Genres invented by blacks

Genres invented by blacks

Genres invented by whites

I guess being a white supremacist and having good music taste are mutually exclusive

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semen stains the mountain tops

>implying that folk is one genre.
fucking pleb

you can take your shitty niggergenres somewhere else

>tfw no pregnant Anne Frank to sing "Oh Susana" with

fuck off classical music is good and im not even white

That verse reminds me of:

'Fondling,' she saith, 'since I have hemm'd thee here
Within the circuit of this ivory pale,
I'll be a park, and thou shalt be my deer;
Feed where thou wilt, on mountain or in dale:
Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry,
Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.

>Genres invented by whites

>Genres influenced by classical
>Every single one

Lol I'll pit Mozart, Wagner, or Beethoven against any dindu rapper. Niggers rapping about muh dick doesn't even come close to resembling real music.

blacks invented nothing

Classical and Neo-Classical the best forms of music though

you do realize that calling "classical" a genre is essentially the same wrapping up your entire list into one genre called "nigger music"

>mfw overrated milk hotel
faggot you don’t know shit about music or the history of music
>in all fields

>tfw I used to frequent Sup Forums
>tfw this is why I left



>unironically using this meme
new stormfags are the most cringe of newfags


Niggers don't even listen to those genes anymore


Rock and Roll yes, Rock no.
You're going to tell me that Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Bo Diddley's "The Originator" are the same genre?
Hip-Hop has its origins in disco, so if you're going to argue that Rock and Rock and Roll are the same genre then you have to give up this one.
>Genres invented by whites
Really? 2 genres? How about Electronic music? Heavy Metal? Punk Rock?
>being a white supremacist
Straw man.
>having good music taste
subjective. 100% subjective.
>1 post by this ID
I invite you to come back and explain to us why YOUR assertion isn't just racist KANGZ posting.

The Beatles were more merseybeat than rock, though. Even Sgt. Pepper's.

Rec patrician Japanese music?


based jap

>Sup Forums unironically tries to paint a rap loving vegan coal mining Bernie bro as "alt-right" because he talked to Sam Hyde once

Just nuke that fucking board already


First of all, hip-hop and rap are shit tier and anyone who's listens to that shit is human garbage.

Secondly, whites invented punk. The Kinks were the first true punk band. Yeah I know they might not seem like it but they used to put on these live shows later in their career that literally created punk as we knew it before it became faggy.


Stop being a retard. We invented THE PIANO ITSELF. All instruments. Horns, piano, violin, cello, etc.

Classical is not just like one genre you troglodyte. That's like saying that sedans are one brand of car.

>philharmonic symphony
>baroque classical

It's a genre spanning FIVE HUNDRED YEARS. Hip hop has been around since the 80s you fucking philistine.

>suggested listening
>Frederick Chopin
>Frans Liszt
>John Fields

The musical instruments were invented by Whites. The rest that came out of it is considered white.

"classical" is about 300 years of several different musical genres.

like 400 actually.

Has more roots in whites creating it, blacks added here and there but where largely over represented in their additions because it was 'progressive' to do so.

The simplest genre ever created.

Has more roots in whites, and like Jazz a lot of the additions where given to blacks first over their producers and other creators of the genre.

Mostly whites produced and created the genre using black artists, the artists rarely made their own music.

Same with R&B

>Hip Hop
Literally started with New York blackouts with looting electronics store allowing urban youths to create music by talking over other peoples music.

>Genre's invented by whites
Metal, Punk, Electronic, Experimental, Indie, Psychedelic, Alternative, Prog, Country, and the hundreds if not over a thousand sub genres that come from all those, all white.

If blacks really where the musical masterminds naturally then Africa would've been producing more than afro-beat music for the past hundreds of years.

