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Communism hate thread
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why dont you explain for us the principles of communism?
dumb bitch probably burned his whiskers
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis
not an explanation. im wondering if anyone on Sup Forums even knows what communism promotes.
Why the fuck would I spend the time doing that for you faggot. Use google
>i dont know what communism even teaches but i hate it because FOX news says it's bad
how close am I?
Shared wealth controlled by the state you nigger
What's your argument against that?
thanks saved
Marx and all those Jews are garbage. But what's the argument against Communism in principle?
Communism as a principle would only work if and only if everyone did their fair share of work, which in reality will never happen. Sure, small towns that are capable of building their own homes and tools, capable of farming and hunting for food and can provide adequate protection to the people would be able to thrive in a Communist like society, and maybe it would be possible in a white ethno-state too, but when there's millions of people on welfare in the US alone, Communism isn't possible since these people aren't doing their fair share of work
It takes away incentive to apply oneself to work in jobs that actually requires a skillset. For example: if some chump can make the same amount of money bagging groceries as they can working as a welder why would they spend the time learning to weld?
The argument against Communism is that it is literally impossible. It can only come about in a post-scarcity society, yet scarcity will always exist. Even if abundance of goods exist, it will shift to somewhere else along the chain.
Not to mention, Time, Space and Energy are all scarce resources. Meaning you would have to violate the laws of physics to bring about post scarcity.
That makes sense. What about National Socialism? Wasn't Germany just as degenerate as America is now? Hitler got everyone working together tho. So it is possible?
Yeah that makes sense. But it seems the problem is people's incentive to work is we're all Jews or something.. rather than benefiting their society.
I don't see how this is a bad thing because capitalism easily satisfies what a society needs. Look at the growth we've seen in America in the last 100 years. For the most part people are generally giving and nice enought.
There's a difference between National Socialism and Marxist Socialism. National Socialists are also Nationalists, which means they take pride in their nationality and work together as a society to make their country a better place whereas Marxist Socialists don't believe in private property or owing more then what is necessary. Marxist Socialism is basically Globalism at this point
so if money isn't the incentive, working the least you can is. Why would a chef at a restaurant cook you food or a mechanic fix your car with no incentive besides "benefiting their society"? It's a moronic utopian dream.
It's also worth mentioning that Germany was extremely degenerate, but that was during the Weimar Republic which gained power after the (((Bolsheviks))) started the German Revolution of 1918. When the Nazi party won in 1933, that's when the quality of life also went up significantly to the point where Germany was considered to be the best country in the world. Sure the world was suffering from the great depression, but that didn't change the fact that Germany went from hyper inflation to the most economically stable country in a matter of years
1% owns 99% of the wealth under capitalism tho?
so it boils down to man's imperfect character and not communism as a system; man is too imperfect for communism to work
>Why would a chef at a restaurant cook you food or a mechanic fix your car with no incentive besides "benefiting their society"?
If you don't do it they send you to gulag, there is your incentive.
north korea is basically a korean ethnostate. it should be what the alt-right aspires to become.
true. if we could use NatSoc to improve individual Nations and rebuild the common man, couldnt we then use Communism as an international brotherhood policy to end wars?
You could look at it that way if you wish, and while you're not entirely wrong, there's also aspects of Communism that don't work, especially the way goods are equally distributed among the population
Not really. Communism on a global scale would never work because there's too many damn people in the world and resources are finite. Promoting peace through Nationalism or National Socialism on the other hand could greatly benefit the world
what if all major nations followed NatSoc, agreed to birthing limits, and etc.? National Socialism implies a *National* policy, but this doesnt unite the different Nations, does it?
thanks i saved it
>If you don't do it they send you to gulag, there is your incentive.
This is ulimately what it boils down to. Communism only works with threat of violence backing it up. If I don't have to go work my shitty retail job that I hate, and still live just fine I'm not going to. Unless I'm going to a gulag or getting shot if I don't.
Just saw this on TV kind of weird guy
Yes. Because ultimately communism is anti human. That's why communists aren't human. They lack empathy and morals. It's about bringing everyone down to one subpar level.
Unlike fascism which demands everyone steps up.
i see
It wouldn't unite the nations but rather promote culture and heritage. There's no point in diversity if every country on earth is diverse, but promoting Nationalism would let humans from different countries represent themselves however they see fit instead of going with the status quo and doing what everyone else is doing. Different cultures could clash with one another if you force them into the same setting, but if you give them both a place to call a home, then there isn't much risk of them fighting one another. If you look back on WWII, you'd notice that Germany was backed into a corner by the allies and were forced to fight; Hitler never desired war.
yeah make sense to me m8. nicely put. appreciate the convo
No problem
So? Just try harder
Far away. Nobody is going to effort post to your satisfaction just to prove we know what communism entails.
It's funny because you live in a borderline commie country.
I detect another triggering
>The difference between North Koreans and Americans is Americans don't know what war is like
Excuse my American education, but wasn't our war with them the latest hot conflict the Norks have been in?
Ultimate commie humiliation:
Commies love to post pic related
Fixed Version (my OC)
>Communism in principle
Inevitable failure and destruction caused by attempts to bring communism about are the justification for preemptive, violent action.
The removal of class and hierarchy.
A loser is just as important as a winner.
Only a loser would support such a ideology since they have everything to gain.
nice try, Ivan.
The argument against communism comes principally from the Second Amendment.
Communism will never win against the Lead Pill.
While I agree with the notion that we should pump all commies full of lead, I just want to let you know this is kindof a bad argument to make because commies will just post something like (pic related) and claim that you're dumb even though every time the try taking over in reality the people end up get disarmed because their whole system is a kike-sham.
That dog is saving his owner's life by putting out a fire, she should go bake him a cake or something.
I've got a question for commies.
If Communism was a superior economic system to capitalism why did the Soviet Union need hundreds of gulags filled with people brought in via NKVD arrest quotas being worked to death on various state projects just to keep the economy from tanking?