$1.3 trillion, 8.4% of the $16.3 trillion GNP (2013) and 37% of the total Federal expenditure budget of $3.684 trillion.
What would happen if we stopped all forms of social welfare
Some people would die, because IDK. The optics would be bad. We need to do something to get this shit under control, but complete elimination is very unlikely.
You mean besides civil war? Idk, who cares?
Incredible market corrections.
does that include social security?
Huge market corrections but it would be political suicide
It includes all forms of social welfare the biggest are Social Security and Medicare
I'd cut it only for those without real disabilities that are of working age. And only after the demand for labor significantly increases.
I'd be in favor of it. Social security and other forms of welfare could be relegated to the states if they feel the need to preserve it.
now do corporate welfare
Social security is not an entitlement program and shouldn't be treated as one.Medicare was intended for the retiree only, not all of his kids.....SS is no different than veteran benefits....they were paid for by the recipient either in payroll deductions or in blood on the battlefield
Your grandparents would be your problem
Have to keep or phase out social security. Not fair to old folks who paid in their whole lives.
I think this is a good idea, but can't just do it. There is a lot to be said for multigenerational living - free child care etc.
The solution is really quite simple. A certain dude a few decades already figured it out. Massive work programs, lot's of infrastructure. Anyone who wants a job gets to build infrastructure. No one will starve because they can earn money building and cleaning and maintaining all of the awesome infra. And the non-morons can make piles of money by utilizing the infra, good times, fuck welfare!
Since 2010 the money going into SS simply does not equal or surpass the money going out, and it's only getting worse. There literally is no way around the fact that it WILL be cut back. The only way it wouldn't is if the dollar faced hyperinflation (which would be bad for other obvious reasons).
There's just no winning with the current SS system in place.
>real disabilities
This. I'm tired of seeing shiftless losers whose only excuse is "muh mental illness" claiming its similar to being paralyzed.
Free bus rides to strawberry fields for all the antique farm machinery.
People would need to start caring about family more, about community, and local charity.
It'd be a good thing overall.
A huge uptick in crime.
At first, but things would correct themselves after a lot of people died. The individuals on feeding off of these programs would view this action as theft, which is hilarious. In the end they would need to fall in line, or disappear.
Think about what we could do with that money think giant infrastructure programs paying $30+ an hour getting handed out like candy
all entitlement programs/welfare and 2/3'rds of the military budget.
What would that look like?
An added 400 billion a year
Millions of retards would die
Wrong. There would be no civil war. The people on welfare are the lowest of the low. They are both mentally and physically incapable of anything resembling warfare.
Anyone who receives welfare or is a government employee should be forbidden from voting. Literally no arguments can be made against this.
It’s gonna happen eventually anyways
people would literally starve or go insane.
bad idea, parasites or not.
one step closer to freedom
Why is this a bad idea?
>boomers ruin the economy
>still want to take muh entitlements
Why not just build infrastructure with spoons and employee everyone with the govt teet
>What would happen if we stopped all forms of social welfare
you'd see the biggest chimp out in human history and damages far exceeding what you saved
It would probably last a few months to be fair
Bullets are cheap.
It wasn't fucking "paid for." It's a pyramid scheme.
cheap enough for chimps yeah
The cost of the instability that would inevitably happen would not be, though.
Civial war. The fattened kings will have to fight since they have nowhere to go. How will they even move?
>Doesn't like welfare. Has spended trillions. Starting from day1 of war to satisfy some kikes.
Is supposedly "pro american"
Mfw you haven't fought one war that was even in your own interests ,but instead for some short cowardly kike rubbing his hands.
black people and mexicans would starve to death
no more low iq human garbage
less taxes, incomes go up
suddenly debt is payable
average iq of the country goes up by 10 points due to cleansing of subhumans, becomes superpower of the world forever
I think 1.3 trillion a year would cover it pretty quick
Plenty of people would have nothing left to lose and there would be untold levels of violence. They don't care about dying because as far as they are concerned they are already dead with the new laws. They don't care about jail because they have nothing as a free man.
And they havn't eaten in about 2 days so they are incredible on edge.
Welfare exists to prevent riots. Imagine Ferguson but happening in every fucking city all at once every day.
Full communism in 5 mins.
Stopping all forms of corporate welfare would be far more profitable and effective.
To most people living today, it becomes an entitlement after a certain point when it is no longer "your money". By the time my mom dies she will have been receiving benefits for 30+ years, not to mention the fact that I received a survivor benefit when my dad died until I turned 18. He worked for 32 years, but the money he paid in SSI taxes won't come close to what will have been paid back to my mom after adjusting for inflation.
Communist revolution followed by God's wrath in the form of RWDS.
It would instantly ass fuck the economy. The fallout would be terrible.
Absolutely shit would go crazy then there would be martial law then people would have to adjust
Commies deserve nothing but dirt.