So, just found out there is no Alcoholics meetings in my town of 50k. Thoughts, alternatives, solutions? In a side note, three liquor stores and beer at every gas station.
How much do you drink user? Why do you need AA?
>No aa in a town of 50k
Either you aren't looking hard enough or you need to start an AA group.
Somebody explain this AA shit to me as I finish this bottle of tequila.
Find a good recovery support forum, it sounds gay but they can help. Avoid the ones where it's just people telling stories about shit they did while drunk, it just romanticizes it and will make you want to drink again.
Brah if your a problem drinker better to quit while your ahead. It took a DUI thats still fucking my life up, to quit
I know these guys found a chapter near you
Check the church bulletins and obscure ads in the paper....
Here is a test you can take, tommorrow, try to drink one beer, only one, if you find you can't stop and drink another, you might be an alcoholic. I am not gonna tell you you are or aren't it's just a good indicator to yourself.
Smoke weed instead. Being serious
go to church. pray for strength. but mostly, find out why you drink. you can't stop a habit if you don't know what made you start.
50k and no AA meetings anywhere sounds unlikely. Maybe try NA
I own a bar, I go a couple of days every week that I don't drink. But get shit faced 2 or 3 days a week. My family and wife are concerned over the amount I'm able to drink. Two nights ago I drank a case of beer and a 5th of whiskey, over twelve hours, and never got that drunk.
Ever get the shakes? DT's?
My wife says I get edgy. Maybe I'm making excuses, but I'm pretty successful. I can just drink like a fish.
4 years sober. You don't need a support group to quit.
There are 2 types of alcoholics, people who drink daily, or binge drinkers who cannot stop once they start.
Some people drink for something to do, it's less about the drinking, and more about the company.
Try to analyze why you drink, and ways to better spend your time and money.
Take some magic mushrooms, they will cure your addictions and show you a new path
Hmm I never drank until my second son died. Now I'm kinda over it, but I still drink. But its kinda my job to drink with the customers.
>Two nights ago I drank a case of beer and a 5th of whiskey, over twelve hours,
Unless you are an actual giant, your body is way to used to alcohol.
Edgy, as in irritable, well hard to say, you might not be an alky yet, but keep going and you will be one and will lose everything and every one or die, so I suggest quitting if you can, or don't just know it's all fun until it isn't fun, but by the time you realize it isn't fun it will probably be too late.
You don't have to drink to socialize. That's like saying a drug dealer needs to get high with his clients.
You can have a couple drinks to get buzzed and mingle, but it isn't part of the job to take shots with your customers.
Get a therapist user. Nobody could get through the death of two kids without some damage. Booze is just for coping and escape. It doesn't make you weak. Just check it out. They can find you a program if booze is taking over.
Sounds like bullshit to me. I've been to plenty in towns of population 500.
What's your angle here, OP? Post up your zip code.
>Two nights ago I drank a case of beer and a 5th of whiskey, over twelve hours, and never got that drunk
you are probably more drunk than you realize. its just the paradox of alcohol, the more you have the less able you are to judge its affect on you. Dont drink with your customers they won't give a shit. Just go sober man its better that way.
I'm a big guy but seem to have a high tolerance also. I've had 8 tall boys and half a 5th of tequila since 4pm eat today and I'm fine.
Yea that's the scary part is that I know its unhealthy, but I seem to function just fine in society.
Yea that's true but for me keeping a buzz is 4 or 5 drinks an hour, if I'm going to quit I think it will have to be all or nothing.
No sorry only the second son died, I have three healthy sons. has meetings all day long if you really just want to do a meeting + read the big book it help's with understanding alcoholism and our thinking, written by two drunks
just beat off instead.