Why don't you like my nigger movie, goy?
It's 100% (((fresh)))! Are you racist or something?
Is that because you are jealous that they Wuz Kangz?

You have been so evil, go see my movie nao!
Never forget how you deported the 6 gorillion,
Expiate slavery, gentile!

Look! Top critics say it's great and progressive!




Rubbity rub

Come on goyim, go see my movie!

But goy come on! You need to pay for slavery! Give your cash to Djaquan and Tyrone at least so they can witness history!

Our sales are not doing to good. Chinks won't see movies with basketball Americans. So you must do your part and buy at least two tickets!

Vas au lit mec t'est bourré ou crever mais ton thread craint tu parle tt seul

Goyim! GO. SEE. BLACK PANTHER! I am telling you, it's the rabbee's knees.

Z'inquiète gérard. Si y'a pas au moins 10 réponses ils viennent pas.

Our cinema needs to be more diverse, More Wakandans in your city now!

Pas si tu fais un thread de qualité et si tu veux te bump utilise un proxy comme sa on pense pas que t'es solo

Le proxy plante. la fenêtre refuse toujours d'être postée sans VPN et autres.

Observer quand même qu'il y'a tant de bites coupées à encenser ce navet, c'est marrant.

*avec VPN voulais-je dire

Bon je retourne au lit j'ai pas envie d'être crever y a l'ep6 de démocratie participative qui sort demain . Tu regardes ?

So I'm not usually into the social justice thing, but isn't this movie actually kind of racist against actual Africans? I mean, listen to how the niggers talk. They talk like African-Americans rather than actual Africans. Doesn't that basically mean that actual Africans are subhuman while African American variety blacks are superior? Am I the only one seeing this?


oui depuis peu. Ca reprend le format d'Anglin, je me marre bien en le lisant et ca rend les gauchos fous donc bonus.

Je n'ai pas vu, c'est un podcast qu'ils font?

Nah, it's true. That movie is only made to appease nigs really. They just give life to that jew Stan Lee's black dream. Plus the Eternal heeb tries to rally his ally O'mukuna that can't even the wheel, but suddenly has a civilisation more advanced than Whitey, Atlanteans, Egyptians and AYYlmfao combined

That is one ugly Semitic mug if I ever saw one

Un peu je considère plus sa comme une émission de radio

Je jetterai un oeil. J'aime bien leur humour et le discours a besoin d'être violent et corrosif en ce moment. Ils font ça à quelle heure?

C'est que de la rediffusion sa sort tout les mardi et j'adore leur humour aussi

none of these people are real.