What's worse? White people not having children or white people having biracial children?
What's worse? White people not having children or white people having biracial children?
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Right now any white man not spreading his seed into white women are literally contributing to the extinction of whites
biracial children is worse.
>they'll inevitably identify as "not 100% white"
>therefore they'll take up the victim complex
>throw their lot in with the left
>be complete individualists, won't give a shit about the nation
>probably going to be huge degens
>won't be able to produce white offspring
At least if you don't have white kids yet you can have them later. If you have mutt spawn you're forever cursed and no white person will waste time trying to breed with you.
Depends on how well they'd raise their biracial kid desu. If they instill white values and encourage them to date white people, it'll be a net positive. Within a couple generations a nigger bloodline can be eradicated this way.
Having no children is just cowardly and doesn't help in any way.
Biracial because eventually it'll just end up cluttering the genepool
white women are hazardous
Same difference...in both scenarios, there's no more whites
White people having biracial children is definitely worse. Not contributing anything is better than contributing to the enemy's cause.
Fucking cuck. Niggers won't be eradicated by mixing with them.
Sup Forums:
Eugenics would lead to a better society for all.
Also Sup Forums:
Beta males should be attempting to have children just because they are white.
Pick one you hipocrites
Gas all the kikes. Are you a low-IQ nigger?
No I'm white it just seems hypocritical. A lot of guys on Sup Forums have bad genetics or would make bad fathers.
mixed breed children. tainting your bloodline is the worse thing you can do to your people
Not having children is worse.
My sister married a half-Mexican man, so maybe I'm a little bit biased here, but hear me out. Their children are 1/4 Mex, 3/4 white.
If you have bi-racial kids, even if it's between pale white and dark black genes, there are fair chances those kids will eventually grow up and decide to have kids of their own, and they'll usually want their kids to look somewhat like them. That means they'll either engage in relationships with people who look close enough to them that the kids probably won't turn out darker than they are (at worst), or if they marry a white person, their kids will be lighter than them and the cycle can continue to keep the family closer to white genetics with each successive generation (at best). So you go from 50% white children in gen 1 to the possibility of 75% white or greater in gens 2, 3 and beyond, assuming the successive generations value similar identity.
Not having kids, however, removes that chance from ever occurring in the first place. Instead of your grandchildren being able to choose to have children whiter than themselves and your children being able to take care of you in your old age, you become alone and have no one to take care of you while the people around you decide who gets bred into the next successive generation regardless of the values you hold. So if your grandchildren have the potential to go from a biracial union to having white or mostly genetically white children, to instead only being a potential that never came to be, you'll only have yourselves to blame when your racial group becomes a minority with each successive generation.
Only with Asians.
You don't seem to be clear on where you fall on the JQ.
Both options are the same. Biracial children aren't people.
Both result in less Whites and therefore are equally bad.
what if you breed a mixed-breed back toward white?
So you actually fucked a black girl?
I tell you what's worse than both: white people having open boarders and women in politics/military/police.
good name faggot
no an jap quadroon.
Her kids aren't white, friend.
Caring about this question.
namefags get the rope
mutts are worse than no kids at all. Either have white babies or none.
So biracial children are a gamble but not having kids is an instant loss condition.
Guys, if you realize that female fertility is a limited asset while male fertility is unlimited, you'll understand that white men breeding black bitches is actually a good thing.
If you have biracial children your genes get diluted.
If you have no children your genes get extinct.
Chose wisely.
wives and side-wives.
White people not having children. White people who procreate with non-Whites produce children who hate White people.
the father of the russian language was a mulatto
I did it a bunch ama
I will have white children, half-white that is.
Exactly this.
so, Sup Forums, I'm talking to this 4'11-5'0 tiny blonde blue eyed chick at my college. I've been debating for the past 3 weeks on whether to date her or not because I feel like if I put my attractions and sexual preferences over my children's futures it's degenerate. Is having manlets, just because I'm really into this woman, degenerate? Should I pass up having a dream real anime lolita wife and try to have taller children? I've been really torn up about this.
she's skinny and fit. like almost too skinny, I thought she might be borderline anorexic for the first couple classes, but she doesn't have any problem eating. she's a liberal college girl, but that's pretty easy to fix. I'm just worried I won't want to give her up and end up selfishly staying with her and having her pop out manlets. I'm 6'0 so im not crazy tall or anything.
nice rebuttal, fagtron
You'd hardly know that by looking at them.
He was 1/8, not the 'father of the Russian language, and looked Russian.
being a manlet isn't actually bad at all, faggots are always looking for something to blame their problems on and use as an excuse to be really gay
t. manlet
go for it dude
1. Have a fuckton of white children, even if their genes are shit
2. Win the race war and eradicate all nonwhites
3. Begin eugenics and eradicate all shitty whites
Fuck off with your racemixing shilling. No true Nazi would suggest mixing with anyone of any other race, period.
The toothiest blowjob I ever got was from a mulatto ballerina
>looked Russian
Having mixed kids is just about the worst thing you can do. You're flushing your bloodline down the toilet and producing incredibly fucked up people.
Ha ha hi guys it is good to have children with more diversity so they are stronger and smarter and more aesthetic. Blank canvases are not hung in museums, only those of the most vibrant colours. If you are an intelligent person you will support a woman's choice to have mixed children. I know you guys are joking with the sexual harassment but can you please take it easy, I let my mixed son joke around on this website , but he is only 15 so it would be good if you could all tone it down a bit. I know you don't type on her in seriousness but he has been making some comment about the Semitic community that are not appropriate and his teacher has contacted me about them. It is hard for me to support his education without his father so please don't make me block this website at home.
