ITT: Post good Jews
ITT: Post good Jews
That's pre-teef Milo.
>I like black dicks therefore your argument is invalid
Yeah ok
the ONLY good jews.
He's a lying shit who said he would have backed SJWs over you if the money had been there. He's as bad as Michael Moore only he eats sperm over cheeseburgers.
He also condones pedophilia, if only a real journalist like pic related would take him down
Her father sacrificed her to Molloch. She just wanted to be a druggy nigress singer. :(
I hope you're being sarcastic
Miller and only Miller
They're the best because they are no longer causing trouble
Frame game radio seems alright.
>good jews
You mean the ones that successfully tricked you into believing they are not lying to you?
Milo defends Steve Bannon and supports israel. He's the opposite of a good jew
lol whats that
Milo is the archetypal subversive jew
reminder that Israel doesn't move
Only because he has a hot sister.
Besides Kubrick, this is the only answer.
Also kill yourself for posting "LE BASED PHAGOT XDDD"
sage this fag shit
no such thing as a good jew
so here’s a pic of your typical yenta
Those pursed lips tell me he's not too happy to be around that kike.
Another one killed by ZOG
>good jews
what did he mean by this?