Not really, I enjoy genres "made by blacks" but you can't really pin down a genres origins like that. Some might say dixieland jazz band invented jazz for example. Also hop hop while having good music, is also objectively a shit genre. If we were to use that binary way of thinking about genre origins whites invented Prog, Punk, post punk, Emo, Metal, Bluegrass, they made tons of Sup Forumstier albums, beach boys, neutral milk, beefheart, zappa, gs!be, swans..... Nigs make good music too, I actually think it's interesting to think about black psychology while listening to their music, they might have better short term memory which helps their rhythm


indulging in music and dance is brownskin tier behaviour anyway. you should find the nearest cliff and do a flip.

classical has been around for hundreds of years and will be still around long after those others listed have faded to dust

Rock was not even a thing until elvis in the 50s so it has at most less then 70 years of history. No one except your preppy liberal teacher listens to jazz not even blacks listen to jazz.

>doesn't listen to jazz
How can you be this much of a brainlet

>listening to anything made after the 1800's
Brainlets. Brainlets everywhere.

How are grandpas harmonies treating you?

>Genres invented by blacks

those genres "invented by blacks" didnt appear in africa. they came from america as a mix of black and white culture.

if you had to pick which genre of these you were stuck with for a year which would it be? Metal, Punk, Alt, or instrumental?

Are you a Nigger or something? Any clear thinking person would realize that white music is crushingly superior to that negrofied entarted modern crap.

where did the blacks get the guitars for blues?
or the pianos and trumpets for jazz?

they invented nothing?

>what is metal
>what is electro

nigger music was always inferior

classical stumps the sum of all else
you can take all your subverting shit
but no instruments for you other than basic leather drums with two bones to beat it

> Tfw we created all the instruments and shills must be desperate attacking whites and music as its all us

>whites discover music theory, notation and sound design
>nig nog plays the same three sounds over and over again
>the latter is seen as more genius than the prior

lol fuck off

>Rhythm&Blues, Blues, and Soul are different
>Folk is all the same.
Yeah, ok nigger. And we invented the computer. Now get off and go to bed.

>ignoring that Coltrane was a God of theory
>he expanded theory in some areas
>Slavic untermensh are probably the best at theory

I'm a nigger hater but fuck off aswell

>Rock, Jazz, Blues
>Not at least half-white




not degenerate

Jazz isn't degenerate, if anything most folk is more degenerate

None of that is true

>Jazz isn't degenerate

But American blacks got their culture from North Britain and Scotland. Does that mean the eternal redneck did it again?

Nazi propaganda doesn't prove its true, I'm well aware of Negermusik. The drumset revolutionized music and the electric guitar made every band an orchestra.
You guys didn't allow music advancements the all the best fucking composers were doing at the time, its a shame because germans are usually the best composers of all time, but the third reich didnt allow music to be performed that they didnt think was "good" so you got beat by untermensh slavs. (Stravinsky Shostakovich Scriabin etc) Sad!
>Inb4 russia didnt allow them to perform most of what they wanted,
>I know but they still wrote better music than germans at the time


you blacks is alright with music, ill give you that.

Blacks and Whites are top two. you can decide order
Rest of world is hilarious shit tier.

>fucking composers were doing at the time
When it comes to real music instead of monkey rhythm. Though jazz and rock seem like they're great in comparison with the even more negrofied rap music that gets pushed today.

>Classical music
>Not good taste


I copied the wrong thing behind the>
>its a shame because germans are usually the best composers of all time

>classical is bad
>niggers made rock

>Genres invented by blacks

And yet, whites outperformed blacks in all these genres,
including Jazz and Hip-Hop.

Makes you think.

klezmer is superior to all. its high i.q. music for the chosen.

I dont know man. If you make drums an integral instrument thats used to communicate rhythm and accent the piece , and put it in a classical setting with a small band most people could start calling that classical piece Jazz. And If you play folk with electric guitar bass and drums, most people would start calling it rock, or folk rock at the very least. The influence we took from sub saharan nigger drumming and rhythms was brilliant, we took their seeds of ideas and made them fucking great. We'll never know what kind of music 40s germans could have made had they been allowed. I know one could compare 20th orchestra composition techniques to jew'd out art, I think it's brilliant

White accomplishments: Just about every damn thing that is worth while.

