Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

This is the most innovative battle shounen of the past 20 years.

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In what way? Not even trolling, just curious in what you find innovate in this series

Boring powers
Underdeveloped setting
Shit protagonist
Obnoxious fanbase
Author letting characters live because they're populars

Just wait few more years, it will turn to another Naruto or Bleach. It wont survive the pressure of being the next Jump's great battle shounen.

Innovative is not the word I'd use.

It's generic as fuck, what are you on about? Even its fans bill it as "generic battle shounen done right" and shit like that. Nothing innovative about it.

The fans are retarded and praise it for doing clichés right and for supposedly avoiding clichés at the same time.

I know this is bait, but since this thread will most likely reach bump limit I'll just post this here.
BNHA is fairly solid, but it still is shonen (read generic).
Its strong points are good characters and artistic consistency. Generally with a cookie-cutter plot that doesn't offend or drag too much. The overarching story is interesting enough and there is a lot of potential for good developments.
Its weak points are that it still refuses to step out of the shonen mold. Meaning that it will never be more. It's shackled by both its author and WSJ conventions. It doesn't do anything special or out of the box, it just (for now) does the shonen formula much better than most.
This could easily degenerate into power creep, lack of plot progress or a too large cast as time goes on. It's still in the initial honneymoon phase of shonen so it's easy to say it's better when it has achieved very little.

It has all the makings of being a successor to the big 3. That's not a compliment to it, it just means it will eat up the shonen slot for the foreseeable future.

It's called deconstruction moron

I agree with what you're saying, but there is a high ceiling of enjoyment for just "shounen done right" so though it's technically constraint, it really isn't much of one.

Especially since lots of shounen these days just fucking suck and I'm pretty sure even people who enjoyed the majority of Naruto/Bleach/Fairy Tale have a bad taste in their mouth at this point.

BNHA is so great because it's not only shounen done right, but it's something that people who grew up on Naruto/Bleach have wanted for a decade or so: a shounen that can have good/great moments without constantly disappoint in other regards


It's a battle shounen.

Except BNHA is absolute garbage faggot


Is this word a meme now?

Pretty much this


muh deconstruction loool, your fanbse is cancer, this show is just naruto with a different overlay.

How is this even similar to naruto at all you mongoloid

Nothing unique about this generic shit show. The setting is shit and limited, deconstruction is a meme because of this fanbase, even though it follows all the shonen cliches. "muh mc is smart and doesnt always win" just like goku didn't always win or Naruto or Gon etc etc. wtf are they on about.

off the top of my head I can't think of a fight that Naruto didn't win.


Naruto vs sasigayu

>muh mc is smart cliche
goku and naruto are painfully retarded.
>mc doesnt always win
that's as much a cliche as characters that breathe air is a cliche.

Though I agree theres nothing unique about hero academia, you just kinda went on a dumb rant there.

Your right about that, this show as all the cliches but they keep using the word deconstruction LOL. The mc literally got given the most powerful quirk. Sure he cant use it now, but just sub out quirk for kyubi or hollow or potential etc lol no difference

>that's as much a cliche as characters that breathe air is a cliche.

But BNH fags keep using it as an example of deconstruction.Holy shit my sides LOL

>Holy shit my sides LOL


BNH fags in a nutshell

It has a lot going for it and I'm glad it's popular but it's still pretty generic.

BnHA is truly the Eva of this generation. Eva used to bring a lot of debates to the table to because it was controversial.
However, a decade later everyone will look back at BnHA and realize that it's a timeless classic, just like Eva did.

>good characters
the two mains are legitimately worse versions of naruto and sasuke
>l'm a loser and you're not therefore let me passionately suck your cock despite the fact you treat me like dogshit, l have negative levels of testosterone btw
>reeeeeee l'm triggered by the fact your desire to better yourself threatens my retarded superiority complex, also l'm the worst character in the series and the most popular one this should tell you something about the fanbase!
l give it 100 chapters top before it gets into naruto/bleach/fairy tail levels of shit

If you're being this much of a contrarian no one can help you. Neither of the descriptions you gave fits the main and his "rival".
Just let the thread die. We get it: You don't like BNHA.
Oh and fyi, Bakugou was designed to be unlikable.


>If you're being this much of a contrarian
you're a stupid fucking faggot

>Bakugou was designed to be unlikable.
>i-it's shit on purpose!!!
the absolute state of bnhafags

Literally kill yourself.

