You are truly free here
What excatly is the problem with Ancap
low IQ statists don't understand it.
ummm, it reverts to tribalism.
see how well tribal cultures are doing....
Euro-Hunter gatherers were great
Economies grow exponentially, not linearly. Meaning, in capitalism, economic inequality increases over time, as differences between people make greater impact.
Now factor in racial groups. Smarter groups will rise on average and they will lift up the less intelligent members of their groups.
In other words, capitalism is literally being ruled by Jews.
Americans get the rope to
> economic inequality increases over time, as differences between people make greater impact.
Economic inequality isn't a problem in society as long as it isn't viewed as a bad thing. According to Marxism and socialists it is.
> Smarter groups will rise on average and they will lift up the less intelligent members of their groups.
And society as a whole.
> In other words, capitalism is literally being ruled by Jews.
How so? You're a fascist moron. No different from a socialist.
All the best ideas look great upon putting effort into close investigation but look awful at the surface. The reason for this is because (((modern society))) is engineered in such a way to make you hate ideas (((they))) don’t want in your head. A strong Ancap could own anyone who opposes him in a debate, but (((they))) aren’t worried about this because convincing one person at a time isn’t a high enough conversion rate to be concerned about and there won’t be many onlookers staying the required time to see all their fears debunked. Since the intellectual method is too slow and simple positive memes don’t stick due to preconceptions created by indoctrination, the reason Ancap is growing is because so many common people hate it. The maverick nonconformists will flock to it just to oppose the common snobs that irk them. The same thing happened with nazism. It got greater numbers because it pissed more people off.
It makes so much sense that both the Russian shills and the deep state are too afraid of it to even try to discredit it on here.
It will never happen.
If something is a good idea, then you won't need violence to implement it.
it could. the world would have to collapse in on itself. so you're right, it won't happen.
Just go read all of /u/of_ice_and_rock 's posts on reddit.
You are free, and so are the Mexican cartels next door
this is your road and yet I am driving on it
ancaps are fools who want to diddle children and think they will be running the predator corporations instead of being the mcslave. 90% of ancap memes are about child sex slaves. just with ancoms your all just pedos obsessed with unrealistic and dangerous values.
the NAP will be violated so frequently that it will dissolve into anarchy within 5-10 years
>shilling your plebbit acccount
??? ive never seen an ancap meme made about sex if anything, that completely depletes the purpose of an ancap
I used to be a radical individualist, until I realized that the individual is not the basic unit of a society. An individual cannot reproduce and without a healthy member of the opposite sex goes extinct within a lifetime. A nuclear family can make more of itself, but can't last more than a generation without committing dysgenic incest, so a family can't really be the basis of society either. Rather, a group of families of 250 or more people is enough to reproduce into perpetuity without committing incest. This size of a group and all its descendants, with enough genetic distance, can be considered an ethnicity or, with enough separation from other groups, a race. This group, as a whole, is a necessity for the long term survival of any group of people.
We do not live in a vacuum and the individual cannot survive on his own. Such is the reality of being a biological organism trapped in a fleshy prison.
then you haven't seen ancap memes
I'm just sharing him with you guys because he's an extremely right-wing Nietzschean ex-ancap who understands anarcho-capitalism and right wing thought more generally better than 99% of the people who have ever posted on Sup Forums.
He has posted a gorillion takedowns of naive, anti-state anarcho-capitalism by now. I've been following him for years and his posts are always a pleasure to read.
Take this example:
I steal your shit, you hire a private police force to get it back, I have hired a private police force to protect the police forces fight eachother or how is this dispute solved?
Nothing says debt slavery like anarcho capitalism.
A national government should not be the final arbiter of society. Economic development is the highest form of social cooperation.
Another case: Your home and all your stuff is burning down and the private fire-department shows up. They demand double pay or they'll just stand by as everything burns. What do you do?
