>inb4 defacing currency is a crime
Look at George's face. He never tells a lie.
/iotbw/ Federal Reserve Edition
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shameless self-bump
where can I buy these stamps
Have a saya.
You have to custom make it, user. This fits a half-inch by one inch stamp. Upload the image to the vendor and enjoy.
Lol nobody cares about this stupid shit white boi. Calm down and go watch some anime.
not bad desu
Jebediah Springfield - The Simpsons
There's no laws against defacing money. You just can't change the value of the bill, meaning you can't make a $1 bill look like a $10 bill
Whew. Well good thing I just added value instead of changing it.
This is now my favorite bill.
Many of the dollars I've received have been defaced in some way. If this catches on, lefties might throw them away on the streets.
I'm always happy to cause unnecessary triggering.
>throwing money away in the streets
Oh my. Sounds like Weimar
Wrong dippy. Destroying money may be a crime
But is it destroyed? Or enhanced?
so what the fed does?
hmm well the Federal Reserve didn't really do anything to prevent the Great Depression, so your guess is as good as mine, user.
Perhaps something is changing in the Federal Reserve though
>pic very related
This is a brilliant and subtle way to trigger shitlibs. Good Job OP
This is actually MUCH smarter than the postering campaign, it’s a great idea.
I work with lots of cash, I could stamp a few hundred bills a day and no one would notice.
This is a great idea because no one is gonna grow away money that has this on it, they’ll just get sad and then have to spend it anyway. Almost like a form of liberal torture. Genius.
Putting it on high denomination bills would be great fun they would have to either risk spending it or deposit it in a physical ATM.
I was thinking this would be most effective for anons like you desu
I'll have to make a lot of cash withdrawals, but those who handle money can make the biggest impact
Part of me wonders how many strippers will receive iotbw notes lol
I burnt a 5 dollar bill in front of a nigger one time just to piss him off. didn't realize it was a crime. now I kind of feel bad.
this has potential
But need to put it on food stamps and EBT cards if you want the nogs to see it.
Hopefully it will increase the salt mine of social media butthurt
>passes panhandler POC iotbw note
>records it
can't call it profitable, unless your farming lols
Stamp they ebt when they ain't lookin' sheeeeiiit
It’s a good vector for passive low risk marketing as well as trolling. It’s good for anons who don’t have the time to poster.
iotbw on currency has potential to spread like a virus. taking the notes out of circulation would be the only way to defeat this desu
>Sup Forums's irl shitposting stops inflation
Fed btfo
they actually do, this shit makes the news all the time. on top of that, you cared enough to reply.
I made sure to keep the syntax, layout, and font completely the same as the original poster for posterity. shitlib subversion didn't really catch on and this is of the same vein of "there is no phase 2"
It's just on what every person in America uses instead of posters that faggots like to rip down.
>tfw Sup Forums does a better job for the country than all of the bureaus combined
Next to the Founders faces' is peerless optics, senpai. This is a great idea.
If I had a hundred dollar note I'd stamp it just to see Benjamin Franklin looking at me with slight indignation
on the reverse side of a $2 note would be cool.
>all of the founders together
idk about Abe tho... yanno all the huwites who died.
God damn that's funny.
Brilliant operation that needs to happen
r u guys actually doing this
i don’t see this going well
Don't see it going well for... literally who?
Don't neglect your $20 bills.
fukken lol'd
I fucking love this
Bartender anons can really get this going. They handle a lot of cash.
Abe wasn't a founder tho
I know a bar that would be down for this type of thing
I'll give them some
True, but he still got on the five for being responsible for unlocking the steam achievement of over 500,000 American deaths.
the right wing
Should make a separate stamp for him
I remember when this meme started, the op specifically asked for you faggots not to do this.
Which right wing are you referring to?
Oh shit, you're right. It's almost like memes become more nuanced over time or something
Refer to:
Thanks for the (you) anyway faggot
>shot fired
that's what they all say
>Currentest year
>Bitcoin doing w/e
>Sup Forums reaches fiscal-tier memeception
2018 year of the frog
Why the homophobia?
>being this new
stfu and pay to watch Black Panther with iotbw leafnotes and lurk faggot.
double kek'd
Member when hamilton wanted to abolish the central bank?
He knew what was coming all along: a ((((GROUP)))) of ((PEOPLE)) will control the entire economy of the world thru controlling the fed.
This is the ONLY fucking thing i agree with rand paul on.
Rand is OK to agree with often enough
b-but he Federal Reserve is vital to our debt-based economy though
>laughs nervously
the Federal Reserve has remarkably been free from audit even though it is a NGO
Would you rather the US government do all it's banking with Bank of America or Wells Fargo?
IDK if that is really any different than the Federal Reserve. Besides, the government is really bad at doing most things and pretty good at destroying currencies.
>tfw can't stamp Wakanda money because it doesn't exist
George looks pretty... um... green. Like a pepe or a triple kek.
Anons, I posted the image to make this stamp so you can order it yourself and participate wherever you are. This can be done by anyone - even in the cozy security of the neet basement. This is so simple to do and the stamps are sub $6 in cost where I bought them. Unless the notes are taken out of circulation or shitlibs begin throwing away their money - this cannot be stopped. It's weaponized
Why do all great presidents have fucking retarded hair?
>defacing currency is a crime
only if it's done in such a way as to make it 'unfit for circulation' like marking up the serial numbers or other identifying/verifying marks.
This. People will be far less likely to destroy a 20$ bill that has something written on it.
You're right, that's why iotbw should be on large denominations
iotbw notes can be a silent way to identify who your allies are and who they aren't. It's a pretty good frog whistle as well as microagressor.
Hopefully that dispels enough of the concern trolling in this bread
Noted... making a stamp tomorrow
shadilay brother. great idea.
Thanks user every stamp counts and has potential to awaken huwites or trigger the shit out of our enemies. It's a win-win.
>double oct/ott
What does Kek mean by this