

Facts. Nazis were and always will be LEFT WING. Go to the Nazis website. See their positions. They are more aligned with democrats than conservatives by far. I don’t give a fuck what leftist drivel you spit, you’re 100% wrong. You own the Nazis

They were called socialists. They were also called nationalists. Hitler was a right winged fascist, and was against socialism.

You have to start from the position that National Socialism is on the Left/Right spectrum and not 3rd position. You also have to argue that National Socialism = Marxian Socialism.



Prussian Socialists, not Jewish Socialists. You're starting from a broken definition.

Heil Sanders.

Uh oh. Republicuck thread.


imagine being this stupid, or this deceptive

As long as a government is pro-White and anti-Jew, everything else will fall into place.

But self proclaimed Nazis seen to almost exclusively vote republican

Nazi = rightwing

You register a leftwing dildo and still vote Republican.
Thanks, user. Many forget, Nazis were LIBERALS.

Nothing wrong with Socialism as long as the country is completely homogeneous. National Socials and Socialism aren't the same thing.

Nazi Germany was very similar to USA after WW2 (including today).

They used the term “socialism” for PR purposes. Read Mein Kampf, it’s explained.

This meme needs to die

The virtue-signaling Cuck Right is worse than the Left.

It's more than mere "pride" in one's country. Is being happy nowadays, of one's geographic location something to be considered "prideful"? I have doubts it's "flag waving" at all, in fact, it appears to be the opposite. For example, Muslims pride themselves on Mohammed, yet...where are the photos? The flags of him? His face is nowhere to be seen, yet they are very proud of him. In America, we tend to call this "federalism", or federal government, a ONE government to rule them all, sounds just like Hitler's plan, right? That's right. Republicans are the opposite, they want multiple governments, thousands! This is where the so called "elite intellectuals" prove they are from "intellectuals" but rather "pissy pants" who know the truth, but continue to lie. Flag waving is for a child, but a federal government is for a Nazi pig.

This 12 year old semantic game again?
North Korea is officially named the Democratic Republic of Korea.
It’s not very democratic.


Have you even read Locke?

>pro big centralized authoritarian govt
>anti capitalist
>takes guns away from the citizens
>right wing???


Imagine not knowing a thing any of the fascists said about their contemporary economy, or what kind of thinking people back then actually subscribed too. thats you, user.

No westerner today knows what Nationalism even means, they think it's flag waving and "proud to be an American". Imagine having such a dull, child-like view on the world "Nationalism" that we all have to abide by, no creativity whatsoever. Absolutely disappointing.

No they weren't. Liberals were rich industrialists who wanted international trade and were okay with military adventures.

Fake picture

>National Socialist German Workers Party
>Wow guys did you know they were socialist

They were heavily left-wing. Not one thing about Nazi Germany screams right wing. Your sentence is so retarded I've read it 10 times and have concluded you are, in fact, a retard.

against socialism so he names his party The National Socialist German Workers' Party

makes sense

Lemme fix that for you
>took guns aways from commie jews and minorities
Party members and regular germans could own guns. Imagine if we did the same in the US

>right wing
Pick one.

Nazism is kind of hard to place on a political map. It's not necessarily compatible with the Nolan Chart. You could argue that Nazism is definitely a collectivist movement, which would place it on the left wing side of the Nolan Chart if that's all we're provided. Obviously, socialism also places Nazism into the left wing, along with fuhrerprinzip, which was a key principle of the Third Riech.

But their nationalism is quite different than say, Texas nationalism. Nazis nationalism is much more authoritative in that everyone belongs to the collective, and that the collective trumps the individual in all cases.

National Socialism rejects the key tenet of Marxian socialism, which is class struggle.

see dummy and/or dishonest guy.

>hierarchical merit-based social structure
>racially-driven worldview
>attempted eugenics programs
>women pushed out of the workforce to stay at home and have lots of children
>market economics with low personal tax rates for the individual

Yeah totally sounds left wing. How new are you exactly?

Have you lost your way, sir?

>right wing

All of the above, imbecile. Read a fucking book.

Gun control
Government Child care
Public education
Nationalized healthcare
Pro-choice abortion
Police state
Blaming the 1% (jews)

please tell me again how this is not left wing?

