hold together your shattered Peterstein psyop. Tell us some more about why we should like your Zionist controlled opposition boomer.

Peterson also mixed in some evolutionary psychology, gender essentialism, and pragmatist philosophy. That and the Novia Scotian accent is probably what sold people on him.

>nobody said anything about Russia
>Peterson is not an e-celeb, he is a professor with a distinct audience, also we saw the screencap of your discord where you attempt to discredit people by calling them e-celebs
>your memes are shit and anyone can do them

So OP... You are mocking JP for being a responsible role model for young men. Am I correct on this? Maybe I am not getting what you are trying to say. Are you saying not to watch JP because he is not edgy and cool like you?

>How about post the 10 second video clip
How many more videos do you want us to make exposing this shabbos-goy?

"There's no conspiracy! jews are just REALLY HIGH IQ"

absolutely nobody said Peterson was even remotely Zionist until last week. these threads are all over the place now. fuck off and stop using buzzwords, you act like we haven't been raided like 5 times since the election and it's always you idiots who try too hard and give it away. take off the meme flag faggot

>Jordan B. Peterson
>Canadian Neocon
>Agent of Political Influence
>anti-American Subversive

Jordan Peterson RedPills

Jordan Peterson RedPill Videos

Essential Reading

200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>Peterson is not an e-celeb,

You forgot to say kike. Hey next time throw a Roman solute after your next shill post.

>take off the meme flag faggot
They won't

I honestly had no interest in this guy until shills told me they didn't like him

Just one really good one.

you could not have made a more predictable post

Please state your counter point. Calling people shills will just lead to an endless cycle since to your opposition, you appear to be shilling as well.
Do you have a counter point to voice?

Jdif mad bc someone is a Zionist. Interesting.

These posters are promoting a Zionist who is openly hostile to White identity.

Having a clean room is nice tho

I'm not even promoting him

>Y-you’re paid to think differently from me!

They will not actually discuss anything that's presented because they can't argue against it. Peterstein's been discredited. We're the target of the psyop, as per Peterstein's own words (young White men), so it's obvious why they are so ass-blasted that he's been exposed.

>calls him a Zionist
>posts picture of a falsely attributed anti-Semetic quote

you can't be this stupid

You're just doing a shitty job explaining it.

At 14 years old

>Single mom: "Clean your room, Jamal is coming over"
>Petersonfag: "Fuck you guys, you'll never understand me!"

At 20 years old

>Some Professor on the Internet: "Clean your room, bucko. Here's why."
>Petersonfag: "Huh never thought of that"

I never saw the appeal of Peterson outside of a few videos where he had a good argument in a debate or some shit, but I get how a generation with a lot of single boomer moms would find his basic advice worthwhile. I luckily had a dad, and while he was a boomer, he actually took the time to explain shit because he understood I was learning and not trying to disrespect him.

Only bad thing about Peterson is that he gets some in the alt right to go to the center, but honestly those people were just stragglers anyways and probably contributing to cancer by hyping up alt light personalities anyways. We don't need every white man to be alt right to have a revolution, guys.

This. Right here and writ large. No I don't need someone to tell me to clean my room...what I need is someone to goad me into considering the lessons contained in the religious teachings that I read the wrong way my whole life.

>being this new
Nu-pol cancer.

Fuck off newfag

I agree with you about Peterson but their plan of attack is to call us shills. By responding in kind we let them win and muddy the waters since a neutral observer can not know who is a shill and who is not.
You clearly defended him and in doing so you are promoting him. If I told you Communism is bad and you said "No it isn't" one could not be blamed for accusing you of being a fan of Communism.

Who cares what he thinos about jews? Nobody is looking to him for input on the JQ. Literally not one person.

My mom is actually really hateful of Peterson because i am now cleaning my mom and she says its really weird since i never did that before.

Maybe you should have listened to your parents. Maybe you'd be in a better place, instead of a bitter one.

No, if people followed the advice of their parents literally they'd be screwed.


