When will white women stop embarrassing the white race?
When will white women stop embarrassing the white race?
Damn, that bitch is fucking sloshed.
Wtf that's kinda hot
She will be drop-zoned in the coming Eurasian Empire for Operation A-2.0
Drunk enough to fuck em any way you want. Sober enough to not call it rape.
3:15 train on the LIRR. Lots of fun, all drunk college kids and its legal to drink on the train.
This is not "white women" this is the LIRR you idiot
this, and its kinda hot
white girls are magic
when they start getting Irish sunglasses again
Only niggers waste food.
You're imagining her scooping your cum off of the floor and slurping it up, eh?
Ok thats actually hot if my bare feet was the potato chips
>just pick a fucking chip you dumb bi-
>there you go
I don't get why people are so freaked out about food that falls on the ground. Sure, there's some nasty microbes there, but there are also a lot of innocuous ones, and some that are even beneficial to us. Mostly innocuous ones, though, like lactobacillus strains that don't do shit to us. Eating some fucking chips off the ground isn't fucking going to do anything to her, and might actually stimulate her immune system. The fucking chips themselves are more detrimental to her health than licking off the floor.
Fuck, people are such babbies in this sterile fuck-of-a-world we live in.
I have a chip for her....*unzips pants*
Maybe if you stopped claiming the term “white” and started going by your actual euro root names (German, Swedish, Dutch, British, etc.) you could separate the embarrassment from the chaste!
I..... Well.... You.... Uh.....
..............Why haven't we seriously just done this yet?
I eat food that falls. The floor is cleaner than most things we interact with including phones
You do know that the Eurasian empire can only come about if your country is destroyed, right?
Laziness and probably some conspiracy to ruin self-identity
My country will be destroyed, but my people will be saved
Americans try it all the time.
Good point. Actually, why don't we do this?
She has obviously sucked black cock.
Yeah but then I'd have to identify as a polak
>tfw non-white and still find this girl quite fuckable
Is that a young Stephen Merchant?
>S-stop playin man.. Put the camera down.. N-no...
Would they know if I rape them?
Only our humanity keeps them safe.
Imagine if society really dose break down, these women don't have husbands.
The price of prostitution... they will be sucking dick for cans of spam. There will prostitutes on every block.
She would just wake up with a sore asshole, which is probably not too much out of the ordinary for her.
this is pretty hot
i think it should be broader, like anglo celtic germanic mediterranean and etc.
high class white trash
How to get women like these?
Can we just offer them a lift to their home and do our deed meanwhile?
They already got the diseases, halfway there.
Pol is full of limp limbed manlet soyboy white knights who fap to degenerate white whores all day and literally watch cuck porn.
Then sperge at the mouth when a white man isnt a cuck.
Pol is a cuck cult.
Oh vey! Don't be white goy! You wouldn't want to unite all Europeans to destroy evil, would you?!
I assume so.
Just drive around near popular night life spots past 3am and you'll probably see a few ladies who need your help to get home or find a bed.
Thanks man.
I think it's time...
>Asking for a drag off a cig to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth
You only think it's hot because she's skinny. If she was fat and drunk, you'd say she's a fat whale and a disgusting fatty for eating chips off a metro floor.
In all honesty, she and her actions are absolutely disgusting and retarded.
You and all the other manlets on here have great taste, bud.
>if she was ugly you wouldn't find it hot
>t. assblasted roastie
kekek, it's afraid
It's no wonder women like this exist when fat slobs like yourself find it attractive.
>be well to do poo
>come to Murica, hope to get fair white wife
>my poo friend actually did this, managed to marry a qt
>then I realize white women are disgusting pigs and can't even cook
>my friend's life is literal hell now, forced to eat burnt bacon everyday
>massively regret not taking all the chances I could with Indian girls
>white bastards are stealing our women because even they know what's up
>only stupid nigs and uninformed poos are dumb enough to chase after these beasts
played in reverse, she's really taking them out her mouth & spreading them on the floor
I thought I was the only LI nigga here.
Eurasian here. Whatever pills you're taking, I want in. Tell me more about the hapa ethnostate and what the plan is.
As long as no r/hapa types. I can't stand those self-loathing retards, we need strong nationalism. Angry rice bois aren't worth saving, they'd just bring their leftist negative nancy bullshit and communism.
Focus on your own fucking race.
Clean it the fuck up before you look at other ones.
Seriously, some bucktooth faggot is going to tell me that not having a gap in his teth is the superior trait?
I nominate this guy for President of the United States of America.
> Eats Mongo-chow for breakfast
> Has smooth skin
> Larger Cranium
> Classy
> Strapping Strapped Man
> Not afraid to wear colors
> Will not dishonor his family or his people
Redpill me on the Han people of Asia.
