Okay, who did this shit?

Okay, who did this shit?

Not funny at all, extremely distasteful.

Other urls found in this thread:



It's the truth Mike. Man up.


explains the oversized hands

Well done op. Proud of u


when we go low it goes high

Im kinda disappointed at how fast i came to this

I wish I could lean on my dong like that. Use it as a cup holder, ladder etc.

Mike you should be proud of your huge planet of the apes dong. I'm sure Barry is.

It was me. Did you get a kek out of it?

Agreed. Contemptuous toward and utterly disrespectful to both giant dongs and horse asses everywhere.

Man nigger art is terrible. It's hip hop on canvas.

i got a kick out of this one thanks OP

Not funny.

that gif is terrifying



Yesterday's blues.

Her dress is the album art from 1984's Change

Lighten up, OP, that's a very flattering portrayal of her wang






this is very funny, i laughed my ass off when i saw it in the other thread

,,,,fuck off shill

hillary lost get over it

i din du

I can't unsee it now.

Very good.



> fucking flowers

Christ, what a queer


That tranny probably doesn't wash his dong before sliding into Obummer's mouth. It might be slightly "distasteful", but that nigger's used to the flavor by now


Those hands though. She could palm a VW.


Agreed. There is trolling, and then there is a line you cross and you lose all your humanity. This disgusting meme is way over the line. Come on guys, let's not abandon all standards of decency.

big if true

The resemblance is uncanny. Whoever did this painting is seriously talented, it looks just like her.

kys - you don't understand fine art