1. speak the truth (unless its not PC, in which case you should be censored, like if youre Faith goldy or you deny the 6 million death toll or the historical accuracy of the gas chambers

2. Tribalism is evil for white people but not other groups, identities should be suppressed but only in places that are majority white

3. There is no jewish ethnic nepotism, they're just high IQ thats why it seems like they're subverting positions of power but they're really not you just think that because you're jealous of high IQ

4. All the tenets of the 60's cultural revolution (material pragmatism, racial marxism, female empowerment, mass migration, paraphilias) are noble and desirable, it's just that the postmodernists made these things look bad

5. You should use tranny preferred pronouns if they ask, the only issue is if it's coded into law. other than that tranny empowerment is good

6. Be a boring, lifeless, soulless, neocon boomer faggot with no heritage, no future and no legacy, keep your sword sheathed at all times

7. The highest goal in existence is the satisfaction of your personal whims and arbitrary desires

8. Shut up and sit down while you become a minority in your ancestral homeland, goi. Resenting this is evil. Clean your room 20 more times, then the pakis will stop raping 11-year-olds in your nation or something

9. Read Solzhenitsyn, but not any of his naughty books like 200 years together, dont read those they're not good, don't talk about that

10. My wife is an ugly jew who looks like a man, we have no sex life and my daughter poses naked on instagram and still only gets 70 likes. since I cannot get respect from my family I have to settle for 56% kekistan manlet loser freaks who get excited about complete banality

11. Buy my awful dogshit modernist rug for 2k if you're a real fan

12. I'm a christian even though i don't believe jesus rose from the dead i thought about this deeply for 60-70 years and my conclusion is "I don't know"

yeah sure pal enjoy those week old false quote memes, don't spend your $0.02 all in one place

>Who cares what he thinos about jews?
He's in league with the Zionist jews responsible for White genocide.

Another thing. Peterson has been around and we've discussed him here in Sup Forums due to his (correct) stance on masculinity, pronouns, etc.

Lately I see people go out of their way to shit on him. In fact, that's all I see in Sup Forums. When you look through the archives a lot of it is literally the same posts. Weirder yet, some of these posts are repeated by the samefag in the same thread.

Again, so people changing their lives and not acting like 14 year old punks anymore is a bad thing? Who are you guys? This is cheesy peer pressure straight out of middle school guys. Grow up, stop being edgy, and clean your room.

Also this Boomer shit is weird. Yes baby boomers are annoying as fuck, clueless and selfish as a whole. Still though not every baby boomer is like that. Again what is with this goofy as fuck peer pressure?

He does not take a neutral stance on the JQ, in fact, he defends Jews quite reliably. In addition to this, he also attacks political groups who would expose Jews.
Therefore, Sup Forums has a moral responsibility to discredit Jordan Peterson because anyone who respects his opinion will as a direct result of that respect become more blue pilled on the JQ than they were before, which is unacceptable.

It's the same Nazi flag poster and probably the same nazi flag poster that shilled against Lauren Southern for months. I don't even really like either of them, just calling it how I see it.

>Make sure you can clean your room BEFORE you tell everyone else how they need to live under Communism.

Yea, he's right. He said these Marxist kids can't even keep their own rooms clean, but they tell me I can't properly manage my million dollar business and (((government))) needs to take it over and run it.

The Marxists are a bunch of twenty year olds who can't sort themselves out, but think they can sort out the rest of society for everyone, while everyone else is more experienced, wiser, and sorted out themselves.

Peterson is an example of what I've been talking about on other threads. He is a mediocre Jewish intellectual, but Jews are going to promote other Jews and sandbag gentiles who can do the job.

gee i wonder if we're getting raided again

This is a false equivalence. It is like defending a pedophile who lures children into his van using candy. You are ignoring the fact that he fucked the child and instead focus on the positive that he gave the kid a Snickers bar.

and the American flag poster to back up everything the nazi flag poster says. I'm onto you kikes.

