NZ Migration Soaring

Is any other country having the migration rate NZ does, we have 130k migrants coming in with a pop of only 4.8 million

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NZ seems like the most comfy place in world to live.
Rugby is significantly more fun to play and watch than US football. Beautiful environment. Near ocean all the time. Never too hot or cold.
Tell me more Kiwibros, is it all it seems like?

>is it all it seems like?
no outside of Auckland and Rural Canterbury lots of poverty

But is it like basketball american poverty, crime and shitty inner cities? Rural poverty is not nearly as bad as city poverty.

>Rural poverty is not nearly
There are maoris living in Tin Shacks on the east cape

How common is pic related? Does NZ have a shortage of Engineers?

As an Australian, it hurts accepting the truth that NZ is the better country for whites. My older (and more successful) brother is running a small furniture business in NZ and he says doing business is so much easier in NZ compared to AU. The low population is only a problem if you like to play multiplayer games.

That's pretty crazy. We have less than double that with 5 times the population and our immigration rate is ridiculous and causing tons of problems

>How common is pic related?
pretty common like 40 to 50% of suburbs not including state housing suburbs, more so in small towns but in Auckland and CHCH you get far sexier suburbs

>Does NZ have a shortage of Engineers?
take a look at the list

its worse for auckland when we receive half of all the migrants

>almost 70,000 immigrants per year in a city of 1.5 million

Sounds like Toronto but worse

house prices are a million plus avearge

I don't get it. How people from poor Asian countries are able to immigrate to NZ? I mean, I want to do it too, but fucking how?

Same as Toronto then.
This is a big country but with only a handful of cities where jobs can be found. That are hundreds if not thousands of miles apart from one another.

It sucks, mainly due to the darkies.

Yeah, just like Toronto/Vancouver. Shitty government policy pricing the natives out of the city so that it becomes a hive of rich cosmopolitans completely detached from the country that surrounds it

job growth is basically in auckland and surrounding towns and cities only

Can I immigrate and get a gf?
t. white man from Ottawa valley

That's the east cape though. It's always been shit.

Come to the South Island my dude. It's the most beautiful part of the country with the best people. Sparsely populates though and I have a feeling that we'll be getting enriched by Africans in the near future.

We have a stupidly biased FTA with China and Korea which, among many other shitty things, necessitates us taking in anyone who passes government vetting (which the Chinks are willing to lie about).

Do Kiwi girls like Canadian men?

>That's the east cape though. It's always been shit.
North Island is poor in alot of areas but in the South island its really just pockets in ChCh and dunedin and the west coast

Better to bring one, local girls are trash tier (hideously over entitled, vapid etc).

Euro girls are in insanely high demand because of it, even the British ones.

>like Canadian men?
no one thinks about canadians here

>Do Kiwi girls like Canadian men?
They seem to be into anyone mate.

No preference from what I can tell. You have a weird accent. If you can get laid in Canada you can do it here.

NZ doesn't even exist, where those 130k immigrants actually end up is the real question we should ask.

Only white chicks who are probably worse are the South African ones, which is a shame as I rather like Saffers.

Just kidding, it was a shitpost. No interest in emigrating

Because the son of Castro likes niggers and muzzies instead of chinks. NZ and Australia love Chinks, hate nigger, muzzie, poo, pommy and amerimutt.

If I come can I get a government issued gf?

Ah, shame. Thanks for the answer.


Nice generalization faggot.

t. Tauranga

Why do you want to move, what's wrong with Russia?

We also get a lot of Singaporeans etc

Also weirdly enough a few of your Oligarchs keep their get aways here. It's weird, we're like a tax haven without any of the benefits of being one.

Can guarantee if theres an nz thread complaining about astronomically high immigration rates it will be populated by foreigners trying to get info to move here and cucks encouraging them to do so.

Tauranga is basically just pensioners sitting by the sea while the rest of the BOP is horrid

don't enforce the immigration laws, I'm planning to move there in 2025

uhh what's wrong with pic related?

t. Fag who never been to the mount during the summer.

I realise its depressing seeing whats happening but people would kill to live here

Were run by freemasons that are traitors to race. Its nothing new.

monkey go away

Dont worry during 6 weeks of winston Right Wing death squads kill all the immigrants

>When Brazilians migrate to New Zealand it makes both our countries whiter.

Fuck off though.

>t. Fag who never been to the mount during the summer.
thats like saying Whangamata is wealthy because during summer aucklanders come down to their baches

Mount Maunganui sucks though.

>less than double that

you suck at mathematics

It’s really rich to see Kiwis complain about immigration when around 15% of their population lives here.

Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.

>It’s really rich to see Kiwis complain about immigration when around 15% of their population lives here.
you didn't have to let them in, you agreed to it

But we didn't migrate, or particularly like the cunts that did.

>anyone who passes government vetting

Why don't you re-design the vetting if you don't like them? Or majority of sheepfuckers truly love chinks in their deep heart?

