Grog's wife spends time at tygrone's cave , grog wife is strong independent women that is what big nose tribe tells me

grog's wife spends time at tygrone's cave , grog wife is strong independent women that is what big nose tribe tells me

Fucking forced meme.

this meme is a mutation of a 2011-ish Sup Forums meme
unga bunga rockstop

And...Your point?

sheeeeeeit grug hooknose tribe tell me they give me berry to do

grog is gathererboy.
Urug strong from hunting, not from bean food.

big nose tribe say 6 die in holobunga
6 seem like many bungas to unga
also say if no let monkey live in hut, no more ungaberry

>big nose tribe say 6 die in holobunga

tygrone knows that white grog created by smart big head . that why tygrone get white grog women

Grug notice anti-long nose grugite cave paintings in cave.

Grug worried short nose grugs building smoke huts again.

>big nose tribe say 7 die in holobunga
me hear they say de 8 wo ded were kill by stinky air then all 9 wer burned

Wtf where did they got those nails?

We get from long nose merchant, ugh, ugh.

post grug sister milkers


I lost it

grog you should be ist doing the killing of Wife with club.


>grog is faggot pre man cannot attain mate
Speak to grad when you can lift man's club

Tygrone wanna know where dem neandrathal wimminz at

He is soygroy

Long nose tribesman say he went into smoke hut 6 times. Me feel sad for long nose tribesman, me give him some shiny stones for his troubles.


>Grog see man from women-dress tribe.
>Grog joystick confused
>now Grog wife is all alone.

Qrug pre-bonked dis.


>smoke huts
long-nose nonsense
cold-weather tribe built fake smoke huts
besides, smoke huts dumb
why use smoke hut to kill 6 long-nose when rock work better

Ungh Bay! Grug not listen when say 7 die in holobunga.
Beak tribe need berry for 8 die holobunga!
Grug only want cause another shore!
Mudtribe come and take Grug berry and Grugina. Give beak tribe berry and we tell mud tribe keep to own land.
It only fair, think of 12 die in holobunga.

Lost it, my sides