Hitler also believed in killing the rich and giving to the poor.
That is a lie, National Socialism bathes in Marxian socialism, he always talked about class struggle, just not in a nigger kind of way.

facism relies on the economic concept of dirigisme

look it up

facism dictates to corporations how they can serve the national interests. government telling corporations what to do is socialism

> and that the collective trumps the individual in all cases

National socialism is not communism, you are your own property but it is your duty to serve you nation first for its perseverance

wtf I love gommies now

You forgot,
>loved Islam and Muslims
>animal rights activist

It's no conspiracy, it's been known that most liberals are liberals because they idolize Hitler. They all started in art young, for example, because as did Hitler.

really? any proof?

DUDE HITLER LMAO xDxD this will really piss mommy off!! I’m different than the other kids!!!1!

Fact. Hitler made unions illegal except one which he got all workers to join to force businesses to follow party line. Nazis are lefties

>Gun control

Misconception, only specific parts of the population were banned from gun ownership (Jews, etc.). Gun ownership as a whole was widespread in the Third Reich.

>Government Child care
>Public education

This isn't some AnCap fairyland? In the modern world literally everyone except autistic social failures, from far left all the way through the center to far right, advocates government subsidized childcare and public education. They are not left wing ideas anywhere but in the 19th century.

>Nationalized healthcare

That is the one thing on your list that could be considered "left wing". And the only one.

>Pro-choice abortion

No. Only for minorities and Jews. For a German/Aryan woman to get an abortion she needed to show that one of the parents had a genetic fuckup or that the child would be born with a congential defect. Aborting foreigners and retards isn't "left wing" it's eugenics.

>Police state

Authoritarianism is neither left-wing nor right wing. It's authoritarianism.

>Blaming the 1% (jews)

The wealthiest areas of German society were dominated by ethnic Germans, unlike the world today. And National Socialist ideology specifically was about reconciling the classes, not tearing the rich down.
AND the core donating base was the middle class and upper class industrialists, even if it's core SA base was working class.

So 1/7 on your list is correct. Try again if you want.

Nationalism and self preservation are the important parts.

You're missing the point.

>Public education is now a right wing talking point
If you're conflating cuckservatives with the original ideas of conservativism then you can make any lefty argument appear to also come from the right.


Yeah you're wrong on the public education part. You really do not know right wingers at all, or their history of the Grand Old Party.

>Nazi's were socialists

Sanders is a weak kikefaggot. Nice try.

>>loved Islam and Muslims

Yes, I am critical on this issue as well.

Hitler was a vegetarian, but did not want nor force anyone else to be one. It probably came from post-traumatic stress of being in the trenches watching human beings explode into incoherent piles of meat for 4 years in the trenches.

As am I? Holding religious beliefs doesn't make anyone right- or left-wing, the left wing is generally more irreligious, but nobody can make a claim that only right wing people are religious. What nonsense.

>animal rights activist
Treating animals decently means you're not a psychopath, not "not right wing".

Irrelevant. The art itself is the relevant part. Do you paint degenerate shit or something based on high culture? Hitler was refused by Jewish galleries because he refused to paint explicitly sexual content. That tells you enough.

Taxation is theft.
Leftists want it, Conservatives hate taxes. The "top" % of Germans you refer to were being taxed up to 50% of total income under Hitler. That is 50% more than ANY republican desires.
Lol nice try.

You cannot refute anything there, your views are dogmatic.

>If you're conflating cuckservatives with the original ideas of conservativism then you can make any lefty argument appear to also come from the right.

Every single "political view" emerged at some point as a "lefty argument". In your logic that means we're all left-wing. Please at least be coherent.

>Yeah you're wrong on the public education part. You really do not know right wingers at all, or their history of the Grand Old Party.

Because apparently you need to be a member of an American Liberal-conservative party that sell themselves out to Jewish interests nationally and globally, in order to be "right wing".

>b-b-b-ut we aren't like the Nazis!
>We only want a 49% tax rate!
>Hitler had a 50% tax rate, although we plan to go higher, but still different!

>Taxation is theft.

Found the 12 year-old.

Explain how taxation is not theft? Where does all the money go? I could make $1 go farther than the big government could any day, because it would end up in their pocket.

>Every single political view emerged at some point as a lefty argument

Indisputable fact, please feel free to dump more reaction images..

>Explain how taxation is not theft?

It is. The point is that the world doesn't run on moral principles, it runs on use of force by power players. The state takes your money because it can, not because it is morally justified. You have the capacity to simply not live in that state, you consent to paying it's taxes when you live under it's use of force, or "authority".

I think you might be on to something OP

Taxation is theft, however the fact you are coherent enough to read an write means you were educated. Even though you never asked, you are now in debt to the state for this critical life skill (unless you were homschooled), so kinda not theft in some ways.

replied to you here in the bottom part of the post.