> Descendant of Alexander the Great
Its train floor. Those got aids
> This
I sense a smelly Jew finger pointing in the other direction, do you?
More like Tsingis Khan's bastard child
Lel, someone's jealous.
Then where did his rounded eyebrows come from?
Descendants of Khan had straight eyebrows.
Mysterious, Indeed.
I used to work in restaurants. If food gets dropped on the floor it goes straight to the garbage. Kitchen floors in particular carry a high risk of being contaminated with food-borne pathogens. People step in poo, don't eat from poo covered surfaces.
Plans of the Eurasian Empire:
Continental Problems:Africa, South/Central America
Africa: Australia 2.0 strategy: Sending our intellectually deficient, mentally diseased, violent and financial criminals, drug dependent(extremes) to the African continent(with a very generous bug-out-bag);
Drop zones will be decided based on: IQ, financial/economic status, murder rate(heavy factor), skin tone score, genetic distant score(heavy factor)
South America: The sole plan for this continent: Worlds oxygen factory/nature research(Operation OS/NR): South America will be a giant nature reserve, humans will be allowed to live their (as wild people). South America will face maximum import sanctions and regular EMP blasts to ensure no electrical development. People are free to leave South America if they reach a certain standard
Central America: Because of the dominance of Eurasian DNA in North America, it is included in the Eurasian Empire. Central America will be annexed. All inhabitants who do not pass DNA, IQ, economic, and cultural scoring will be given the option: Live as wild people in South America, or, be deported to a targeted drop zone in Africa for 'Operation: A-2.0'. The paths leading to South America for people who choose that option
when you stop being a fucking beta and bring them back into line
One time I dropped a snus portion on the ground but used it anyways
maybe for niggers like you.
Oh come on, back then when I was still a smoker I often picked up cigarettes from the street if I accidentally dropped it.
Nothing ever happened to me. You act like neurotic homosexual faggots.
Didn't you people jump into mud when you were little kids?
My (white) GF said something the other day that made her sound like a goddamn idiot. I stopped her mid sentence and basically told her to never fucking say that in my presence and if she's smart she'll never say it at work in front of people.
When you spot them slipping fucking tell them. It's the only way to teach them. My GF is very smart and a asset to the white race. Very much so, but goddamn even the most intelligent ones slip up an do embarassing shit.
I like what I've read so far, but I'm not sure what the intention of a Eurasian empire would be. Is it to create some kind of overman race? Or is it to preserve biodiversity? Is it a safe haven for hapas? Please clarify. The main thing that I'm interested in is seeing that the streets run with Bolshevik/commie blood and that towelheads are expelled, without getting a knife in the back from a racial purist later.
Whites and Hapas should all be allies against the communist clone army that the Chinese are on their way to creating. Pic related is the result of them breaking a major barrier to human cloning. Humanity needs a united front against this, but it won't happen while we're infiltrated.
The Eurasian Empires first legacies will be to:
a) A full colonization of Africa through these methods:
1: Deport the shit end of our bell curves to the shirt ends of the African bell curves creating Australia 2.0s for long term reintegration(will take generations)
2: Free industrial ambition in the continent which will birth: communities, towns, cities.
3: In these cities there will be hospitals, if native Africans wish to use any hospital services they will be made infertile
b) Our oxygen supply is become a greater concern, it is a need, not a want. So South America will be a giant nature reserve/oxygen factory. They will face regular EMP blasts and the most strict isolation to ensure zero development by humans
Ah, so that's why I like 5 year old girls.
>Very much so, but goddamn even the most intelligent ones slip up an do embarassing shit.
Yeah it's almost like they're as much a fallible human as you or something.
British women are disgusting thots anyways.
Also: All land occupied by a certain density of Eurasian DNA will be made independent by the Eurasian Empire, however will be apart of the Eurasian Empire(colonial states will be held to a lesser standard) Those who rise above the threshold for citizenship can join the mainland. Those who fall below the mainland threshold will be deported to a colonial state, or drop-zoned to either Operation A-2.0 or Operation NS/OS.
Colonial states will be privileged with the 1st and 2nd amendment. They will have access to the technology that the Eurasian Empire has to offer
Yeah they cute.
Found the problem. Retards like this ^^^
WHoops, missed the last bit
The paths leading to South America for people who choose that option will face extremely heavy EMP targeting to ensure damage control for the influx of technology to South America
That is the long island railroad. Confirmed for jewish slut from long island drunk after a baseball game in the city.
When it becomes socially acceptable to shame them in public.
>harvey weinstein is a champion
> she probably ate worse things
>not rape
>in america
>man up whiteboi!
Those are already fat in the webm. Good enough either way.