This board is still shit lol

Political Ideology functions as a crutch to the average person's sanity in the same way that a child will sleep in their parents room when they have a nightmare. The fact that one must adopt a preexisting -ism proves a lack of ability to think for oneself. Those on this board that subscribe to any ism, being fascism, conservatism, nihilism etc, you use a group mentality to make up for the whole that you dug by choosing to not research these things on your own.


Me too dude.

Unlike you, the perfect individual


Damn right

How much do yall get paid to be angry all the time. Last time you were happy was the election.

Aren't you a genius who's conjured a thought which, definitely hasn't been thought of or brung up on a politics board ever before. We shall bow upon your superior intellect, because stating the obvious is a necessity.


>you use a group mentality
Have you even read Locke?

All that time spent posting on anime boards has really made you quite the genius, hasn't it?

Didn't think that I needed to. GF
Lol no he sounds dumb. Better have prayed for a better name.


It's gotta go somewhere. Might as well be on another anime board for self proclaimed white dudes with self proclaimed GFs. Nice one dude.

>hasn't read Locke
>leaves to make tea

As a citizen of the shitposting union, your low effort is disappointing.

Tell me more.

Q predicted this

No u
Have fun
I'm bored and thought that I should give pol something interesting to talk about.
Lol what wacky antics was he up to this time?

The only ism I support is "mommy milkies-ism"

The only Ism

Keep talking. I'm listening.

People invented cliches and groups so that complex ideas could be easily understood. This is why, even in the grand scope of human individuality, people are vastly similar in beliefs. One guy's invention of Nazism led to an entire genre of Nazi belief, and yet it barely means anything at this point. Any Nazi would lockstep with Hitler regardless of what he told them to do.

Everything I leave this board my life always starts to get better. I have a date Thursday with a grill.
Been fun guys,
ps alt right is gay hehe

So how come you're so different?

Truth. Good luck with real life, these shits suck.
I'm not. I doubt that entirely.

You come here to proclaim you have some radical new understanding of humanity, and then you say you aren't special.

No, its not radical or new. It's just that most everyone here is too familiar with the deep recesses of their own asses to know what it is or actually apply it to their lives. Pol is too comfy being an angry tumor. I would have no problem with this if pol hadn't lost their comedic touch.

Who said it before you then?

I don't know any names. I couldn't have been the first though. I'm by no means a genius. I'm just bored.

was keen to mention that it was common sense to him. I'm keen to mention that he comes off as the kind of guy who's most used word is faggot.


What a hero. Round of applause for this thread's comedic genius.

Well, I've made my point. Btw, /jp/ is the angriest board on this website, trust me. Sup Forums's "anger" isn't a hair on the ass of /jp/'s.

Easy kid the edge might cut you, your original and unique ideas are where western philosophy starts, stop believing you are special

Never said I was special. Predisposed notions about predisposed notions really does reveal a lot about a persons ability to think freely rather than put me in a box of "le edgy faggots". As if GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW wouldn't be seen as edgy by any normal person. Don't exempt yourself from your own criticism.

You take it from here, poo. He will respond to anything, just say random bullshit and have fun.

Judaism doesn't exist user

It's called caring about the world and your future generations you fucking degenerate.

Some people don't want their kids to go to a school full of africans in their own country

Woah since when?

Of course it exists user.

>See user.

Yeah ok and inventing a mindset that you only share with neets on the internet will save the white race how?
Could have fooled me.

>being this new
GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW is part of the board culture
>dint exempt yourself from your own
user I didn't make this thread, I'm not the one who considers himself superior to other because he does not conforms to the norms set by THE MAN, you're just a pleb who need to learn how to read, accepting that you don't know anything is the first step of gaining knowledge


I'm not the one considering myself to be superior. And it's "I'm a pleb who needs to learn how to read." And I've already admitted that I'm not a genius. Believe it or not I'm trying to spark a conversation instead of saying GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW for old times sake. And I'm not new. I would have been chill with it if it was funny.

>i would've been chill with it if it was funny
Kek, go back to plebbit

>mfw when newfags make the “lol you believe in something” argument
lurk more namefag
>in all fields

That's the best you could come up with? I was hoping for something funny, not a shitty overused joke for people who clearly already hate reddit.
No I'm just trying to actually talk. So far I've gotten Gas the kikes race war now and go back to plebbit. God wouldn't want it any other way, huh? Pol really did lose its touch.




