How to Spot a Paid Shill

We all know this board is infested with glowniggers and kikepuppets, like a shithole flophouse teeming with bedbugs and cockroaches. But how can you be sure that a given post is from (for example) a ShariaBlue shill and not simply a random, ignorant niggerfaggot user trolling for keks? ITT we discuss the identifiable telltale signs that TPTB are pushing their bullshit propaganda in our unsafe space. Drop those Redpills you glorious basterds! (Bonus points for forced-suppository level memetic autism.)

Top of my list would be blatant Historical Revisionism, especially anything that seeks to replace or explain away the well-known accomplishments of white men by substituting or attributing the invention/discovery or success to a black/brown person (or woman).

>based niggers
>based kikes
>meme flag
>[white nation] hate thread
>'1 post by this user'
>white women hate threads
>"if x is so bad, then why x? pol btfo"
>datamining threads

Sup Forums was great in 2012.
where did you faggots come from?

ITT shariablue asking for their tells

nu-pol is full of retards from reddit and paid shills from kushners agency, this is why pol isn't fighting the kikes anymore.


I gave you all a meme to help you with the subversion, but just like the based archive norge you chose to forget and let the shills win. Ill give you one more reminder before I pass quietly into the night...
>1 post by this ID

Common D&C shill tactics targeting white men & women:

>pushing the "asian women are traditional / white women are evil" lie
>posting porn pics of asian women & latina women
>LARPing as white females claiming to be right wing and then attacking men and throwing leftist-style accusations at them ("misogynist", "sexist", etc)
>LARPing as white females and attacking men for not accepting tons of past sexual partners
>spamming MGTOW conspiracy theories to baselessly demonize white women (mostly equating all white women with leftists)
>glorifying MGTOW hedonistic lifestyles, appealing to pleasure & appealing to laziness ("you can play video games all you want and spend lots of money if you stay single...")

learn to spot these instantly

Pretty much anything that isn't a typical Sup Forums post is a shill.

You need powers to make that decision. Either natural or cyber.









> trying this hard to keep forced memes alive

forced memes?

Let's play 'spot the shill'

>meme flag
>implies none of this is true

>nu-pol is full of retards from reddit
The shills are less of a distraction than the redditfaggots. At least the bots are consistent. The redditors are just attention whoring baiters

Is there anybody even left on here? I mean the internet. The shillbots make up 95% of content now. How many people have been permanently discouraged from participating on forums anymore? How often do we get trapped into conversation with a sockpuppet and fail to connect with real human beings?

i think you meant 'they thought they were going to get paid' shills

>The shillbots make up 95% of content now

Why would organised shills use a meme flag? It's been pointed out that they're shills, so why do they keep doing it?


This is a legit concern, and this effort may be "two steps forward, one step back", but I don't know any other way to spread the word. If their old methods are revealed, they will surely develop new ones, but we will no longer be susceptible to the old ones (just like any other escalation and evolution of war tech).

why do you come here seeking our knowledge; new york times shill?

what do you * really * want ?
(to know)

battles are won and loss every day
wars come and go
infowars do not
the real question we all should be asking is how do we end this

Actually no, we don't care about the kikes anymore because we got jobs and girlfriends and maybe even kids- we are interested in politics because we are interested in the future for ourselves, partners, family and children. Worrying about Jewish boogie-men, black people and crazy conspiracy theories was OK when we were young but not that important anymore

> Nigger threads
> BBC threads
> Anti makers thread (one really sad guy is doing those alot)
> How can X ever compete
> E-celeb threads

Shit is weird and pointless. These assholes must be bored and scared.

>Shit is weird and pointless. These assholes must be bored and scared.

t. redditor