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Pic related
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Fuck off, shill
>Outright censorship
Need to upgrade that meme my dude. It’s out of date.
Jews exist
the patriarchy does not
>buzzword for disagreeing with me
>the joke
>your head
Sup Forums will keep my safe from refugees, leftist ideas can only work in a world with no flaws.
sage goes in all fields
you just have autism, go outside once in a while and breath in some oxygen instead of your own farts
>anyone who disagrees with me is the same
3/10 bait made me reply
except there's plenty of leftists who want hierarchies (see communists), think one race is more important than another, or animals are more important than humans, only shut in social rejects say anything about the nuclear family, but that happens in the right too with the mgtow incels, normalfags right or left live in a "nuclear family" either way
funny how there's a shitton of ancaps on Sup Forums though, I thought they hated hierarchies for the rest see the one above
so yeah that picture is total bullshit, there's no real difference between the two, you're both just whiny retarded normalshits
fucking burger retard
>Sup Forums will keep my safe from refugees
they will sell you sister to rapefugees and film it for their propaganda
Ok you are actually retarded. nuclear family=patriarchy/trad gender role
Also this is now a red pill thread
>A nuclear family, elementary family or conjugal family is a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more). It is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended family, and to a family with more than two parents.
nah you're the retarded one
delet this OP
They really wouldn't need to
>using a chart mainly used for product comparison
world is more complicated than that. Stop shilling for the jews, you degenerate faggot and let's keep this board degenerate-free or I will shut you up for good.
>they will sell you sister to rapefugees and film it for their propaganda
Nah, we will force you into an oven though.
>giving women rights didn't destroy the family
How blue pill are you?
>we might be obnoxious retards screeching at you to stop enjoying your hobby because we don't like it but we're totally different!!!!!
>more advanced societies have more rights and less child deaths which makes the society function well with less births
wooooaaaah mind bloooown
Tell us more about shoes.
stop shitting up other boards with your trash and I won't shit up your board
We are the other boards, retard.
>b-but muh boogeyman is real! I swear!
>Jews don't exist guys
see what I mean about obnoxious sjw tier retards
>jews exist which means they control everything
>males exist which means they control everything
so the same argument as sjws then
Oh wow, we used the same tactics they do, how awful
Because we all know that SJWs were completely unsuccessful in infiltrating every aspect of our society, right? Clearly this shit doesn't work.
Comminism opposes hierarchy, its a principle of their ideology. Any heirarchy is a form of opression and is morally wrong. Silly pirate, go back to plundering ships.
>Globalism = Nationalism
>Welfare state = Encouraging small business
>#NotAllMuslims = bombing the shit out of ISIS
>Cultural marxism = It's Okay to be White
>Intersectional feminism = Women should stay at home and not vote
>You're both the same
Just because you got BTFO in the degate doesn't mean it's okay for you to start shilling here, Sargoy
>saudi arabia has a problem with child deaths
oh yeah the soviet union or maoist china had no hierarchies at all, stay being autistic
Read a book. Study up on how hews have lived and made their living for centuries. Don't come on Sup Forums without any education, and then sperg out because you don't understand things.
>It's impossible to browse more than one board
>you nazis must be spamming them all REEEEE
Explain Jews being over represented in media and systems of governance.
saudi arabia has worse child mortality rates than libya so yeah
and males aren't overrepresented? must be dem patriarchy holdin' da wymyn down!!! just like dem jews holdin' the white man down!!!
>buzzword for disagreeing with me
They had them, their ideology didnt permit it, thats why it is a failed ideology and also why they opposed fascism. Fascism recognizes heirarchy of individuals and promotes elitism. Its not autistic, its knowing the difference between ideology and implementation.
they opposed fascism because hitler straight up declared war on them, stalin was very happy with cutting up poland and opposing the capitalists
just goes to show that the two have been on the same page since their creation
False equivalence. Carry on with your autistic screeching.
No response to then? Sad!