Who else is excited about caturday? I sure am, friends! Ha ha xd
>White people not having children
Get out numbered by niggers.
>White people having biracial children
Create mongrel mutts.
I would rather not have children than have mongrel mutts. I have already had two white children so it is too late for either situation.
My wife's mixed son
spinners are fantastic. you'll have fun.
you're not funny
shoo shoo
>What's worse? White people not having children or white people having biracial children?
Same difference. End result is that there's 0 white people born. If you're white and you opt not to have white children you might as well not be born.
mine was from a jewess.
There is one objectively correct answer and everyone who says different is literally retarded Reddit-tier or the enemy. Someone said the correct answer earlier: it is worse to racemix, because to not contribute at all is better than to help the enemy. Better to dodge the draft than to kill your own men; likewise, better to not produce anything than to produce more children for your enemy. The more nonwhite children there are, the faster we are outnumbered. Nonwhite children will never be white. Their descendants will never be completely white. Don't even touch a nonwhite of any color. No dating.
I don't think there's anything wrong with what I'm doing but this is disgusting.
Regression to mean motherfucker
>Go on tinder
>White women don't swipe me
>Non whites do
Work out, improve fashion, improve bio
>White women still don't swipe me
Stop pretending like it isn't white women doing this shit.
Mestizo=60% white on average
Her kids are only around 15% injun.
Thats white to me.
yeah she had some thickness too. woke up with my arm all the way up to my elbow smelling like pussy. gave up rum after that.
Because if a chocolate qt wants to bang you why not?
a 120 IQ black qt having children is better than a 80 IQ stormfag having children. just because whites have higher IQ on average doesn't mean all whites should breed or all blacks should be sterilized. worldwide IQ tests should be administered and anyone less than 110 should be sterilized. everyone else can fuck like rabbits with all the resources that will suddenly become available within one generation. add 5 to the required IQ every generation until you hit 130.
That and from demographic point of you, you're adding a mudblood. If a white dies off without kids, they're not replacing themselves but when you have biracial children you're not replacing yourself with a white kid while adding another shitskin.
> not having a big tidied wyt wimmin
>this kills the white nationalist
>muh momentary personal satisfaction is worth throwing away my bloodline meme
>Liberal college girl
>Easy to fix
More for me
Judenreich detected. Demands for genocide, world government and eugenics. you just can't help yourself.
Fuck off shill.
Why are you such a whore?
Not many western White women want to have children anymore. But neither do many white men so the whole situation is fucked basically until a major societal shift occurs.
Good thing I have a based Polish gf
that fucking mongrel subhuman was just a pet monkey that peter the cuck brought into Russia
a dark day in Russian history
Good think the jewish Bolsheviks killed all of the Russian nobles containing his nigger blood.
Now when we take back Russia, we can start fresh and once again put the Russian people first at the top of their nation.
genocide and eugenics are good, but advocating from an explicitly non-racist point of view is what makes it Jewish
Could I get a translation please?
> French Cajuns are nonwhite now
you have to go back pedro
Sounded like a prayer in Spanish. Definitely Spanish language, and she said "amen" at the end. No idea what the prayer was about though.
Sometimes, child, people live well into their 30's and 40's and have already certain made life choices, like whom to marry, with a completely different mindset.
>French white
Next you will be telling me Brits are white.
>le moomins ebin :DDD
Fuck off
People like you asking racist ass questions. Fuck off
Mestizos are 40% White at the majority, the bullshit 60% one was tested in the more richer communities of Mexico.
Bi Racial Children is the work of the Jew
Bitch, what do you have against Moomins?
We all do degenerate things before we awaken, and trying to justify one's past mistakes is one thing, but trying to get others to accept them and follow suit is another. If one knows he did wrong and then tells others it was right, that is wrong.
For every black woman that has white kids there is one less full black kid. After 4 crosses most of the nigger is burned out and over time will disappear. So long as a majority white is maintained the shit will be bleached out. Trouble is they have an African breeding paddock ready to explode into Europe that would overwhelm white bloodlines. Best case scenario is blacks and Asians mix, then die back, then whites breed them out of existence.
Having mixed, because instead of just not contributing to your side, you are actively helping the other gain another voter.
Everyone who posts images from the cartoon happen to be massive faggots. I don't anything against the series itself.
you're just afraid you'll get sterilized. i hold no illusions about my own intelligence, i would be sterilized, too. if humans want to explore space, it's the only way. the low IQ people will be a waste of precious resources, regardless of race, and hold the entire planet back. everyone who is incapable of contributing to the future must go.
the alternative is cybernetics. rip out their garbage brains and replace it with computers. turn the retards into worker drones. the first option sounds more humane to me.
Honestly, fags are worse than niggers. Kikes are still the worst, but fags come pretty damn close.
>What's worse? White people not having children or white people having biracial children?
OP is a fag. SAGE
>Suggesting we should breed with niggers rather than not
KYS user.
>using tinder
The whole "breeding them out of existence" part relies on high white fertility. Best thing we can do is genocide everyone who isn't white. That's literally the only long-term solution.
Not native Spanish speaker, here's what I can give you (copypasted from some Chilean post, but it's spot on):
"el goblino...
el monstruo...
la creatura...
la abominación...
el monstruo arenoso del tiempo...
el fin del mundo...
la oscuridad devoradora de luz...
el ogro de las Américas...
el hijo de la perfidia diabólica...
Santa María Virgen del Carmen siempre vencedora y todos los Santos misericordiosos a la derecha del Santo Padre Creador, por la sangre de su divino hijo Jesucristo nuestro señor y Salvador, acordaos de esta alma pecadora y arrepentida en tiempos de angustia y liberadme de las garras oscuras del Goblino.
It's essentially meme praying to >la creatura