I've been seeing a bunch of pro-feminist threads lately and they call me a kike when I disagree with them
Why is pol pro-feminist now?
>why is Sup Forums ful of shills and spineless fucks
gee, I don't know
>anything not Elliot Rodger tier is feminism
I have the suspicion that pol has a huge beta/white night problem
>anything not feminism is Elliot Rodger tier
Wtf I love women now
I need a source on this pic
>Sup Forums
weak b8 m8
>in all fields
just google search it man. its not that hard. right click it and go to "search google for image". i got it off a random google search so i have no idea who it is
have you not seen the torrent of pro woman bullshit flooding the board?
Feminism is the final red pill, duh.
You can't be sexist without getting called a name? Boo hoo you fucking pansy, grow some balls you weak cunt.
inbred cunt.
fucking sexist kike
Stop trying to force a meme faggot
Shill, stop insulting women.
> Sexist
> Uses cunt as a derogatory term
How's the afternoon going, bud?
Sup Forums hates roasties. However memeing traditional values in women is much more effective rather than posting disheartening articles of whoreish behavior.
i know we hate reddit but its like the top post on r/nsfw
Feminism is a mental disease which spreads thru stupidity
>I've been seeing ideas I disagree with on a free speech board, waaaaaaaaa!!
Perhaps Reddit is more your speed
scratch that, i found it
>watch out pol! this is a hate free zone now!
Newfags and newcunts
>Why is pol pro-feminist now?
Too many kike
No. Feminism is one of the main, biggest cancers that are gnawing at the foundations of white civilization. When you let your women go loose you get the fall of Rome tier end of civilization, and you obviously don't want that to happen.
The demographic pol primarily reaches is swinging back left after going really right wing, which it had transitioned to from originally being more left wing in the Bush era
You don't understand Roman history very well.
HAHAHA get out shill
Women will become the obsolete gender
Oh yea pol was very left wing during the bush era
Lurk more you fucking loser
This is against the filthy retarted jewish religion.
What? I've been making threads on why women shouldn't vote and get a decent response
pretty good huh
yes. thank you for your determination user
BASED user
Sup Forums is a feminist woman worshipping cuck board.
No one even checks digits anymore.
This board is dead. Its full of women and alt right soyboys.
I come here to reminisce what it once was.
He writes, like he's been around for quite awhile now.
Holy shit she looks just like my gf
>yes. thank you for your determination
You probably forgot where exactly you live.
Did this bitch really tattoo a fucking crocodile eye on her shoulder?
she is
I've literally not seen a single pro-feminist post on this site ever
in the optionsfield is +1 for bump limit, but no bumping to the top
The enemy has invaded. Fucking niggers.