Death Penalty

Resolved: The Death Penalty should be eliminated. Opinions?

Replace lethal injection with single gunshot, one year to make one and only one appeal, expand to all felonies

Waste of bullets. Criminals deserve to be hanged or get the chair. Enough of this pretending it's humane. You're fucking killing a person, own it.

shooting somone with one bullet is faster and cheaper than setting up a chair (paying for all the energy) or hanging them.

i heard a discussion about this once and the argument was brought up that the cost in therapy for the executioners would need consideration. firing squads used unknown blanks in some rifles so there would always be doubt in the shooters mind that he was the killer. I suppose we could just hire voluntary sociopaths to be our headsmans.

I disagree entirely. I think it should be expanded massively.
Some people are a net deficit and we need to acknowledge that and take them out, particularly when they end the lives of valuable members of society.
What good does life in prison do anyone?
It's a waste of money, time and energy.
The same is true for prison sentences where the person will exit prison, best case scenario at 60+ years of age. How will they pay back the money they owe for all that free room and board?
No, kill them.

Either the death penalty which is a 25 cent bullet to the head or state run for-profit labor camps.

Prisons shouldn't cost the tax payer anything, they should generate income.

partially agree: the death penalty should be replaced by forced participation in high-risk clinical trials and other medical research

>How will they pay back the money they owe for all that free room and board?

with labor

I don’t get why it’s so fucking expensive. We should eliminate it until we bring back cheaper methods.

Wrong. In fact it should be expanded to include scum like drunk drivers and kiddie diddlers. And none of this 5 or 6 appeals, sitting on death row for 20 years bullshit.

Forced labor should only apply for debtors and thieves who can not pay back what they owe.
A murderer has no value because no matter what they do with their life, they can not bring equal value to the life they took.

>reading a debate resolution on Sup Forums
what year is it

the mind may sin, but the body can still be put to use.

working to exhaustion is more satisfying then a quick exit.

you cant have punishment without a punishee


>build the wall
>deport illegals
>enforce the borders
>force prisoners to "do jobs Americans don't want to do" eg. pick crops, mine coal, cut timber

Keep them segregated from those who actually do those jobs for a fair wage. If they commit any offense whatsoever, they are to be executed on the spot in full view of the other prisoners.

I may despise the Soviets (Communists in general), but at least their manner of dealing with prisoners was somewhat effective.

The death penalty should apply to all non-breeding whites and all non-whites.

sounds like a sound policy for eventually executing innocents who turn out to have been wrongfully convicted

complete opposite, death should be a right and the government should promote suicide

A life sentence of slavery might work but those are jobs that could be given to indivudals who could use the capital to start a family. You're saving money but at the cost of limiting growth.
I don't buy into the idea that there's jobs people won't do. Cut welfare entirely, people will work.

Unfair for local businesses that would have to compete with prison

>edgy tryhard faggot detected


In all developed countries, the death penalty is not cost-effective punishment thanks to all the due process, appealed verdicts, and so on.

Put them to work in prison until evidence proving innocence arises - if ever.

theres always research

Undeniably a strong deterant to crime. Hard to argue against that. My only concern would be that if you make it too profitable to punish criminals (scientific gain) you encourage the state to punish the innocent as we see in America.

Forensics have come a long way...

A lot of people dont realize that the death penalty greatly helps families and communities heal after trama

cant imagine what it is like knowing your sons killer is sitting in prison while your son is in the grave

I don't support the death penalty because I don't want the state to have the power to decide who lives and who dies (plus the possibility of wrongly convicted individuals).

I do not have a problem if sane criminals with life in prison volunteer to be euthanized.

Niggers and spics should be eliminated, then it'd be a moot point. Sage.

We should bring back public executions. That would end the modern day crime life glorificaron in a week or two.