Both private police forces say they killed the other and charge full price. No gov't intervention to prevent this no accountability. also what are you gonna do hire another one to get the other two. Also you have wars between your private police forces. Ancaps are autistic, and this isn't hyperbole the only irl ancap i know has aspergers.
who builds the roads?
comcast and it costs you 600 bitcoins a mile
ancaps are retarded
who will build the roads and why does everyone think ancap is more autistic than communism. economists, political scientists, nazis, communists, liberals, centrists, conservative. They all think ancap is retarded.
>Build ancap paradise
>Other people organize into a state
>State directs tax dollars to military
>Conquers and enslaves ancap paradise
Enjoy being invaded and enslaved by Mexico ancucks.
arbitration. Private police forces work on a profit motive fighting is expensive.
I should have paid my dues. Its called darwinism why do you want to subsidize stupidity?
WOAH im a statist now!
Capitalism and free markets are good so long as they are a means to promote our individual freedom, but not if those systems are placed above us and maintained at our expense.
Individuals can and will join up and agree to play by certain rules together, if left to their own devices. What matters is that they do so of their own accord, not because they're told they have to at gunpoint
Who will shop at my business if there are no roads? Who will buy this land if there is no roads/infrastructure?
There answered your question
so if we lived in the ancaps ideal world there would be no government, and everyone, as long as they can pay for it can do anything which would lead to millions of deaths which in turn would cause people to work together with a common goal and society would be reborn
ancaps are autistic, they don't realize that their ideology is self destructive
Another one: You want to build a bridge across a river. You could afford it if everyone would chip in and certainly most people would end up using the bridge if it were there already, but as things are they would rather hand onto their hard-earned cash than spend it on whatever might be on the other riverside.
How will you get your bridge built?
Anarcho capitalism = Piracy?
Alright, I hire an arbitrator who insists that it is rightfully my stuff and if that does not work I'll just get a bunch of regular thugs who'll do whatever I say if I pay enough money. Now what?
Freedom is a meme. It has no intrinsic value. Ancap, in the unlikely event that it can be maintained in any meaningful sense, is a decent system for creating material wealth. But even then, material wealth is not the only factor in quality of life.
The problem with ancap is that it does not account for the spiritual, the intangible. And before you use private agency as a copout, a proper ancap would be most likely to turn culture into a commodity to be sold not just to tourists, but to everyone. This is the logical conclusion of a society structured solely around monetary gain.
Ethics and principles don't make up a society. People do. And it is only a state that can both provide and defend the cohesion necessary to bring people together. Free association isn't enough, especially when free trade and free movement of labor mean that one must continuously move to wherever offers the most comparative advantage at the moment to be competitive in the labor market. Allegiances based on money are the shallowest of all. But bring people together based on blood, religion, history and culture, and the individuals within such a society can truly thrive no matter their standard of living.
Why do you need the bridge in the first place? If people are willing to hold onto their money they obviously can live without it.
Sounds like you just want to build a bridge to nowhere or build a bridge that will only benefit a small group of people.
They don't care about that. And once you house is burnt down you don't have the money to hire police to arrest them
You should be. Social Hierarchy and system of authority are natural human societal practices. Your dream is to molest children and have slaves. you can deny it, but at every anarchist's core is s seething abase monster ready to prey on something. You will never be the one owning slaves though. you will be the slave. the only ones who benefit in ancap societies are the existing corporations. You can throw logical fallacies all you want and you can screech muh nap muh free market muh innovation but the only thing stopping you from being a mcslave is uncle sam,
inb4 liberal shill im a royalist and I'm deeply conservative, i believe the corporation has its place in a state, but left to its own devices any corporation will become a slave owning cabal of pedophiles.
Ancap is just as utopia-esqe and unrealistic as communism
Horseshoe theory I guess
So many retarded presuppositions in this post it's not even worth answering. Come up with a real argument 1st instead of stating shit like
>Ethics and principles don't make up a society. People do. And it is only a state that can both provide and defend the cohesion necessary to bring people together.
