Name a more cancerous fan base than this
Name a more cancerous fan base than this
One Piece
The one with "bad at magic" but is actually the greatest mage to ever exist.
Let's face it, Dragon Ball Super threads have been shit for a very long time now and since Hiatus x Hiatus's popularity dropped like a rock, I'd say DBS fans deserve the cancer crown.
Assuming you talk about Mahouka. If you take away the Onii-sama shitposting, the fanbase is decent from what I have seen. They actually discuss the LN plot and the world building/politics. This is coming from someone who outright despise the show.
Dragon Ball Super threads are like stepping into an alternate universe. Utter cancer.
dragonball not even joking
Dragon Ball Super
Naruto's pretty cancerous
I don't know about Bleach
JoJo's is a bit cancerous
Whats with hxh fags obsession with "wan piss"?
Everyone who doesnt wank togashit isn't a op fanboy.
the dragonball super threads are the worst threads ever posted on Sup Forums. it's worse than any shounen jump manga. it's a bunch of 15 year old 3rd world furries
Naruto because they do the stupid ninja run and wear the jackets and headbands just in their everyday lives
Look up 'bleach cospaly' or any anime banner ad that features Bleach for no reason. They are so bad that it made me hate Bleach, even though I first liked it.
Their Sup Forums threads were pretty much the same as SnK now, very awful.
The anti one piece sentiment of 2009-2011 with the fag that spammed wikipedia articles and other forced trolls.
How about JoJo's
I can't name more, but I can name as bad
one piece
>I'm stuck in 2009
Who the fuck still does that in two thousand and seventeen?
Hero Academia is legit just as bad as Naruto in it's peak.
LWA was pretty bad until before I started filtering their threads before the second cour.
Not sure if worst since their numbers aren't as high but probably the most insane one, I wonder why that is. I like hxh but the fanbase always baffled me.
>their numbers aren't as high
I don't know, hxh threads are really big, comparable or bigger than OP and Academia. Of course when it's off hiatus (so at this very moment).
Have you seen the recent Dragon Ball Super threads? Mods nuked 3 threads before the fags stopped sperging out.
Am I the only one who feel like HxH threads have gotten way worse?
Its like every time it goes on Hiatus, the fan base gets more cancerous.
One punch man beats them all. Oh wait.
20th post best post
OP M is a rarity nowadays
piss drinker detected
He didn't say anything about Prison School.
HxHfags are cancer, but BnHA and SnKfags are much worse.
The NGE fanbase
the people who spam every thread about tits saying DFC is superior even though they could make their own dfc thread they just shit up the non dfc ones
What did we ever do to you user