what are you doing for Lent?
I'm thinking of giving up [spoiler]feminism[/spoiler]
what are you doing for Lent?
I'm thinking of giving up [spoiler]feminism[/spoiler]
Nicotine. I used to smoke like 10 cigs a day but I've been vaping like a madman lately and only smoke like 5-10 times a week. I'm sure when you account for the vape I'm intaking a pack and a half a day worth of nicotine.
I gave up meat last year. Probably the hardest thing I gave up. Only exception was gelatin since I couldn't really avoid it for medicine. Not sure what I'll do this year yet.
I will be giving up having sex with men and only have sex with women as god intended.
the ghost
Sup Forums
I'm giving up smoking.
I’m going to stop pooping so my belly gets really really big and then when I finally take a poop I’m going to get in the Guinness book of records for having the biggest poop.
Based saint Bonaventure guide my bowels
gave up booze, cigs, weed, fap and it was ez
give up pol??
so hard
How much feminism do you have in your life?
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Cigs, it's about time. Smoked from when I was 19, turning 30 in April
Giving up drinking for lent. I'm going to make an honest attempt to quit smoking during this time.
I'm giving up my new year's resolution to stop giving things up for lent.
gonna stop alcohol. i drank a 1 to 1.5 bottles of wine a night for about 7 years straight.
not looking forward to this but i need to sharpen my mind.
Sup Forums, masturbaiting, porn, processed foods, soda, being a lazy unproductive shit, devoting quality time to studying (t. senior flag), I’m taking up running and weightlifting, I’m taking up martial arts (boxing, gojū-ryu karate, Muay Thai), and I’ll start reading into some philosophy. I also want to spend a little more time with Christianity (I was raised as a traditional Catholic), but somehow I turned into a secular Buddhist over the years.
When lent is over, the only behavior I will return to is sometimes browsing Sup Forums, and I will have insight after my training. (Or I might just be giving myself delusions.)
Anyone have any /sig/ posts? Philosophy recommendations?
I don't know yet. A lot of my goals require being proactive, not abstinence. I did nofap for about 2 weeks and didn't feel dramatically better, so maybe I should do something else.
Something else I can do to improve discipline and put off instant gratification?
Actively do something positive. The Buddha tells us to reject being idle.