Powerful member of the Resistance quits his job because he refuses to take orders from drumpf's authoritarian facist government. This is just like in Nazi Germany.
Powerful member of the Resistance quits his job because he refuses to take orders from drumpf's authoritarian facist...
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so brave
>quits a paying job because he would have had to comply with the duties of said job
What a retard, now he can't even get unemployment, that makes it even funnier because he works at the Dept of labor.
so brave.
Kek, identity politics. Stupid fuck, how is he to look his child in the face and say, "I allowed your country to be invaded by the foreign hoards."
He deserves poverty for taking such a principled stand for a completely rubbish cause
>Quit much job because illegal aliens are worth more to me than my own livelihood
>political message
>donate to my patreon
where have we heard this before?
>”financially delicate”
>where’s the PayPal where’s the PayPal where’s the PayPal
>there it is
Always a PayPal
Haha good one retard, everyone will forget about him within the week.
>Im a lazy fuck who didnt want to do his job. Child? HA its my wifes son anyways
I could have read all that but at the same time fag boy could have done his job
Translation: I want to quit my job and stay home so that wealthy liberals will see my principled stand and say "so brave" and give me money because of it. Plus, my numale face helps.
>Commucrat voter base erodes
>Communist quits job in state dept.
>Wages for working American citizens that much less suppressed for every illegal deported
>Tax and medical burden on American citizens that much less suppressed for every illegal deported
This ICE stuff just has so many hidden dividends. I couldn't be happier.
>guy quits brainless gov't job
>find a random hobo
>"Hey you want some work?"
>Jose gets kicked out with no additional delay
>underemployed grad student wife.
What is her job, and what is she studying Sup Forums?
I'll take your job. I have a degree in IT though, but fuck it. State jobs are nice and Montana is pretty comfy.
oy vey
its anoder shoah
dude sounds like a fucking delicate little lady, doesn't he? can we just cull all these weak soyboys off the planet already?
>too lazy to work
>here is my paypal
>Be father
>Owner of two cats
>Breadwinner in the family, wife is stay-at-home
>Quit job because punishing people that violate the law is icky
>Haven't found another job
>$900 in the bank (barely enough for a month's rent/mortgage, let alone food and utilities)
I'm sure he'll have a much easier time looking his child in the eye when he explains that they don't have baby food because he didn't support drumpf
And his wife kids and cats will suffer. Poor cats.
Jordon dyrdahl-roberts
"neither i nor my wifes son will take orders from drumft"
the name says it all
it seems more like he quit his job because he knew that it would cause attention on twitter. people seriously need to get a reality check, twitter facebook reddit instagram points are not real. they don't matter
Antifa is coming back, get ready fascists
Are you assuming her gender?
she baby sits the neighbors kids white studying sock puppetry
The wife will be fine, she has a pussy and can get resources from some other poor shlub, and this idiot will have to pay child support, most likely drink himself to death and suck on a shotgun to escape the child support.
Good. Hopefully he'll be replaced by a red blooded American who knows they all need to go back.
Powerful twitter feed
>I may be slightly emotional right now
>because I'm a woman
Disgusting this freak is shitting up the beautiful state of Montana. He should move back to California or New York where he belongs.
>I put in my two weeks notice
So... Is he going to do his job for those two weeks?
>screwing over your wife and child for the sake of foreign invaders
rope now
>What is her job
Fucking the professor.
>beta cuck trashes ICE as evil Nazis
>Claims the FBI is a benevolent organization that is under attack by evil Drumpf
These people are truly an enigma
I admire his resolve but I pity his disastrously bad judgement.
>"Why so Many Men Hate the Last Jedi But Can't Agree on Why
>But Can't Agree on Why
Lol, its having trouble understanding individuals with their own opinion that don't function as a collective.
lel jokes gonna be on your grand kids when they’re hunted down and killed by Pablo’s grand kids
Is this real? This is satire, right? Just trolling, but... it's so poorly done, I have doubts.
>DACA expires in 3 weeks
>ICE is getting ready for something big
Mass deportations incoming. The dems are going to keep demanding things without leverage and 90% of illegal spics are going to be dragged back across the border kicking and screaming. This is going to be glorious.
That was the wrong video I meant to post this one
Don't take the videos of proud boys beating Antifa serious it's a psyops.
How the fuck does that ugly faggot get a wife? Also would love to take his job, having a hand in deporting spics, where do I apply?