As if it is fact
>economic inequality isn't a bad thing
>please read some history books
Alright, so in my "statist" world people get access to the other riverbank and realise they could utlise the other side in ways no one could have foreseen whereas in yours people are held back by their own smallminded nature and greed. Wonderful
Believe me, I understand and appreciate the individualist theory behind anarchocapitalism. Were most people as independent and individualistic as required, it would work just fine. It is just not how human society can practically be organized.
Humans are animals with society and intelligence that were developed by millions of years of evolutionary pressure. The tribe came before the prosperity that allowed the individual to exist on his own and is the basic unit of human society.
In a world of perfect morality, this is true. But we live in a world of imperfect, socially oriented humans that desperately desire some form of societal structure. This insane period in western society is in part because of the spiral into radical individualism, to the point where people are making up new genders and even claiming to be new species.
for BOTH of you, I will posit that while most people desire to live within a national government, there must be room for the intelligent to be identified and allowed far more autonomy than the average person. The upper echelons of intelligent people always have, do now, and always will live in an AnCap world.
The horseshoe theory meme just reaffirms the false dichotomy the (((elites))) program you with. They want you to see only two options and always pick a compromise in the middle. If you go even further to an extreme than what you’re presented with or pick a fourth alternative then you’re a dangerous thinker.
what lol?
What amazing new world is on the other side of the river? I guess you could use google maps or ask the people that live there/own it?
Are you seriously thinking that there would just be magical land not owned by anyone or not being used for anything in ancap society?
Speaking of Google Maps:
There are these people who have this idea that if we invested a ton of money and sent a bunch of satellites into geostationary orbit around the earth, then these could be used to create a navigation device which gives you pin-point coordinates of where you are and how you can get to where you want to be, but most people insist that old-school maps are perfectly fine unless you are a retard and this fancy gimmick is definitely not worth the price-tag. How do you get your satellite program started?
Do you need the government to invest money? Does R&D not exist in the private sector?
What exactly is government doing that it's required for an idea such as satellites to be brought up in R&D and then pitched to investors?
I mean since I don't have to pay taxes in ancap I have a lot more disposable income to invest in things I think might make money or just what I'm interested in. And the best part is I actually stand to MAKE money doing so instead of just getting fucked out of it.
Money would flow to what the people want, if there's a terrible need for many to overcome the limitations of simple paper maps then they will be intrigued by pitches of people looking for investors for their idea.
im going to bed stupid kraut, anyways this conversation is just going to be you telling me how is X going to happen without government and me telling you that you don't actually need government for those things ad infinitum
>who builds the roads?
Meth-fueled child sex slaves, duh.
I completely agree; in order for my scenario to work at it's best, there needs to major overhaul in our collective values and perception of reality, which is something I believe every individual should work towards on themselves.
I guess I just don't understand how "radical individualism" would work in practice, because humans are social animals by nature, and will act on those instincts without external influence. People who betray those survival instincts and are too uncooperative to function in any group setting will most likely be ostracized or die from their own ineptitude. While I flirt with anarchism myself, I think it'll just look like a million little towns/villages who are bound by whatever values or goals (it can be race, business, family, swinging, anything)
What you describe at the end sounds like Stirner's idea that you can/should interact with the state as an independent agent on your own terms, rather than operating as if you are subservient to it
Sweet dreams, that's the only place your deluded fantasies can actually work after all.
Always great when an anarcho-capitalist says he wants his beliefs challenged and then quits saying these back and forths are a waste of time.
Upside: no one tells you what to do.
Downside: no one is going to do it for you.
how fucking stupid do you have to be. in such a system i would literally snipe you from 500 yards out then go take your stuff.
Yeah, the thread is about ancap. Ancap orders people as individuals free to interact with each other however they find fit, as long as it won't violate the NAP
this is now a memeball thread
It leads to a degradation of communities and transhumanism. It's not necessarily "wrong," but I don't want it.
Because I'm in a generous mood
and a second one
>What excatly is the problem
Jews combined with niggers and other shitskins
Truly the biggest meme on the internet.
>people will just respect the NAP!
but also because it assumes people are perfectly rational actors
Capitalism is slavery, not freedom.