Modern art 101

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They haven't learned a single thing...


Why do sheboons have this permanant cunty look on their face?

this is actually quite nice

'cuz she nos wassup

Anyone else notice he has 6 fingers?

Aesthetic af

No he hasn't

I heard he has 10 even!


i hope it isn't a scratch n sniff



Wait, you're right. It's just badly painted. It looks like another finger underneath his little finger.

I might be on acid but I still count 4 visible fingers (plus the hidden thumb)



same technique as that which was used on his birth certificate




Your not even trying and the lighting is superior to the others

Yes he has


Not as good as Trump's!


Can someone explain what all the random circles are supposed to be drawing my attention to?

The leaves look like a shoddy cut and paste


just like the work on his birth certifcate

Looks like a shitty GTA 5 loading screen ripoff.

The background should be nothing but Ugandan knuckles


so is this the actual presidential portrait or just a random portrait?


What are Ugandan knuckles?

Have fun.


Wtf this can’t be real.

The artist that painted the portrait of the first African American president made portraits of black women beheading white women?



Guys, he can't draw thumbs. This guy just was commissioned by the Smithsonian and he cannot draw thumbs. He hides them in every picture, this is some 10th grade basic art class shit.

Obama was the best gun salesman. Make a picture of him sitting on some ammo crates. Would be hilarious.

Much better.


Instantly reminded me of this



Great thread. Top notch renditions.

Thank you all.

That's because they are.
Just a clip art collage.

Jeez I've seen furry scat porn better than this. Not that it's bad or anything for him to get such a bad painting.


O I m laffin


Not a single Blingee yet, shame.




Release this pic in it's original form without edits user

You have the highest quality version of this photo

I did.



whats your point?

This is too good.

When you see it you will shit baracks.

lmfao holy shit

Fucking boomer tier. Terrible



That’s just a terry fold my nig

Except it doesn’t have any knuckles



White women posed for this.
They literally got on their knees while a black woman holding a prop knife grabbed them by the hair.

is there one without the hitler stache? trying to redpill the normies on normiebook

We wuz wallpaper.

Nah, somebody actually made a documentary about this guy, the found out the paintings are all actually done by Chinese slaves.

It's supposed to be a wallpaper pattern you absolute fucking retard. No wonder you're a right winger

>This guy just was commissioned by the Smithsonian
i just hope the "racist backlash" doesn't prevent this from going up

Course not, you can smell it from a mile away

he probably got them from google images, also, these pictures are not painted by the black guy, he employs Chinese people to paint them for him

I like the interpretation that he's literally blaming the Bush's. I'm ok with his departure from tradition. He wasn't a real President. He coulda just had the Obey faggot do it monochrome on a poorly gesso'd background.

What a faggot.



>make an official portrait that will be kept for all time

>make some shitty ctrl+c - ctrl-v photoshop mess

The absolute state of nigger "art"

>He hides them in every picture
not true, they're in the decapitation scenes
>he cannot draw thumbs.
true, see above

notice how niggers don't show up well on camera; its not possible to get "good lighting" on them

My bad, the res was low so I thought the hilt blocked it. Still poopoo.


the artist is a homosexual. i guaran-fucking-tee the only reason he was picked was as the artist is because of pizza.

>accepting shitty art just because a nigger made it

lefty retard detected.


Reeeeeee!!!! But Basquiat!!!


Amazing werk



why go to a contemporary art gallery when you could go to Sup Forums?
>But one already stands out: a tall, elegant black woman in a long blue dress—the canvas is enormous, eight feet by ten feet—calmly staring down the viewer. In one hand, she holds a knife. In the other, a cleanly severed brunette female head. “It’s sort of a play on the ‘kill whitey’ thing,” Wiley says.