Black accomplishments: Gangsta Rap. Showing your ass in public. Holding back the educational system. Springing off of the success of other, superior races.

>but where largely over represented in their additions because it was 'progressive' to do so.

And cause they are cheaper than whites :D XDXD

To my modern ear, hillbilly music and blues sounds more similar than emo music and rap music. Both were influenced by the two step, (brought to the US by German accordion players funnily enough,) both had similar lyrical content and sounds. To say rock and roll was invented by blacks is patronising, it was invented by individuals. Music is a great equaliser, do Spaniards have a claim on rock music due to the invention of a guitar? no. That's fooking silly. Acknowledge the individual, Fats Waller and Jerry Lee alike. Both are the man. Dig it.

The Mali and Niger Empires tho.

>black man 'invents' genre
>white man improves the genre and blacks get mad

>We'll never know what kind of music 40s germans could have made had they been allowed.
I'm perfectly happy with the kind of music they did make.
Though I'll admit that some good things came of the whole drums thing, as long as it isn't just rhythm without melody.

That's right considering Bob Degenerate Dylan is a folk musician first and foremost.

>not considered good taste
>srsly this retarded.


/thread, but retard faggots doesnt even know what classical isor with what to start off

Add Metal to the second list.

Black Metal is the whitest genre on Earth. Some of those Norwegian Black Metal OGs are 125% Nazi without shame.

Even if it were as clear cut as that it would be a price worth paying.

Quincy Jones spilled the beans on that untalented hacks.

>"they were the worst musicians in the world. They were no-playing motherfuckers. Paul was the worst bass player I ever heard. And Ringo? Don’t even talk about it. I remember once we were in the studio with George Martin, and RingoJones arranged a version of “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing” for Starr’s 1970 solo debut album Sentimental Journey, which was produced by the Beatles’ frequent collaborator George Martin. The song, and album, are more than a bit gloopy. had taken three hours for a four-bar thing he was trying to fix on a song. He couldn’t get it. We said, “Mate, why don’t you get some lager and lime, some shepherd’s pie, and take an hour-and-a-half and relax a little bit.” So he did, and we called Ronnie Verrell, a jazz drummer. Ronnie came in for 15 minutes and tore it up. Ringo comes back and says, “George, can you play it back for me one more time?” So George did, and Ringo says, “That didn’t sound so bad.” And I said, “Yeah, motherfucker because it ain’t you.” Great guy, though."

You can't refute anything I said. 99% of nog music is finding three sounds that work and blasting those over and over again.

music is not all about virtuosity.

It's just hurt too much to the typical Sup Forumstard to admit that black people made incredible music while a lot of white were talentless hack.

No dose of Elton John will ever come close to Ray Charles. No Elvis can beat Little Richard.

It's not that white didn't made good music, it just hurt to admit that black culture has incredible and revolutionary musicians too. Because it's blatantly obvious that they make/made good music and you can't argue it that.

It just hurt to much.

Cool piece user, thanks for sharing
Agreed drumming forums shill for Ringo so hard, can't compete with any single name in jazz drumming, but I enjoy the Beatles music, mainly because my parent played it all the time when I was young

American music blues rock jazz etc all comes from Scots/Irish roots.

>>Genres invented by whites
>Really? 2 genres? How about Electronic music?
Synthwave/ Retrowave falls in to that category easily.

Great fuckin' music there.

>t. mulatto
No really though, Sup Forums probably doesn't like any of those musicians for more reasons than just race. Music is subjective. I think Jimi Hendrix played a damn good guitar, but there's also white guitarists that I think are better.

most Sup Forumstants are right wing you dingus

this. what do you niggers think how blues was made? slaves mixed their jungle reeing with anglo-saxon folk tunes, it's just as much "white" originated than "black"