They do believe they're smarter than you as they proudly frame their communication degree on the wall in their parent's basement.
He's not lying
Intellectual prostitutes.All a bunch of whores for satans plan.
I love how conservatives think that writing a generalized statement with flawed logic and no evidence on the internet makes them smarter than everyone else.
And I've noticed they always add a dumb little anecdote so it seems like they know what they're talking about.
Liberal-islam is a mental disorder.
Jack Dorsey is a grunting Neanderthal.
Nigs gonna nig.
Wow I see you've had
some college.
This. It's hilarious to see the left tout black women as the most "educated" group in America. Modern day "education" isn't actually education at all, it's indoctrination.
Explain why all the high paying jobs, highly educated individuals, etc are in cities
How is it flawed? They spend shitloads of money on an objectively worthless degree (IE. they can't find a job in gender studies) and then they bitch at "uneducated blue collar people" for not paying for their full ride.
It's probably because they are in fact smarter.
Basically making a generalized statement which are not true. Plenty of liberals get useful degrees, only the retards do gender studies.
>most diverse state
>banned school IQ testing because niggers
>101 median
>also full of niggers
Do you see the problem with your gay little map?
I love how people who sort their garbage believe that they actually give a shit about the natural world and are therefore entitled to pollute the social landscape with their smug self righteousness and imagined moral superiority.
I would like to see a source on this, I don’t believe this at all
It's not even indoctrination, it's intellectual lobotomy.
It's false. California and the black belt have the lowest IQs. Everyone else is near the mean.
>conflates opinions of majority servant class with minority ruling class
Except it's true.
The smartest people do not have worthless degrees....
Butthurt, the post
It has nothing to do with their political views.
Arguing is now butthurt. You're dumber than a gender studies student.
Nice buzzwords to make yourself sound smart when writing an incoherent sentence.
Your post was invalid before it was typed.
>only the retards do gender studies
>thefore, we can't count them as true liberals
Nice no true Scotsman
We both know more liberals are taking gender study courses than conservatives, so I'm not seeing how his statement isn't true. Id agree it doesnt apply to all liberals, and maybe that's what you were getting at, but it absolutely applies to larger portion than you think
Right...the same people who are screaming about climate change...who treat their 'data' as gospel, want everyone to believe life does not begin at conception with ironclad evidence,
Please keep rambling on......
Based AF!
How on Earth was the data on the right collected? I don't remember telling the government how much I earned when I cast my ballot.
Underrated banter.
>liberal calling other liberals "retards"
That sounds pretty ableist. You should speak to your diversity counselor ASAP.
Kek these numbers are completely made up.
He wrote a coherent sentence though.
Exit polls nigga.
>Exit polls nigga.
Opinion discarded. Exit polls are objectively worthless
There's a lot of irony in this post
>hates when people generalize about liberals through anecdotes
>proceeds to make a generalization about all conservatives because of one tweet
Same margin of error as any poll only without selection bias.
You aren't going to do much better. Even income tax data is self reported and subject to error.
That's not what I said. I said you can't generalize all liberals as people who take gender studies.
Climate change should not even be a debate, and data isn't full of lies like gospel is. Considering bacteria are life, then it existed before conception, but at conception it's still just a bunch of inanimate cells that would be better off used to help actual people.
Please keep being in denial of facts...............
thats what he said.
can you even read?
not everyone whos libtard takes gender studies, but everyone who takes gender studies is a libtard.
And it applies to a smaller proportion than you think. And I never said they're not true liberals.
The post
Your head
You implied that they should be discredited or ignored because they're "retards"
That's a no true Scotsman fallacy bozo.
Sorry but I didn't imply that at all.
I'm not sure how to answer someone who clearly can't read when they ask me if I can read.
90 in white-as-fuck Montana.
I don't think so.