>oh and fyi, I'm a huge cocksucking faggot.

>being this contrarian

>Find a flaw
>Shounen shit
Obvious flaw is obvious

what do you watch then?

Why put a comic in gif format, just makes me frustrated it's so fucking slow.

>Characters are wooden

>Generally speaking, the plot of the show is standard at best.

>Predictable and poorly executed most of the time

>Easily one of the more generic shonens we've seen in the last 5 years

I say all of this and I still love the series. The animation is great and its entertaining enough. Just don't go around calling shit flawless.


Blessed yuri

Nobody dies.

It's an effective shonen but no way it's innovative. OPM is more innovative than this.



It's a filler fiesta after AFO Vs. AM.

>Being this much in denial

What's going on is still pretty interesting. That mini arc when they were in the forest was kind of boring though

It's fucking Naruto with capeshit

It is the ANTITHESIS of innovation

Fucking KEK

It's not?


If you actually read further on in the manga you'd realize OPM does a lot of neat concepts other than "one joke" which is what you detractors bring up on a consistent basis.

Oops sorry I meant to say Re:Zero

>Boring powers
Subjective, just because the majority of people in-universe aren't reality busters like in other shonen anime doesn't mean they're bad, if anything you can make an argument that it means the action is more grounded.
>Underdeveloped setting
True, there are a lot of questions about why exactly the world is like it is that are only vaguely hinted at in the background.
>Shit protagonist
Subjective, I like Midoriya because he's a breath of fresh air, I like him because he's timid without being a boring self-insert, and he's also more itnelligent and wise than the average shonen protagonist.
>Obnoxious fanbase
>Author letting characters live because they're populars
It's an optimistic setting, which means edgy shit is less likely to happen. It's a world in which their is an entire profession of heroism and things generally work out okay in the end, that doesn't make it bad, it just means you won't like it if you're bloodthirsty and hardcore.

>OPM does a lot of neat concepts
Not really. Its incredibly standard and what's once becomes the very thing its making fun of.

>I like him because he's timid without being a boring self-insert
there's absolutely nothing interesting about him except when he breaks every bone in his body, and his development means he won't do it anymore
>low status faggot gets granted game breaking power by his mentor, has asshole genius rival, literal who heroine in love with him
"breath of fresh air" holy shit

You either die a hero or..

Naruto was more innovative than this piece of shit.


This is not even about BnHA, but what's with all these idiots who equate shonen (a demographic) with being generic? In a broad sense this can be applied to the whole medium of manga, where there was only a single innovative author: Osamu Tezuka.
It seems to me it's just easier for you to bash the whole genre, instead of coming up with some legitimate criticism. Although there are some valid complaints, even in this thread, but usually hidden inbetween memes and buzzwords.
There's this guy who makes some good points, but at the same time falls into the 'it's published in WSJ, therefore it cannot be good' way of thinking, deducting points for pedigree and projected developments.

It's because literally every shonen that ever gets popular is published weekly.
Weekly publishing means that authors have very little room for brainstorming, they have to think of where the story goes in maybe an afternoon, and then the rest of their time is spent drawing.

Magazines like WSJ are cancer that stifle the creativity of creators


Name a single unique thing it does differently that hasn't already been done by another shonuen.

Well it wasn't really about it being published in WSJ, but the combo of that plus the author refusing to take risks.
Doesn't help either that Hori isn't dealing well with the scheduling, but I'll take it over anything remotely like Kubo.

>there's absolutely nothing interesting about him except when he breaks every bone in his body, and his development means he won't do it anymore

>there's absolutely nothing interesting about him except
My favorite part about his character is his analysis. If you took his character and dropped him into, let's say, World Trigger, he'd be a god. I actually find the bone-breaking thing to be the MOST boring thing about him, because as you said, they can only ride that train for so long without getting hacky.

>low status faggot gets granted game breaking power by his mentor, has asshole genius rival, literal who heroine in love with him
People are okay with these things being similar because they're being done better or "right". The so-called "heroine" in this series gets actual development and even chooses to put her feelings to the side. Feelings which aren't even clear to her. Is it love or adoration? The details matter. Most things are shit if you boil them down to their base concepts. How the writer spruces them up is where quality comes in.

