As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)
Pamela didnt died of overdose, she was raped and then killed by 3 boat "refugees" (Eng Translate)
Salvini (Lega): "The day we find out how Pamela died, leftists talk about racism. As Italian I'm ashamed about antifa rally in Macerata." (Eng Translate)
Fascists enter Chamber of Deputies. Leftists on suicide watch: "President of the Republic should do something, someone should react to this". (Eng Translate)
Lvca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy. (Eng Translate)
Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini: "I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families" (Eng Translate)
Luca Traini arrives in Montacuto Penitentiary, welcomed with applauses. "He's an hero" (Eng Translate)
Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)
Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)
his party (Forza Italia) can win, but he won't be PM anyway...
David Hill
other recent polls
Angel Carter
Evan Anderson
Jeremiah Ward
Remember, we need Salvini (pic) to get the most votes in the right-wing coalition. Plus, the right-wing coalition needs 40% of the votes to be able to govern alone.
Jeremiah Johnson
Any updates on the upcoming election.
Nathaniel Hughes
didn't know you had changed the thread's name
Ryder Foster
first for negroids
James Johnson
But let's also remember that polls can be wrong. They were quite off in 2013.
Benjamin Gomez
No major news so far. However, it is important to mention that Lega went up on the majority of polls after the shooting. Shows how many Italians have had enough with the invasion.
Brazilian guy with Italian citizenship here, but I don't know anything about Italy, Italian or Italian politics Gib quick rundown on parties for the upcoming elections and who should I vote for
Asher Collins
Of the right-wing coalition: Lega. See and they are the only right-wing anti-EU with an actual chance of victory. FdI (Fratelli d'Italia) is also pretty good but they are still too small (polling at 5%).
There are smaller ones like Casapound (CPI) and Forza Nuova but they are too small (an not in any coalition). Vid below is
Isaac Howard
Il Canadese da l'altro thread chi non sa parlare la lingua, sto rapportando. io voterei per i piddini, la lega o liberi e uguali
Jaxson Cooper
Robert Barnes
Everybody sleeping?
Bentley Anderson
no. come stai? per chi voterai?
Julian Perez
>come stai? Bene >per chi voterai? Molto probabilmente Salvini
why arent u fucking faggots blowing up and pirating migrant NGO ships? it is literally not hard AT ALL.
shooting random niggers in the street gets u no where. CUT OFF THE SUPLY.
Leo Sullivan
Please stick a knife into the EU's gut, just do something right for once.
Chase Howard
Guess (((WHO))) is stopping us while at the same time ferrying the niggers in.
Nathan Morgan
We already stopped NGO boats this summer btw
Henry Kelly
italy is more easy to find with ctrl +F in the catalog than ita
David Collins
Incorrect: they are still fishing niggers at sea, (((media))) just don't report it anymore.
Daniel Ramirez
Any books or articles to get a basic knowledge of modern Italy?
English or Italian.
(I'm dating a girl from Italy atm.)
Aaron Clark
So stressful So damn close to 40%, yet so damn far
Owen Gomez
They treat to throw their babies in the water, thats why they rescued them.
Benjamin Stewart
Doesn't the diaspora vote mostly left wing though?
Luis Walker
Probably Lega is a bit undervalued in polls.
Jackson Young
Usually yes
Angel Brooks
Buondì balilla!
Isaiah Harris
I hate those faggots more than anything. ''oh hey I have my origins in a different country so let's just vote to ruin that country even though I personally don't even have to live with the consequences of my vote hahaha''
Lincoln Lopez
NGOs boats still not being shot on sight it's why niggers keep being rescued.
Tyler James
>basic knowledge of modern Italy where do I even start >WW2, commies betrayed ALL OTHER PARTISAN GROUPS and sold Trieste off, we got it back the 70s or something and they STILL have the nerve to claim they dindu nuffin >American liberators promise mafia families seats in the new government in exchange for their cooperation >1946 referendum allegedly rigged, a protest got shut down with bullets and nobody gave a shit >filthy sessantottini (think like our boomer equivalent) threw the country under the bus for muh pensions >lead years (60s to early 90s), fascists and communists slugging it out in the streets when they're not busy committing terror attacks >early 90s, it's discovered a group of freemasons went rogue and has been basically ruling the country for the last 40 years (look up P2 scandal) >so manyfucking corruption busts in the Parliament nobody even bothers with new investigations anymore and that's about as basic a gestalt I can give, sorry but I don't really know any good books
Lucas Hughes
Usually majority of these (leftists) votes are more butthurt Italians forced to wash dishes outside Italy, than diaspora btw.
Kevin Davis
ma come cazzo fa il PD ad avere così tanti elettori nella fascia 18-24?
Logan Edwards
>ma come cazzo fa il PD ad avere così tanti elettori nella fascia 18-24?
Julian Wood
>have to work outside of Italy due to massive unemployment issues >vote for the party which will only make these things worse why are they like this?
Christopher Bell
You cant shot people in sea user. Also saving lives in sea is some sort of seamen code of conduct. So we already have one of the most based costal guard around who dont give a shit about these people. Dont believe pic related was an isolated episode, because its not.
Angel Hill
Joseph Russell
Because they're retarded probably (sure they're butthurt, at least for my experience)
Gavin Wilson
Pensano di votare per il corrispettivo italiano di Obongo.
Aiden Watson
I know lots of people that secretly want to vote Salvini. Telling publicly that you want to vote for him can be "dangerous ". During the last regional elections I voted for Maroni but didn't tell anyone.