This. He me be retarded but you almost have to admire the poor bastard. How many of us would give up our livelihood for his beliefs. If my job was on the line I’d swear up and down the holocaust was the worst tragedy this world has ever seen, even though I believe it’s complete bullshit. Hell I’d even donate to a 6 gorillion fund or something.
>give up our livelihood for his beliefs
>his beliefs
We wouldn’t because we’re not fucking retarded enough to have these stupid beliefs to begin with.
>Asking for money and letting people do what ever they want in your country because "muh fee fees" and now his wife has to support him because he'll have zero money in like 2 weeks
he even has star trek background picture on the twitter. He is like a caricature
Mobile posting so my post came out kind of shitty. You know what I mean though
What a fag.
>Montana DOL
>Calls rurals and suburbans retarded
>i've got $900 in the bank, a toddler, an unemployed wife taking on debt to go to school, and two dependent vanity pets
>conservatives are retards
wow, so brave, quitting his job and asking for handouts.
Trump is fucking WINNING! That twit is a dumb fuck who will be unemployed for years...
Muh dau muh sheckles oy vey
I'll guarantee he's Californian diaspora. He had better go back.
some employers require giving two weeks' notice before officially quitting employment.
people can quit on sooner notice but it leaves them on "bad terms" that could show up on any attempt at returning to that employer, or if another business asks that employer about that employee's work history.
Its Literally Hitler to enforce immigration law haha
yuge if accurate
If a nigger were in similar financial circumstances: ABORTION
Soyboy faggot knocks up his blacked nursewife? OMG GIBS SHECKLES PLZ
I guess
oh well
>Adult male with a hyphenated name
Kill yourself, boomer scum
death by virtue signalling. wew
Have you never had a job?
How old are you?
I know that, but if he's quitting out of protest is he going to be sending the required info during that time? Is he going to say "I disagree with this on moral grounds but I'm going to do it two weeks now" or is he going to be a bitch about it and hold things up for everyone?
>some employers require giving two weeks' notice before officially quitting employment.
fuck two weeks notice, they don't give you notice on getting layed off, ive never given it and never had an employer who had an issue with me immediately quitting my old job to start my new one
Excellent point in more ways than one.
If someone actually thinks they are working for Nazis they would leave immediately and just accept they won't get a reference.
>fine but I'm only gassing Jews for two more weeks
>i am brace because i did this even tho i need money
>hey btw can you give me some money
brave. fuck
Note that this got the fewest retweets. It was the point of his entire stunt, and it got the least attention. Poor guy.
Go back to 9gag retard.
Is that guys dick bleeding?
What is it with leftists and their obsession with describing depression to people? They all go
>"OMG, so much this, thank you for putting into words what I've been going through. I know some people I should share this with. Ugh, they just don't understand."
And for some reason, they seem to need more and more of these 'thoughts on depression' which are really just roundabout ways of trying to milk their mental state for attention. And I say this as someone who has been depressed in the past. It's fucking gay, and people need to get over it, not indulge themselves in their misery.
Depressed people need their asses kicked. I am 100% serious. Nothing makes you feel better than realizing what a shitty situation really feels like.
>undocumented workers
undocumented proctologist.
>writes on depression
depressed liberals are literally the most clueless people on the planet. it NEVER occurs to them that their thought process is why they are depressed, even though that is the basic cause of depression in nearly all cases (mismatched thought patterns and environmental reality).
That's what I say, those fucks will wait until 4 pm on friday to tell you your job won't be there monday but expect 2 weeks or they play games with your unused vacation time
naturally he's not prepared to shoulder this burden on his own, either. his posts are basically saying "look you pussies, I did this FOR YOU. I'm your martyr. now chip in." this is why LARPing is dangerous.
this was so well done
this guy probably got made fun of constantly by all of the other people at his job. he hated going to work because he was a loser there. this is just his way out.
>my first real refill
I'm proud, user
Lets be honest for a second here, I'm pretty sure he'll make much more on pateron/paypal than he'd get slaving away at a government office.
Leftists will cough up money the second it looks like they can virtue signal.
Powerful and inspiring.
not a long term strategy
the swamp...it drains itself.
>We were going to deport illegals
Good? What's he saying?
>no voice
under communism you'd be killed if you attempt to use your voice against the system
in capitalism, you are fully allowed to voice your concerns, but people have to actually care about them too. This way the concerns that get dealt with are concerns which affect everyone, not just certain people
Lol he did it because he knew he'd score some SJW bux.
Hoping him and his "toddler" end up having to eat cat food.
jesus christ someone actually mated with that
hahah look at the top of his HEAD!