Sauce on the last part about being thrown out because he wouldn't paint sexual shit please.
I keep hearing the meme that he was a fuck up because he was rejected from art school and I wanted to know the story, thanks.

Ew is that a boy or a girl?

So charter schools were thought of by the left
as well as drug punishment?
Was freeing the slaves an idea of the left?
Was genociding the Indians the political beliefs of the left as well?
What about private prisons?
what about individual rights?
what about low taxes?
Sounds like republicans are too retarded to come up with 1 original idea or something.

the reason for the image is it's just so ridiculous I don't even know if you really want to defend that statement, but fine go for it.

It didn't reject class struggle, it changed who was the victim and oppressor.

German = Victim
Jew = Oppressor

>being this retarded

Yes. What people call "the left" in the modern era just refers to people with various levels of political "progressivism".

Low taxes at one point were a progressive idea, individual rights were at one point a very progressive idea.

What is "left" and "right" is relative to the population of the time that determines what is progressive and conservative, generally speaking.

So in essence you argue that left = any new idea
right = any idea that you don't want to change.
We can see that this is clearly false as conservatives are interested in doing radical change even right now with the Trump administration.

>We can see that this is clearly false as conservatives are interested in doing radical change even right now with the Trump administration.

Radical change towards an idea that was more strongly held in the past isn't not conservatism. It just means you want to go back to previously held values at a rapid pace. So no, that's definitely wrong.

Yes but those ideas were apparently (as you claimed) thought up by lefties. So therefore the republican party is also on the left by your own logic.

because even if they are going back to old ways the old ways were once the new progressive way. So going back to progressivism is still leftism.

I'm honestly struggling to respond to that, without trying to resort to ad hominem: are you being extremely dense intentionally? It's so difficult to form an argument over a topic that I'd never thought someone would ever try and argue against as the reality is so obvious?

Going back to an idea that was at one point considered "progressive" doesn't make you a progressive. Like I specifically mentioned earlier:

>What is "left" and "right" is relative to the population of the time

One can go back to an idea that was once progressive, but progressive means you want to make progress. To go back to an old idea isn't progressive. To want to go forward with new ideas is progressive. clinging to what was once considered progressive doesn't make you a progressive. I honestly can't simplify it any more.

Last time I checked, Nazi considered themselves as third positionist. They are both anti-communism and anti-capitalism. Also, Hitler's socialism got nothing to do with Marxist one. There's a quote for that but I'm too lazy to look it up.

No Anton Drexler named and baptised the party

Oh so it's all relative so therefore the ideas can change at your whim or anyones whim it's not objectively measured or anything.
Well it's good to know i'm arguing with the guy who gets to make the rules.

Also, sometimes going back is progressive as you could have made a mistake. I'll leave you with that to ponder.

Self proclaimed nazis aka white hillbilly trash from the corn belt are literal walking sacks of inbred organs, they have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to real nazis.

>Well it's good to know i'm arguing with the guy who gets to make the rules.

I'm literally parroting the existing talking points that I assume everyone has because literally nobody has ever attempted to defy that thinking around me at any point in my life, ever. Perhaps that means nobody is thinking creatively enough, but the more likely reason is that it is the most logical and obvious baseline.

>it's not objectively measured or anything.

Ideologies are all partially-subjectively constructed worldviews.

>Also, sometimes going back is progressive as you could have made a mistake.

Regression at the face of an obstacle isn't progress, technically speaking, but now we're delving into semantics that goes beyond talk of politics.

What books on National Socialism would you suggest? I'm a monarchist and a fascist who studies the italian fascism variant and I'm greek orthodox

>third positionist
Term doesn't exist. You're either left or right

By that view american conservatives are left wing compared to monarchy. However fascism accepted monarchy therefore its right.



Ok first off, the general consensus for Stalin was 20 mil. Don't know where you got that number 60.
>Term doesn't exist. You're either left or right
Well I'm not saying it's true, it's just what they saw themselves.
>Hitler was a socialist
Again, Hitler rejected Marx's socialism. He hated it. Do you see him advocate for seizing of the means of productions and give them to the workers?

that's wrong he wanted to abolish class, there's speeches of him on youtube where he says that himself

his ideology is race centred and his socialism is a brotherhood between ethnic germans therefore the name national socialism, it isn't a coincidence. Just because Racism is not in many socialist ideologies doesn't mean it can't exist, that has nothing to do with socialism. The collective aspect of socialism was definetly embraced by hitler.