>He does not take a neutral stance on the JQ,
This. Peterson lies about why jews control our nations and culture, and tells us we should be grateful that they do because they are so superior to us.

Whatever you say, Hillary.

This is not an argument and is clearly meant to cause a "No you" out of me which you will not get. Please defend Jordan Peterson with a real argument.

They must be getting 10% commissions from Jordan. This is how he keeps the racket going. It's an online army of Jordan shills.

>this analogy
top kek

>Have this Individualism Bar, goy
>Get in my boomer van
>That's a good goy

Why would I argue with Morphaeus and his sidekick?

>>Peterstein receives thunderous applause from an auditorium full of Zionist jews as he calls anyone who objects to the illegal expansion of the state of Israel "antisemites"
Why do you think Rogan, (((h3h3, Crowder, Rubin, Shekelpiro))) all keep putting him on over and over

Nice try 10% affiliate shill.

You're personally out of your gourd. Tell me, what do the personal trainers at your gym think of the jews? You wouldn't go to a gym that doesn't take a solid stance on jews, WOULD YOU?!

There are literally hundreds of youtube channels that mash up Peterstein's content now, upload it with click bait titles, and fill the video description with affiliate links. The comment sections are also astroturfed.

show us your flag cuckie

Absolute victory.

To prove that your position is the correct position. That is what words are for. As it stands, you are arguing in bad faith.

>absolutely nobody said Peterson was even remotely Zionist until last week
How could you possibly be this new

He won't. He's too big of a Nazi to stop being 14/88 for even a moment!

He's an anti-authoritarian. Without authoritarianism, the Jews have no power.

It really does tickle my asshole that 90% of the opposition and memes against peterson on Sup Forums consists of strawmen, black and white fallacies, quotes taken out of context, ad hominems, and purity spiralling

That's not deep. That's not contrarian. That's not even clever. That's being a solopsistic little shit.
Now go clean your room, OP.

>what do the personal trainers at your gym think of the jews?
Well after I redpilled them they fired their jewish accountant.

I know I'm arguing in bad faith because I know I'm arguing with Morphaeus and his butt boi. I'll humor you if he takes off that Nazi flag and shows that beautiful blue star though

What do you honestly expect from 70 years of kike propaganda and manipulation holy shit have some sympathy for the poor sods.

>Without authoritarianism, the Jews have no power.
Without jews, jews have no power.

Another fag trying to divide and conquer. Fuck off shill.

I feel it. The feeling that one day I will be tired of winning

Nu/pol/ is e-celeb worship and bad health advice.
This is your average Sup Forumsack:
>I'm going to save the white race by eating green onions, not masturbating, and kissing up to white turbosluts so I can breed with them! Take that shareblue/shills/soyboys!

>agrees with Ezra Levant that "anti-Zionism is antisemitism"
Moarpheus, you're dropping character here.
You're supposed to be larping to be anti-Zionism because you're the vanguard of anti-semitism.
Being assblasted on the behalf of poor oppressed Palestinians is your true liberal self, not what you're doing here, remember?

No it's a good thing. If some dudes who never had fathers now see one in a YouTuber, so be it. The only bad thing is he's taking people away from the alt-right, but as I mentioned that's not a big deal because we actually do not necessarily need all white men to actually be alt right.
I also see them use a US flag. I've also seen them flip out when you use "potato nigger" so maybe they're in Ireland.
By who? They tend to shill Kevin MacDonald. I hope he's not behind this since I actually did enjoy his work.

This is not true, in fact, Jews promote individual liberty because it protects them in countries where they are minorities.
While the J Left promotes authoritarianism, you shouldn't lose sight of the ability of Jews to play both sides.
At this point it would be best if he removed his meme flag, however, I agree with him and you can see my flag. You could argue that we're in cahoots but you have no evidence of that and I think you'll find all of my arguments are based in fact, something Jews never do.

>peterstien faggots literally cannot defend his anti white pro kike bullshit he spouts

you just saw this meme in a pol humor thread you pather nu faggot. neck yourself you worthless piece of shit