Do you still believe in yourself Sup Forums?
Do you still believe in yourself Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
But what is the "self"?
How can I believe in something if everything I hear about it only confuses me further?
Why is TTGL aesthetics so cool?
It was good because gainax tried to emulate 70s-80s mecha anime style but now trigger is using the same style over any series and it's really tiring.
Trigger was founded by the guys who made Gurren Lagann.
I know. That's why I mentioned them.
I Still love TTGL
Can't assume. I've seen people talk shit about Bones for "ripping off" Sunrise, lol.
Why not?
I do but often I can't feel like i can trust myself as i become lethargic and don't want to take action neceserry to achievement of my dreams the potential of which i absolutely believe that I have along with any other human being. Then again the lethargic state is also a lesson to discover even though it feels unfair.
What GL did for me however is made me stop doing all the mental "what if" scenarios almost completely, and it was many years after I initially watched it so to finally receive this message felt like a blessing that came out of nowhere that was always there.
How about going with "the particular perspective that you embody from which the universe/consciousness/god explores itself"?
Everything feels very dynamic, organic shapes, one of the best and appropriate uses of symbolism in any media, epic scale, pleasing color schemes. But yeah, it's mostly the shapes, just look at all the effect surrounding the drill in OP's picture.
>How can I believe in something if everything I hear about it only confuses me further
you don't have to believe in yourself user, you only have to believe in me, who believes in you.
Just seek your own demise user. Dont look for the nice things, look for the moment the bad things will get to you. You wont get anywhere by being attached to what you have.
how should I watch this? Series or movies?
Series and then movies after if you want.
Watch out, though: Serious shit happens at episode 13.
Series then movies. It's nice to see the difference between them, especially the 2nd movie.
Believe in yourself is such an overused, overrated theme.
Yoshinari Yoh is a god when it comes to visuals.
>Watch out, though: the show becomes seriously shit at episode 16.
Series first, movie for rewatch.
Whether you enjoyed the second half of the series or not, I've seen people ragequit at episode 13 because too many feels. I've trolled a guy once and told him it happened at episode 16, though, so he wasn't expecting it at all, lol.
>How about going with "the particular perspective that you embody from which the universe/consciousness/god explores itself"?
This is the most plausible explanation of reality I have considered so far.
No. I haven't in a while.
Or are you incapable of enjoying a bit of schadenfreude?
he was berating you for your spelling and I don't really believe he's wrong. But that's par for the course, and exactly what I was expecting when I came into this thread, considering that everything Imaishi has produced attracts redditors like shit attracts flies.
It looked more like he was berating me for word choice, not for incorrect orthography. Acting as if Sup Forums hasn't always been trolls trolling trolls and then accusing anyone who takes part in harmless pranks of the sort as being from reddit doesn't make you fit in any better.
In my experience, people use the insults they internalize. Maybe you're the one who migrated here from there and feel like you don't fit in.
In my experience, on the other hand, people who've been caught red-handed try to cope with their perceived guilt through projection, or the good ol' "no u". But as we both know, anecdotal evidence matters little.
That's true. Anecdotes don't mean much. But if you incorrectly attribute the negative comments of another person to nonexistent spelling errors while failing to capitalize the first word in the post you still end up looking like a tool. :^)
Fair enough, I should have addressed your choice of lexicon rather than spelling (since that's what the user pointed out anyway).
This, however, doesn't detract from the 'no u' kind of argument, nor from the fact that your choice of words was 'peculiar' to say the least.
>expressions that predate Sup Forums as a whole
Are you one of those idiots that thinks the greater than symbol being used for quotations was invented by 4chins?
>>expressions that predate Sup Forums as a whole
That is kind of the point, isn't it?
Every single word you used in that reply predates Sup Forums. You're seriously grasping at straws if you're equating my linguistic choices for a lack of understanding of board culture.
>equating my linguistic choices for a lack of understanding of board culture.
Redditors sure have learned how to disguise themselves well. It was bound to happen at some point because what you call 'linguistic choices' are things that used to be popular here as well. The keywords being 'used to', of course, but I doubt I'll get through to you. Another day, another confirmation bias.
Watch episode 1
Skip to episode 5
Watch through episode 13
Watch the last half hour of movie 1
Watch episode 15
Skip to episode 17
Watch through episode 20
Watch the last 7 minutes of episode 21
Watch episode 22
Watch the second movie
If you do nothing else just watch the second movie.