Dont worry, I'm half asian. You will not even notice that I'm immigrant

new plan kys

Feel free to put them on manus.

NZ is doomed. It's over. Culture and community doesn't mean shit to our government.

>I'm half asian.
>A fucking Yellow Monkey

>Or majority of sheepfuckers truly love chinks in their deep heart?
he is actually wrong its around 1000 for special jobs that the FTA said can come in meanwhile the other 10s of thousands are just normal chinese migrants

>Or majority of sheepfuckers truly love chinks in their deep heart?
Majority of our Politicians, businesses and property investors do. We as a people despise them.

Well, at least it doesn't look like you're getting too many niggers. Yet

Boomers need that property market money mateo.
Who else is going to pay for their end of life care? Millennials who just play vidya?!

Mr Wong has 3 million dollars, that's a lot of end of life medicine mate. So your out and he's in.

It's globalism mate. Your millennial faggot ass is completely replaceable.

the chinese wouldn't allow it

A great deal of immigrants here only want citizenship so they can move to Aussie.
I'd bet not even half of the "kiwis" that live in Australia were actually born here


Its one of the last life rafts in the world. Trouble is every fuck is scrambling to get here because they have irreversibly fucked up their own countries. But when they arrive they will fuck up NZ too, turning it into a dystopian over crowded shithole like the rest of the world.

Yeah there is nothing you can do now. If you deported all the chinks, poos and islanders Auckland would collapse and then the rest of the nation would be mega fucked

Just sell the north Island and be one with it.

>Culture and community doesn't mean shit to our government.
This. NZ has changed so fucking rapidly since the 90s.

Tell those pussy South Efrikans to come back and fight

Politicians voted in by the people. If majority of NZ voters don't approve what politicians do, then why don't they vote them out? Or say why those politicians despised by the people being repeatedly voted in?
Or maybe your statement is wrong? You mistakenly think majority of sheepfuckers despise them, instead of based on the count of votes.
Western democratic countries have this tool, called election, to vote who ever you want. If you don't like a specific candidate, don't vote him.

James Cameron bet big o NZ being a 'life raft'.

But like any life raft it will sink if it gets too crowded.

There needs to be a boomer genocide

>There are maoris living in Tin Shacks on the east cape
Ok but how do white people live
Alos how much does land cost

Alot of them probably would if you actually had a civil war. Our pozzed government would probably try stop them through. Can't hurt the darkies

our country is a literal sinking ship

>If majority of NZ voters don't approve what politicians do, then why don't they vote them out?
because people vote national to matter what because they think its better than labour even if they hate chinks

Land costs a lot thanks to the Chinese, just like in Australia and Canada

>how do white people live
anywhere from statehouses to the mansions in the Clevedon Countryside

>majority of NZ voters

low information boomers are the biggest voting block, they get their information from the 6 o clock news. and vote liberal, Labor because their grandad and dad did.

The other sizable voting block is immigrants & non-whites who will pretty much always vote to take things from whites land, money, power, women and give them to non-whites.

Well, do you know what is going on with the prices of some computer parts? Now imagine that those prices are doubled AND your salary is reduced by 50%. Also, this is true about almost any prices except food. And I'm not even talking about political issues directly.

I was reading about the NZ homeless report yesterday.

Don't worry Kiwibros we will be joining you in a few years thanks to boomer politicians. Actually the situation in Melbourne might mirror Auckland currently.

>and vote liberal, Labor because their grandad and dad did.
As shit as Labour is National has gone down the drain.

>Don't worry Kiwibros
its mainly just maoris and islanders living in cars and garages so not to bad yet

rip your country kiwi

Australia gives its boomers 70 billion a year. Including ones who own million dollar homes.

Why am I not surprised?

That's crazy RIP in peace New Zealand.

Or our people. I whinge in almost every New Zealand thread about the state of the place. We have no spirit or soul.

30K homes per year need to be built to alleviate the current housing crisis.

Looks like every street in the country except usually that garden would have been subdivided into another house. Yeah NZ has a shortage of engineers but low pay and a high cost of living. Your better off moving to Thailand.

Close the easy immigration to Aussie. You are just getting trash from here

>imported luxury goods are expensive

If this is the worst ill your society has think yourself lucky. I can afford computer parts but a home is $1,000,000 and a traditional wife a one in a million chance.My society is also morrally destroyed, a spiritual wasteland.

I would pay gladly pay more for computer parts if the fucking house prices alone dropped.

>that garden would have been subdivided into another house.
RIP the 1/4 acre section

Next stop Australia!

Has blocking foreign ownership cooled the housing market yet?

People who think they're entitled to a quarter acre are the fucking worst.

not been implemented yet i think

Not passed yet.

Probably will be cucked on.

market has plateaued in auckland over the last year but is rising for some reason in the regions

Will there ever be a day of the rope in NZ?

You would easily be able to get a quarter acre section if there wasn't a million immigrants, none of whom give a shit if they live in a shoe box