Sup Forums is not a person
Sup Forums is not an ideology

Nice projecting, stupid.

At least you had to type in the first one. Plus, being a 7/10 is perfectly fine by me. Not like this is graded anyways.
Pol used to be, at least. Now its just the equivalent of a dying animal screaming in pain.
Nice insult, stupid. Maybe something interesting next time.


>tfw to smart too not have the beliefs of a petulant child

>Tfw I never said that I didn't have beliefs

>[having a Political Ideology is like] a child will sleep in their parents room when they have a nightmare
Correct. Imagine how bad the nightmare of our society has become that people are unironically becoming Nazis in order to cope with it. We're becoming Weimar 2.0.

No, there was once a time in which people actually died for their beliefs. Now that we have forums, we can pretend that twitter is a guillotine. We've gotten too comfy.

>there was once a time in which people actually died for their beliefs
Are you implying such a time will not come again? What about Luca Traini?

Nah. It's cunt.

Every day it's becoming less and less likely.
Should have guessed, didn't think of the flag.

People die for their beliefs every day, it's just that you live in JEWSA

>Every day it's becoming less and less likely.
How so? We've had Breivik and Roof. As our society gets worse and the Alt-Right grows, fanatics like these will be able to join organizations instead of performing one-off lone-wolf acts.

Simple: because political ideas require large numbers of people with similar goals to organise in order to get anywhere. In our case (though I can’t presume to speak for everyone here, given the numbers of posters that genuinely are just nihilistic degenerates that happen to have noticed various socially suppressed truths), we urgently need our political ideas to make progress, hence the need for rough organisation, rather than whining over minor disagreements.

This is the same basic argument that can be used to counter Sargon-tier centrists that insist on bitching about ‘identity politics’ — as if we should expect any different in a racially stratisfied society.

For a second there, I thought that this was quite the intellectually challenging notion, but then I realised that it wasn’t. At least someone’s trying, I suppose.

Yep, but I thought that us "western conversationalists" weren't concerned with the "inferior cultures." Plus, any political act would be rendered moot by the fact that they aren't a superpower.

I never stated that we shouldn't hold beliefs. I'm just saying that we have to trade in critical thought with faith in order for that to happen.

American "tensions" are just a bunch of people crossing their fingers in hopes that they look like the good guy in next weeks episode of "what did donald trump do this time."

No you don't, order is how the universe works all critical thought leads to that

What makes you think that the fine folks on this board didn’t come to their conclusions after much consideration? I know that I did; I was a basic-bitch centre-leftist apolitical brainlet 3 years ago, and I’d expect that many in my position would have come to reach their current worldview through similar circumstances.

>I'm just saying that we have to trade in critical thought with faith in order for that to happen.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. We do have to rally behind a leader or leaders we might not 100% agree with in order to get things done. For example, I was not in favor of Trump's position towards Israel/the Jews and yet I held my nose and voted for him anyway as it was the best way to advance my agenda. Similarly I don't agree 100% with everything Spencer says, but I will still support him in 'public' because it's the best way to advance my agenda.
>American "tensions" are just a bunch of people crossing their fingers in hopes that they look like the good guy in next weeks episode of "what did donald trump do this time."
>BLM nigger executing 5 cops in Dallas
>Dylan Roof killing niggers in a church
>statues of Confederates and founding fathers being removed because of racism
>illegal immigrant gets away with killing Kate Steinle because of shitlib SanFran catlady jurors
If you don't think racial tensions in America are rising then I don't know what to tell you.


fuck off, and as other posters have said, those "isms" aren't invented by the followers of the ideology it's invented by outside observers. sure there are dumb fuck "communists" that exist today but they actually are stupid shits looking for a group mentality. The majority of "isms" are just labels that people place on those they disagree with. You're starting from a position of "everyone with an ism is an idiot" because of the bias in language you're accepting and ignoring.

and again, you're not coming up with anything. There was no significance to your OP and this thread will die and nobody will be convinced of anything you have to say. I recommend you just stop posting and let this thread die. Have a good night.

I didn't say that you don't have beliefs dumb cunt.