>not an argument
>i-i-it might look exactly the same but it's not because I said so!!!
shitty excuses for social rejects to screech at people who like tv, video games, anime or basically anything, in the end it makes no difference
He thinks Race = Sex. Either a shill or just retarded.
but redefining words is an argument?
>Race and Sex are the same!!! But Jews don't exist btw
>m-my boogeyman is different! because it has a big nose!
>Race and sex is the same
Imagine being this retarded.
he made up his own definition of what "nuclear family" means, I showed him what it actually means, and how normal people, including normal leftists still live in that family structure, then you started screeching
Thier ideologies are counterintuitive to each other, both see hierarchies and have their gripes with capitalism, both are in response to the industrial revolution and its subsequent problems it created, they merely came to different conclusions and choose different means, hence why they seem similar. They are answers (vastly different, I might add) to the problem of industrialized society. You are oversimplifying two opposing ideologies, and doing a bad job representing either.
>waaaaaaaah having peepee is the same as a race of people.
I see beak nose tribe isn't sending their best.
>Strawman arguements and reduction fallacies
>Still no arguements
Lol at your life memeflag nigger
>both want socialism with a strong government free of destructive behavior
>but it's different because one had a guy with a big moustache and the other had a guy with a smaller moustache
sure dude, saying that they're completely different is just retarded though, they aren't
add to that how both sides have screeching autists on their sides nowadays attacking the same people and it's even more obvious
normal leftists want to change the nuclear family structure. You can see in this image leftist media is trying to push for non nuclear families.
So you guys finally figured out nobody responds to OPs with 1 post. Your going a little overboard though
"Patriarchy" does kind of exist, but it's just because men are inherently better at some things than women.
Liberal Jewish influence in media is irrefutable.
>my boogeyman has a big nose and theirs has a penis so that makes my boogeyman real and theirs fake
stay being a screeching child
so you both want a tighter govermnent to promote your ideology instead of the current one and to ban behavior you dislike, but you're totally different, I got it
>peepee same as race UGGGG
No matter how many times you repeat this, it won't be true.
the thread that one your screeching retards made lasted an hour before it got deleted, this thread had an hour so I paid back what I wanted
come to screech like an autist again and I'll come to shit on your board again
>Hurr durr this is basically what Sup Forums believes
>Hahaha look at me I am so smart
What if I told you Sup Forums isn't one person and that national socialism is but one of many prevailing ideologies discussed on this site?
You managed to kill a few minutes of 3 or 4 people night, congrats. Nobody gives a shit.
Once again, you fail to seperate ideology and their implementation, the ideologies come to opposite conclusions and their aims of acheiving them are different as well. Plus in your case the US was just the same as Germany and the USSR, but with a guy with no moustache, and Churchill was like Hitler and Stalin but no moustache and also fat! Its childlike reasoning, so try again, but look at IDEOLOGIES please, I know that eyepatch may not be helping.
>pirate flag
Post discarded, try again next time.
you're a literal autist bud. you're trying to start some drama on an anime image board
Thanks for the go ahead there m8
>we should be the ones that collective control muh hierarchies
>derp herb we are not same at all!
you know why it's a horse shoe and not an axis, right?
If only you told us sooner OP, we would’ve welcomed you to Sup Forums properely
I've spent years on Sup Forums, you're not gonna annoy with anything you have, that kind of behavior is quite degenerate and not befitting of Sup Forums though
Why do you think this is an interesting topic?
Yes, they have some similarities, it is inevitable that they do given the development of each is a reaction to the other.
A frame of reference exists for all complex concepts to be viewed with similarities or links, just as a frame of reference exists to view differences and distance in the same concepts, such is the nature of complexity and context. Both views are simultaneously in/correct due to the flawed nature of perception.
What is your point with your comparison?
Nono, you must be mistaken for redditors then lmao, gore has always been Sup Forums, of course a silly boy like you wouldn’t know that
that id tho
One is illegal and reviled by the powers at be, one is a love child of tabloids and reading clubs.
just fyi you can gorespam me all you want but I'm still gonna be back if I want to shit on you, scare away tactics only work on normalfags