Tried to believe in myslef bu it's hard when nobody else does. Sorry aniki.
>tfw only time I ever believed in myself is after watching TTGL
Do not listen to this stupid post, don't skip episodes
>never had someone to believe in who believed in me
Jesus Christ, you're dense. Obviously if every other word coming out of my mouth isn't the latest fucking buzzword I'm from somewhere else. If I've been here for many years, and thereby know the board culture, why the fuck would it surprise you if I use terms that have been used here for fucking ages?
>It doesn't look like a duck, walk like a duck or talk like a duck, but I called it a duck so I can look like I fit in and now I just have to dig my heels in forever!
epic post my gentlesir, take all my internets.
How many times have you re-watched TTGL?
only 3 times here
I have rewatched the whole series at least 5 times.
I've rewatched the 2nd half of Lagann hen and Episode 27 more than a 100 times though.
There are parts that are a slog but the forward momentum from watching certain things compels me and retroactively makes the weaker sections better to return to and watch. Could it be...? Spiral power?
Watched up to that episode where Simon gets over Kamina's death and dropped it. I remembered it being pretty hype but small shit bothered me too much.
Picked it up again a couple years later with a more open mind and it wasn't as hype as I remembered it but it was enjoyable. Post-timeskip was an absolute chore to get through though. Worth it for Kittan's sacrifice.
Weakling, 5 times here I think
>There are parts that are a slog
I wouldn't call them a slog per say.
It's where the series hits the point they start referencing and emulating the style of real robot shows and crap like Evangelion's weaker side (you know, when they're being all whiny instead of doing cool shit with giant robots).
If the person in question likes said series, there is no reason why they'd find those parts even remotely unfun.
I think you need those slower paced talking episodes to build up to the action though,
>I think you need those slower paced talking episodes to build up to the action though,
Not really. Super robot shows don't have them, Kill La Kill does not have them, Space Patrol Luluco does not have them.
You can most definitely make a wild ride from star to finish.
Heck, shows like Evangelion would most definitely not have them if they had the budget to actually animate a ton more angel fights.
The one show where I can actually say they wanted to do it that way from the start is Gunbuster and that's simply because it's a copy of エースをねらえ and the gradual buildup is the undisputable essence of sports anime.
>Show came out 10 years ago
>Takes "believing in yoself" ten levels higher.
It doesn't really take that theme higher than other shows, though, despite all the craziness going on.
It still echoes within your heart, user.
How long did everyone cry at the end simon became a drifting bum? i cired for about an hour
I have never understood why people consider this moment sad
fuck i said it wrong, i meant did anyone cry at the end when all was said and done not about simon being a bum.
I also do not understand why people find the ending particularly emotional or moving
I stopped giving a shit about the show entirely after Kittan died.
i cried because it was a shitty ending and realized every episode after nia appears was a waste of my time.
Trigger is copying Western cartoon rules more than old anime rules.
Old anime was incredibly stiff.
Not really. Everything pretty much comes down to how lucky you are.
I'm trying to not squander my lucky moments, though.
Surprisingly, sometimes it works.
9, it's my second favourite show
I've watched NGE 19 times
I watch the last 4 episodes every year since 2007
At least three times. First home watch, one all-nighter in the cinema, second home watch and I've been watching some particular episodes from time to time afterwards.
>watching the show with your big brother who's not really into anime and contemplating him having the time of his life by the final episode
Since then we watch anime together when we get the time, it's pure quality time bliss.
I do. You're gonna make it.
>implying I ever did
Hold your head high user!
>watched 3+ times
>own the limited BR set
It's earned a place in my GOAT anime of all time
PSH. I don't exist, faggot *tips fedora*
Bretty good.
They had a rule when making the episodes that something in the frame constantly had to move which made the shots very dynamic.
>skipping episodes in a show that literally has one season
Is this the only case in history where there actually isn't a single bad song in the entire OST?
I think 'Eye of the Storm' is a little weak, but yeah, one of the best OST's for sure
>I think 'Eye of the Storm' is a little weak
No. But I believe in the Me that other people believe in. And I believe I can be this Me one day.
TTGL taught me it's okay to screw up and be a rookie at something as long as I get back on my feet and I'm immensely grateful for that.