This shit was the best supposed ''anime'' to come out in decades. How the fuck is this not Kino?
I'm so hyped for this shit. This is what Berserk could have been but instead we got shitty CGI.
America saving japan again
>I'm so hyped for this shit
It already came out, idiot. It was good.
Not anime
Kill yourself
butthurt churchfag detected
It was absolutely terrible. The only thing going for it is some gore here and there but both the plot and characters were absolutely forgettable.
>not posting the original poster
This fucking show blew my mind
Why no talk about it
>Why no talk about it
because this is Sup Forums and this belongs on Sup Forums
the mods keep deleting these threads since it's off topic
it'd be like posting a voltron thread here.
you can post it in Sup Forums or Sup Forums but not Sup Forums
because mod are gods in here
It's a nutless throwback to 80s ova and most people are smarter than you.
>Sup Forums's response to this show is either shilling tier praise or contrarianism hate
fuck guys it was just alright settle down.
That whole church scene with the demons was fucking perfect.
>Sup Forums thinks they had it bad
The threads on Sup Forums always derailed into sect wars and goat fucking.
Also genera hatred for Ellis though even the people who love the show can agree on that.
This guy was fucking awesome.
I'm surprised this shit was also funny
the story the animation is based on is japanese
>mfw seeing Dracula interacting with his wife
Think they'll dive into their relationship a little more via flashbacks?