Do you guys still oppose Planned Parenthood?
Do you guys still oppose Planned Parenthood?
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Only stupid reactionaries oppose abortion. Personally I think it should be mandatory.
Babies are precious and innocent and I would never abort a child. I really hate this life
totally support it for non-whites
this, think of all the elections republicans lost catering to evangelicals on a losing issue when they could’ve outflanked the dems by offering all the abortions non-whites could ever want for free
Planned Parenthood was a white supremacist eugenics organization founded knowing blacks would take advantage of its services more than whites. How is it shocking to fight this industry founded on black genocide?(Dems actual patronize black people and give them shit like welfare and abortion to get easy votes)
>implying we ever did
I could never figure this out either. It's why conspiracies are born. It's always been a losing argument and something they could easily forget and win more elections.
New York is a low violence, low murder city against all odds. Planned Parenthood has been a better investment than cops and schools.
I was like that brain-pill
>What race is it?
is it funded by the government?
Fuck off
Carry on
This goes for most things in general
Sounds more like crime prevention to me.
it is a necessary evil. Over 50 million nigger babies have been aborted since the 1960's. At the rate they reproduce, we would have an estimated additional 250 million niggers in the US right now.
But niggers aren't human so it's okay
>Do you guys still oppose Planned Parenthood?
Yes because I'm against murder.
But you might say something like "Without abortion, blacks would already outnumber us."
The growing black population would've forced us to deal the underlying race problem in this country a long time ago. Through abortion, we're able to put the issue off indefinitely it seems.
Is this really how you want to "win"? By murdering the defenseless?
I'm sure your warrior ancestors would be proud.
>Trash and wigger children
You are so short sighted
This is actually the difficult question for those libertarian-lite youtube stars like Peterson himself, that one guy who does the 'change my mind' videos, Ben, etc.. You ban abortions or at the very least you cut public funding for abortion, the result is certain groups will have more children that they are unable to take care of. Who provides for those children? The state. Let's say that ideally those laws are peeled back too and the parents have to do it themselves. Well they cannot and their kids end up dying or worse, killing others. The crux of their argument rests on the idea that, if the government doesn't subsidize it, people will know better than to do it (activity that leads to unwanted pregnancies). But I just don't see that happening.
why do most american blacks look like the teenage ninja mutant turtles?
My first reaction was to be shocked and appalled. But then I consider that this slaughter of black babies has probably more than anything contributed to the lowering of crime rates and such. Blacks as a group are retreating further into irrelevance as their numbers as a proportion to total population dwindle.
do the nigger kids go to hell when they die or do they not have souls to begin with
but half black mongrels will continue to increase in numbers
Evangelicals donate more than white nationalists. It’s not rocket science
If a woman doesn't know she's pregnant, she would still wear tampons, you fucking retard.
I have always been pro abortion, but for non-whites only.
I am only pro white life
Abortions for non-whites only.
that's how the virus spreads!!!
>being this confident in your stupidity
The Joke
^ Your Head
Well consider that before we started sending tons of food and medicine to Africa, their population was a lot lower. They may not be very smart but okpo and his wife can see that if there isn't enough food for them, then they won't have enough for their kid either. Before contraception, they would just learn to fuck less (and the man would use prostitutes more), and also they would post-birth abort
found the incel.
women only wear tampons once they've started bleeding sperglord.
I never did oppose PP, I'm pro-death.
Abortion OK, restore the death penalty nationwide, decriminalize opiods and allow euthanasia, etc. etc. The world will be better for it.
Always supported them for doing God's work.
Every Black neighborhood should have a liquor store, gun shop & abortion clinic on every corner.
As long as the dad is white the mixed kids will be good kids
The fucking state of our country
this. the issue reminds me why I, and a million other normal white males rejected "the right" for so long. until the new right it was all caught up in "moral" absolutes and chirst-faggotry.
nigger i got you
Thanks for my new roast material.
No plan parrent hood is part two of a natsoc ugenics program i have always supported...this reaffirms my support
I honestly don't know why abortion is topic of the left. Their strategy involves going for quantity of voters and then letting media sway them left and song free shit for everyone to get more. Abortions cut into their voter base but they still fight for it.
I support mandatory black abortion.
American niggers are essentially the mutt niggers of the world being bred from different slaves plus white admixture, as opposed to being pure Kenyan, Nigerian, Sudanese and what have you
they are el goblinos
>against murder
So you want to dis arm the police and dismantle the military as well then? Society funds and condones murder all the time.
evidently, planned parenthood is doing God's work.
Lot of edgy humor going on here. Way to play that card, bud.
If you are against murder, how would you "deal" with the race problem?
Ironic, is it not?
You're fucking retarded if you think these people shouldn't be killing their kids
Pardon me?
Kermit Gosnell is /ourguy
i always have
untold black babies have been killed
win win
>I'm sure your warrior ancestors would be proud
Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matters
Planned Parenthood could take another step and provide sterilization services
Niggers and white untermensch would fucking go nuts for that shit like it was heroin
>Ironic, is it not?
Republican nazies really can't get their shit together.
Does that make niggers the original Amerimutts?
I've always been pro-Planned Parenthood and pro abortion too.
I'm against parenthood.
Nope, and never have for exactly this reason. Something like over 10 million niggs aborted since it began. Could be a lot more.
Does anyone even have the original version?
WTF I love abortion now
Fuck off Maddox
It only affects more white babies because we are the vast majority of the population. By percentile, way more niggers are aborted.
Maddox was funny back in the day. His mistake was showing his nerd face.
No. Abortions should be service available to all. There is no moral difference to using a condom , birth control pills or abortion. Youre still spilling your seed. Plus why the fuck would you force a mother or couple to raise a child neither want raise?
He was only funny because at the time he was the only one doing it, got jealous of Dick when he had his show because he isn't funny
fuck niggers.
But he was funny though. Old school nerd humour. I guess compared to people on the internet today, he wasn't much.
Dick destroyed him because dick isn't a fucking nerd.
I believe abortion should be legal until the fetus is 14 years old
how would you "deal" with the race problem? imprison all of them? murder all of them?
I have mixed feelings about it. Birth control, in all forms, is basically DIY eugenics...
Free abortions for all no whites.
Death penalty for any doctor that does it to white woman.
We need to toss out the principle that every race should be treated equally under law, because it doesn't serve the White race's interest to do so.
Look at the population of Niger. 700% increase in 70 years. If Europeans had done same, we'd have 4.2 billion Whites and literally, the world would be ours.
Niggers are like the Zerg though. Our offspring are quality over quantity.
>Hong Kong saying blacks are like the Zerg
>implying I'm not white
Random video
It was a reasonable assumption, but ok.
Not only thst but George soros funds planned parenthood he admits it in his website
>implying I was implying implications that it wasn't
Sup Forums has known about the abortion rate of nonwhites for some time now.
Abortion is not planned Parenthood. Abortion is murder!
You got condoms, pills, temproarily sterilization...
Honestly, if republicans made abortion illegal, then I might have to think about voting dem for a few cycles.
So what do you think?
About what?
The genocide of blacks funded by soros
i condone black murder tho
All for it.
Jew Yorkers are genociding the Negroes
I guess they learnt from the masters