ITT; Countries that should be range banned to improve Sup Forums's quality
>Mexico >Israel >Canada and all other third world countries >Sweden and all other Communist countries >Brazil and all other South American countries >Turkey and all other raghead countries
Which else?
Jaxson King
kekistan and all other meme countries
Lincoln Rogers
>improve Sup Forums quality Dude, a fucking gay porn thread has been on page one for over an hour. It’s the mods who need thrown out. Fags, every one of them.
Adam Davis
show your flag burger
Angel Rogers
Meme flags Saudi Arabia
Ayden Watson
Op is probably Muslim
Caleb Peterson
>Sweden and all other Communist countries holy shit you're really dumb, please at least google communist for the definition also, in what universe is Canada a third world country?
Levi Robinson
Plot fucking twist
I'm taking you with me leaf
Dylan Ward
Every universe. Look up definition of 3rd world. Most of you cucks use it wrong to apply to developing nations.
Lincoln Cox
People like you should ironically be gassed.
Angel Foster
Muslim Canuck cuck confirmed
Zachary Nguyen
Take down /LGBT/, /cm/ /y/ and any other gay thread that I have missed.
Isaiah Martinez
Christian Rogers
Wherever OP is from
Julian Gonzalez
Nolan Turner
how about faggots with meme flags get perma banned
Thomas Cooper
Sorry, can't hear you over the defining shit hole sounds of your country.
Oliver Smith
5 second google search
Lincoln Baker
Clearly the answer is russia and canada.
Logan Cruz
Jason Davis
another one
Colton Watson
austrlyptycunt has a point
Landon Campbell
Op revealed flag. He's a leaf you gullible faggot
Brody Evans
jokingly --- australia and canada seriously --- turkey
Asher Morgan
Hudson Allen
stupid American, its like you are actually proud to be a jew loving faggot who kill innocent people overseas just to line Israel's pockets.
William Harris
Oh yes also let's ban everyone withouy r/the_Donald activity so Sup Forums can finally be drumpf echo chamber without any distractions
Ryan Collins
Revisionist definition. It was only the US and USSR.
Eli Smith
>Posts a badass looking giant robot
Elijah Myers
Everyone who ever posted with a meme flag should get a permanent ban.
Hudson Scott
That must mean he is right
Josiah Cox
>countries that should be range banned
What if we need mercenaries in one of those countries to kill pleb scat or another HWNDU pops up?
Isaiah Gomez
Come home israel. Be judged according to your works. If you are pure inherit enteral glory of the stars
Jason Ross
for once the kike is right
James Morris
Would it matter if OP was a burger? This website was created by Americans and made popular by Americans, the majority of posters are American. If Canadians were deported it wouldn't matter, because this has never been a Canadian website. All of you are here in one way or another because of Americans, not because your pathetic countries managed to make anything of value on the internet.
Benjamin Morales
if this happened you would literally cry and call it a shoah. meme flags were added by a jewish lobby to obscure JIDF.
Evan Walker
Op literally revealed Canada. Revealing fucking hypocrites in bread
Wyatt Allen
Americans are all like "genocide is ok if it looks cool and if they are evil nazi's" I hope you die alone in a rest-home filled with minority's that you shipped in you empty mutt.
Asher Howard
what is JIDF?
Isaac Cruz
id gladly be banned if all the other Canadians were banned too
Lincoln Morris
Unironically ban all anglophone posters. Since it’s our native language, brainlet retards can easily hop on and make low effort posts/shitposts. At least other countries’ posters have to be somewhat smart enough to learn and type in English
Chase Fisher
Nazi larpers are Muslims. Your country is in a timer of survival. If not for the us it'll be Chinese owned in 50 years or less
Jace Bailey
I'm okay with this. Just pointing out the America hate directed at you.
Brody Jenkins
then they'd just be shitposting in chinese
Samuel Brown
Why do we HUEate us desu?
Jackson Thompson
Americans obviously
Carson Baker
I would have said that too but then there'd be no users left
Maybe just california?
Jayden Green
and Texas
Juan Jones
"Countries that should be range banned to improve Sup Forums's quality" >Sup Forums >quality you smoke pot faggit?
Grayson Foster
>no india on the list these fuckers contribute nothing to Sup Forums all it ever leads to is calling them POO in fact i believe india is 90% of all meme flags because if they use the india flag all they get is a POO response
Leo Rivera
It's a fuckin American site. You leave.
Jonathan Lewis
Hue Bois are alright
Ian Diaz
Look at this projection you are the ones who will be chinese owned, we have already put systems in place to legally stop asian accusation of nz land. hail New Munster.
Brody Williams
clearly the US most brainwashed country, they think they are less brainwashed than russians, what a joke. most stupid posts are US posts. insane mental gymnastics regarding trump, he is the most kikeloving president ever but muh 4d chess.
Gabriel Long
ok ahmed whatever you say
Nolan Cook
Whiter than you.
Matthew Bailey
Brasil is very good my man
Chase Butler
But Muh free speech
Henry Richardson
¿What's the point in jokingly or seriously being mean to other nations if only your "white" (they're certainly not all whait) friends hear you? ¿Don't you want to trigger people? There is great enjoyment in that, for sure.
Ryan Sanders
>No USA shit list
Jordan Wilson
>Brazil and all other South American countries Objection!
Benjamin Brown
its okay Australia you can stay
Mason Rivera
>rangeban USA >posts' quality increases 99.99999999^%
Jason Gray
>rangeban Argentina >poster whiteness increases 99.99999999^%
Angel Lopez
fuck off false flag
Gavin Edwards
>Canada and all other third world countries
Daniel Cook
>t. Israeli
Caleb Jenkins
Whiter Than You...
Jonathan Thomas
ban all countries except America
great idea, user
Adam Moore
(((you)))'re the jew, jew
all that banning countries would do is ensure those posters use proxies
Austin Campbell
the only part that isn't third world is Toronto
and its a socialist shithole
Tyler Mitchell
>Turkey all they do is wh*Te post
Juan Butler
Jordan Garcia
>He thinks I'm American
Third world reading comprehension everybody
I guess its impressive that a baboon can read at all
Dylan Thomas
Lincoln Green
ask not how white you are but how much you can advance the common causes of humanity
Juan Miller
Connor Morales
remove the burgers, everyone else is fine
Jacob Morgan
your kind kike
Brayden Stewart
Cameron Turner
anyone that isnt merica
Josiah Wood
For me
1. México 2. Turkey 3. India 4. Brazil 5. Israel
Dylan Bell
What did you say?
Caleb Hall
Canada is first world, because it is aligned to NATO you dumb fuck.
Nolan Thomas
>Memeflags America India Korea
Parker Ramirez
When pol talks first world we don't care about facts, you retarded paki-nigger
Michael Carter
We are rangebanned in some mobile operators network
Owen Bailey
y tho?
Lincoln Baker
The only area even approaching first world in Canada is Toronto
The rest of you are dumb hicks and frogs
Grayson Ward
Finland. You'd end up range banning us anyway when the next new meme will be officially launched and it's only a matter of time when that happens.
Levi Rodriguez
we wouldn't have to
statistically finland doesn't exist
Benjamin Hall
meme flags were a mistake.
Jackson Jones
Noah Nguyen
Statistically Finland is the greatest non-existent exporter of forced memes though and also the greatest importer of range bans in chan history.