Gabriel Hall
Università umanistiche. Non-STEM degrees were a mistake.
Ryder Carter
grazie mille
Bentley Howard
Coast guard of Lybia DO shot those motherfuckers, it was actually the only way to push away those motherfuckers
Nathan Rogers
Yes, but they can shot if they see boats leaving their coast bc they shot at human traffickers
Josiah Ross
What happens if no one gets enough seats? It seems that any coalition post-elections would be suicide for the parties involved. Inb4 (((governo tecnico)))
Ian Miller
You can shot at NGOs if you official recognize them as subversive organizations and human traffickers. I think a solid plan to stop the smuggling is officially recognizing NGOs for what they really are.
Jace Collins
This is true, if you label them as organizations who goes against the national interests, then you can actually have Marina Italiana engage their ships. It would be glorious lmao, we should meme this.
Ayden Green
I like the italian flag
Jonathan Cook
probabilmente è perché non votiamo per la lista? i stranieri spero che non votano per nulla ma non mi farà delle sorprese se dice che quelli con cittadinanza ius sanguinis votano come hai detto? io mi piace la legge civile. quì abbiamo della sistema in comune, diciamo. non so cazzo che sto dicendo contro la lista. devo fare delle applicazioni. ma è più facile capendo della sistema italiana no che quella canadese. stavo facendo pochettini di pensieri e posso capire che la gente vogliono di cambio. e se potevo votare voterei per la lega. ma non prendevono storicamente il posto di primo ministro? è un'elezione difficile
John Bennett
Yes. We should also meme Israel style "repatriation", we should say something like "let's do it like the jews do, if you don't agree you're an antisemite".
Samuel Mitchell
No speak English gay nigger faggot?
Isaiah Taylor
>le varg meme XDXD
fuck you and your "pagan"
Michael Bailey
Vote center-right, the symbol should have SALVINI written on it
Logan Butler
If you're diaspora Italian, why you cant vote? No citizenship yet?
Leave him alone, maybe he want to practice a bit his Italian.
Grayson Sanchez
grazie. sto buttando del vostro tempo perché non c'è l'ho nel presente il mio cittadinanza in offerta. ho preso interessi e vorrei il miglior per l'Italia. ma posso dire solamente che potrei votare questa centro destra la prossima volta forse :)
Hunter Nelson
la mia. è tardi quì. devo andare adesso
Justin Fisher
>gay faggot
Carson Davis
Why is the ball in your pic wearing a Pinochet hat? That was Chile not Mexico.
Sebastian Lee
Ma sei diaspora o semplicemente studi italiano?
Jacob Hall
Good night!
Oliver Wood
>Amerimutt education
Brandon Evans
you're right but remember that people always tell to the poll that they vote for the left-wing coalition. I wouldn't be surprise to see PD under 20% and M5S under 15%
Ryan Sullivan
Honestly I am a bit conflicted about diaspora Italians with passport. Last guy I met was an Uruguayan pothead with 0 knowledge of the language or political situation, he never visited Italy and conveniently moved to Spain, despite this he always voted 5 Stelle because "fuck the system dude XDDD"
Jacob Turner
I'm really curious to see how much votes M5S now they're not anti-euro anymore.
Levi Hill
grazie a tutti voi. è stato gentile. i nonni sono nati lì. studio la lingua. amo politiche
James Young
Are Italian Women more redpilled than Men?
Owen Hughes
Berlusconi. I assure you, 20 years of anti-berlusconism made young people to vote for PD. I was one of them, now I know that what my mom and my grandparents always told me is true: Berlusconi, as shitty as he may be, is the lesser evil. If only I could convinve my dad and my brother too... What are some entry-level redpill to use, considering that my dad works in private and the State tax the shit out of everything?
Tyler Davis
And now we also now they're incapable of running a city, let alone running a government.
Oliver Evans
You have no idea the impact of the refugees crisis. My sis became full fash, two girl friends of mine turned from PD (globalists/liberals) to full right wing in less than a year. Redpills everywhere!
Luke Kelly
Siete stati gentili*
Jacob Davis
>M5S under 15%
As much as I hope so, it's not gonna happen: normies disgruntled by mainstream parties (PD and FI) vote in droves for those retards grillini.
Jordan Jackson
Probably 28% is overrated. I mean what the fuck.
Adam Torres
Normies are the majority, user.
Lucas Sanders
grazie. volevo dire che l'esperienza di questa conversazione è stato gentile. e che l'avete fatto così dalle vostre mani
Robert Allen
stata. mannaggia. perdonami. devo andare per sicuro a letto ciao ciao
Gavin Wright
Came here in Italy/pol/ again when you want, we'll explain you some Italian politics and shiet!
Jaxson Rodriguez
But M5S voters should be majority the geek/tech savy types, so they should spot the bullshits faster than your average pensionato who took news from Tg1.
Josiah Butler
mi date più carità che la gente mi danno qua
Sebastian Bennett
Prossima volta che passi ti correggo anche la grammatica, così migliori.
Oliver Scott
You couldn't be more wrong: average grillino is the bluepilled 40-50 years old sharing BUONGIORNISSIMO KAFFèèèè memes on kikebook while LARPing as being woke while browsing beppe's blog.
Jacob Miller
è necessario. dovevo dire ancora e non del prima. vivo e respiro per questi. mi fa girare la testa se mi sembra come parla l'idiota
Nicholas Fisher
From one side I'm happy because this means youngsters arent falling for these proto-kikes, from another I'm sad because thats a pretty huge electoral base.