An older woman wants to care for you...

An older woman wants to care for you, make sure your village isn't going to shit and is willing to train you up while giving her the dick, do you turn her down?

Yes, because I don't date serial killers

I'm a man of morals who always help those in need

>while giving her the dick
That's a deal breaker. Dicks are not made to be served to older women.

It's a win/win situation. She's tamed as long as you don't fuck her up(figuratively).

And you also saved the village, which was your mission at the first place.

Normally I wouldn't turn someone like Esdeath down but I love Leone more.

Yes, because on the other side there is a superior young pink haired flat tsundere.

>actually trusting the words of someone who gets easily bored and is always seeking new trills

Its always amazing that despite all the red signals about Esdeath, people still want to believe she is just another submissive waifu.

Are you guys that desperate that you would sell your dignity just to get some pussy?

What would marriage with Leone be like?

>make sure your village isn't going to shit
I don't remember that was part of the deal.

Short, because she gut her guts kicked out of her in no time.

But you cun't fuck your dignity.

>openly shows her being a sadistic psychopath murder who brutally kills people for inhumane reasons
>people are in love with her because of her pretty face and huge breasts despite her being a sadistic killer
is this like those girls who idolize murders? just swapped genders?
you guys are fucked

We get it. You are a Mine dickrider.

If there's one thing I learned is that shit taste sooner or later always degenerates into twisted morals for these faggots. Pick any anime girl, as bad as you want, and think for a moment that even she has white knights 'protecting' her on the internet.

QUALITY thread, OP.

I like Mine, Leone, Akame, and the fit leader I forgot her name. Doesn't change the fact that Esdeath is an attractive psychopath murderer.
Leone would be the best choice though easily

Because, user. Because.

If I was just a weak regular person I don't see why you'd reject her. Yes she's cruel to her enemys but there is no way for you to prevent that unless you're powerful and part of night raido and if you get with her you can atleast protect your village and maybe try to have some positive influence over her.

What about Scheele? She'd be top tier marriage material

I would gladly submit to her. I want to wear her uniform too.

She pulled a Mami