>He thinks it's all made up on the fly
Have you seen Oda's notebooks for arcs. He at least plans months ahead far enough even that he drunkenly leaked plot details to an acquaintance who leaked it like 6 months early.

>take risks.
You mean not fucking up his story like Kubo and Kishimoto did?

I think you hit the nail on the head.

On the other end of the spectrum we have monthly/quarterly publications where writers still do not manage to stay on schedule. If anything, some time constraints are needed, unless you want to see a chapter of a manga released once a year - and without guarantee it will be something absolutely amazing.
The French managed to create a robust and unique comic scene while publishing their best works in magazines.

This makes a little more sense, but 'not taking risks' shouldn't really be considered a flaw, unless one is jaded and is looking for new stimuli. But even then it's a problem with the reader who should probably try a different medium of storytelling.

>Its incredibly standard and what's once becomes the very thing its making fun of
Care to explain more?
The only way I can see OPM becoming the thing that it's making fun of is saitama losing his power

You're actually implying Kubo and Kishi took risks?
No they got lazy and jaded and pretty much fucked up because they stopped giving a shit.

>You're actually implying Kubo and Kishi took risks?
Having the rival join the dark side? Pushing the MC to the background so that an unpopular scientist chracter get more screentime than him in the final arc? Terrible decisions all around but they were risky.

You know there's more conventions in that genre other than that right?

Well I guess in the same way that shooting yourself in the foot is risky.

Can't even argue him

Too cuck-ish for my taste

Exactly. It doesn't help that Sasuke was a very popular character and the whole thing could have backfired (in terms of popularity) but it didn't.

Look at Garo, look at the recent chapter where One clearly shows the difference between his mindset and Saitama's, look at the way the martial arts tournament ended.

OPM is STILL doing interesting subversions of shonen, it's just not as obvious anymore.

Sasuke joining the villain faction wasn't risky at all because his fans are all edgelords or fujos and Team Taka fueled both of their desires.

>subversion of shonen
>the martial arts tournament

>Picks out a couple of buzzwords instead of replying
Am I on Sup Forums now or something?#
I thought Sup Forums was the best board on Sup Forums.

Is literally fucking Vegeta only less interesting

>look at the way the martial arts tournament ended.

A tournament arc that gets interrrupted in the final round! What a subversion!

in super hero world , super hero name should be hard to pick , because most of the name already taken by someone else .

>Sasuke joining the villain faction wasn't risky at all
Of course it was, it could have backfired and made people drop the manga

To the fans of this series, what does it do better compared to series like HxH, Jojo, Naruto, One Piece and Bleach? Everyone seems to love this show, but people universally agree (even the fans) that this show is pretty generic. Generic isn't a bad thing inherently, but i've read all the series I mentioned above, and greatly enjoyed some while not so much others. So if I've seen things done better in another series, I probably won't be interested by this series. What are the strengths and weaknesses of BHA?


>It's an optimistic setting, which means edgy shit is less likely to happen. It's a world in which their is an entire profession of heroism and things generally work out okay in the end, that doesn't make it bad, it just means you won't like it if you're bloodthirsty and hardcore.
AHHAHAHA what a fucking retard


Do you have anything you actually want to say, or are you just making an ass of yourself?

It wasn't interrupted, Saitama's toupee was blown off and he was disqualified

•Character Designs (including powers)
•Great Setting
•Side Character Management
•Well written villains
•Character emotions are written well

•Despite the current theme of "Even if you know the right thing to do, you're too weak to carry it out" Deku carries it out any way with minimal to zero consequences
•It feels like it's taking too long for Deku to get a hold on One for All
•Too much lineage shit. I know Japan has a hard on for that shit for some reason but I want Deku to ditch the All Might brand and become his own hero
•World building could be a bit better but this rc is actually working on that

>Is literally fucking Vegeta
>A tournament arc that gets interrrupted in the final round!
It didn't get interrupted in the final round but after it finished in a short time when saitama ran away , and this is something I haven't seen in any other shonen. Actually almost every single fight was different than and other tournament arc

>Too much lineage shit.
I am dropping this shit instantaneously if it's revealed that Deku's dad is a fucking god or whatever.

So... What are you trying to say?

Honestly I giggled my ass off when I heard both Ichigo's parents were special snowflakes.

>naruto with superheroes instead ninjas