Might I ask what it is that you disagree with Spencer on? Genuinely curious

The modern understanding of the universe has reached a point in which we have had to understand that the universe can not be understood. The universe works with machinations that are so small that they can not even function by the natural laws set before itself. Order is not the word I'd use. Quantum mechanics says hi
And the act of rallying forces you to "sell your soul" in a way. Unless your definition of support is merely voting. That's just basic binary reasoning. Plus, these crimes are happening so fast that people are becoming desensitized to them. I know that I have.
I was hoping to see people who thought so as well. Gauge the Pollacks and see if they are still in any way redeemable.
Philisophical absurdism. For a good book, the myth of sysiphus. I'm not here for conversion, that's fucking stupid. I'm just bored and your Intellectuality didn't let you pass up the opportunity.
Read you wrong, forgive me.

Whats to disagree on, he has no political or social platform i s quite curious i stop getting replies whenever i mention that

You're such a pleb is hurts even to reply to you, duty is how the universe works my people thousands of years ago figured it out, stop trying to act smart my mentioning le space the universe represents our reality

>the act of rallying forces you to "sell your soul" in a way.
I disagree. In any representative government no one is going to get 100% of what they want. There is nothing wrong with compromise. I'd rather have Spencer's ethnostate than the Weimerica we're living in now and so I will help him to establish it.

>stop arguing the notions of primitive peoples with modern understanding of the universe
fuck off, now you sound like more of an idiot than I do. You're a prime example of why I made this thread. You chose faith over reasoning because you trust le ancestors.
Go ahead. That's not my argument or anything I can even debate against.

Okay, so your argument is that we shouldn't collectively rally behind a leader because that involves "selling our souls" and we should instead remain as atomized individuals?
Do I have that right?

Hard to claim intellectual superiority when you don't know the difference between "whole" and "hole"...

I never said "shouldn't" and if I did I didn't mean it. faith isn't a bad thing, it's merely a thing that can be good or bad. Collectively rallying can benefit the world, as Nazi Germany saved them from the German depression and can harm the world as Mao led the people into famine for the sake of communism.
Damnit, you got me. Better go home now.

>I'm not here for conversion
duh, that's why I'm saging your shit thread retard.

>I'm just bored and your Intellectuality didn't let you pass up the opportunity.
Didn't want you to think you could post stupid shit and kill another more deserving thread and not get shit on for it.

>primitive people
Let's understand your modern theory lad, how does reality function?
Yup as I pointed out you are the very definition of a pleb

Okay then so what's the point of this thread?

no u

We wuz first thoughtz and shiiiieeeet

A more deserving thread? like another "women suck, blacks suck, Jews suck" slide thread? Nice one.
I didn't go through the process of explaining that it can't be understood so that some idiot could ask me how it works.
I'm bored, I already said this. Don't look for meaning everywhere friend.

Well you started the thread seemingly attacking any "-ism"s so it just seems weird to me that now that you've been BTFO you backtrack to collectivism in pursuit of one's political goals is okay after all.

Yeah. This thread has been rather embarrasing for the bloke. Went from mockery and criticism to goalpost moving and diversion.

I attacked isms because I knew that the INTP intellectual types would be too encased in "You're dumb haha" reasoning to realize that they wasted their time, not mine. I was going to do this anyways. Nice to know that pol is as bitter as usual.
Could have been grand. I had to hope that Pol actually didn't suck though. sorry to disappoint, but if you didn't want to be disappointed you wouldn't be on pol anyways.

You were bored, so you started a discussion on a public forum on the internet that required you to formulate a semi-complex abstract theory beforehand? I’ll take your word for it, but you have to admit, it does follow logically that we can surmise that you must have at least *some* intellectual curiosity regarding the topic that you raised, and genuinely do want to see opposing arguments, if not receive constructive critiques.

I am interested and I do enjoy a good conversation, but not with the Idubzzztv subscriber comment section that we all know and love as Pol.

OP you're not a communist are you?

No, why?

lol@this mad cunt

And you're not a capitalist either?

Fair enough, I suppose. Have a nice day/night, mate

Yeah whenever I bring up Metapolitics I get really angry, it's like a nervous tic.

I'd much rather live in capitalism, yeah. Why?

see ya man.

So you're a capitalist, and you subscribe to capitalism.

You're missing the point. I never said that they were bad, I said that they forced faith on you. We had a really long discussion about this.

Namefag, actually. No tripcode here. Nice try though.