The Earth is 4.5 billion years old and you existed at the same time as this

How does that make you feel?

but that is not real. just ones and zeros.

>the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and you existed at the same time as
>a shit movie pandering to literal retards
pretty bad

>look at the rocks
fucking scientists. Yeah they also think yeast is my brother. FUCKING yeast is my brother and I used to be a flat fish from Nunavut.

Ok cletus

You may not realize this but there are a fair amount of scientists out there and not all of them agree with another.

Go back to Sup Forums

You have too much knowledge of evolutionary biology to be a real denialist. Nice try though.


>If everyone likes something it's clearly my duty to shit on it

This. And I even like the movie.
We don't know what we're all missing by living now and not 50 or 100 years later. Upcoming generations will probably be able to live in a VR together with their waifus or do space travel, control astral journeys or shit like that while we're sitting here in front of a computer and fawn over some movie that is good enough to make us forget our shitty job or boredom for a while.

My instincts tell me life shouldn't be so horrible.

Earth is younger than that.

>How does that make you feel?
Even flatter than earth

They might disagree on certain details but no scientist worth his degree believes the Earth is much younger than 4.5 bunion years old or that evolution isn't how we got here. Go back to middle school.

> bunion
Fucking autocorrect

They're minerals, not rocks, jesus fucking christ

>the earth is 4.5 billion years old but you're only allowed to live

It's out? Fuck yeah

Don't worry, user. You will live again.

I really doubt your life is good enough that you'd want to live more than 100 years.

>you will never live long enough to see humanity explore the galaxy

>I exist at the same time as something I dislike
>Guess I'll have to feel bad about it
You're not very smart, are you?

>good enough
what do you mean
I have a place where I can sleep, a work that gives me food and internet. I have burned almost 30% of my battery life and I have only caught a small glimpse at the enjoyment of the pass of time. It's so sad I won't live enough to truly enjoy that.


>the earth is 5 billion years
>almost the same as the time needed to get laid