Other urls found in this thread:

>send all the nigs and povs shitty cheese instead of money
>massive epidemic of severe gas and/or diarrhea

Not sure about this plan desu.

>he can't run a casino
>wants to be in charge of food

if you live in any place that has a lot of SNAP card usage you'd be know the disgusting shit those people buy was giving them intestinal problems anyway.

Have you ever gone to the store on the first of the month?

Niggers spend their food stamps on lobsters and steak. I'm 0% fucking kidding about this. Go to the store on the first of the month, and just watch niggers. It's disgusting.

dis bullshit nigga

who gonna pay for my subway n shit?

Children that support Communism or Socialism should be forced to pay for and eat only food stuffs such as this. Government quality rationed food.

Its just Velveeta you know?

this essentially makes most of someone's SNAP money instantly turn into things they're supposed to be buying with it. if someone is buying the right things, this just saves them a trip to the grocery store. if they're not, they're going to be platinum butthurt over the lost gibs.

this is too perfect to pass up. what genius came up with this?

>Le fat woman eating cheese block.tiff

>tfw you'll never get to try gubmint cheese
why even live?

>tfw SNAP recipient
>tfw gonna get megacucked by trump
fuck lol

Is this real?

muh god, fuck that, might as well just grow your own fucking food at that point.

Good, these animals eat like fucking kings, while people who are busting their ass are eating crap.

If the state is providing these foods at cost, then it'll end up being a lot more food than you get at the grocery store with the same money.

Everyone I've talked to about the gubmint commodity cheese said it was really fucking good! Always been curious what it's texture and taste are like.

this. budgeting out for beans, rice, cabbage and chicken while the fat nog in front of you buys steak on EBT is the ultimate redpill, desu.

Shaquandas across the country are going to be outraged.

Cook? Cooook! I don fukin' cuuk. Shit. Where is the Sprite and Cheetos in this mutha fuckin' box! Dis is racis'.I wanna buy wut ah want.

Seriously, there are going to be meltdowns.

No more using EBT to buy malt liquor, Tyrone.


I bust my ass and use food stamps at the same time, nigger, ever think of that shit

Welfare niggers eat better than I do.

>Good, basic cheddar cheese, what we used to also call "rat trap" cheese



This is truly great, the butthurt alone, ah so satisfying.

Be grateful for your cheese, Tyrone. You could be getting nothing.

I don't even know if it's a joke anymore...

Enjoy your puffed rice, faggot.

In fact, go to the hood. Ever wonder how someone can run a fresh seafood place in the ghetto? Because he sells a bushel of RAW crabs on EBT ( $90-$250 depending on the season and size) then "cooks them for free or $5".

Fuck niggers and fuck EBT. We need to go back to handing out bread/milk/eggs//veggies/cheese etc. Nobody should go hungry in this country but they shouldn't be eating high dollar food because they don't actually need it or they sell it half price so they can get cigs/beer/weed.

When you realize that this is just the excuse for the government to start rolling out ration boxes for the economic collapse next year.

w-red pill me on veveeta

There is literally nothing wrong with this

Even better.

The welfare office in the city usually has lines out the door with niggers in fresh clothes w/ iphones. It's no joke, user.

SNAP benefits are distributed throughout the month based on id number. No longer are stores swamped at the start of the month as only a small percentage of SNAP users get their benefits then.

American """""cheese"""""


I actually want some, not joking.

Good share

I'm a little disappointed I won't be able to buy foodstamps at half price. But that's ok - it's for the best.

I work at a seafood department in a store, first of the month is literally nothing but fucking crab legs, and they buy a shit ton of them.

>yellow cheese
g r o s s

The quality was high because it wasn't processed with a bunch of fillers. Same with government peanut butter. No added sugar or fillers. Those accustomed to commercial peanut butter full of sugar hated government peanut butter since it was pure.

They'z wuz klazzy 'n sheeeit.

>federal government issues cheese

nah we're not a communist country at all lol


Can you believe that shit, 15 kids and on welfare.
>Somebody needs to feed my kids!!

That's not true

what is puffed rice, sissy

No, it isn't. The closest commercial product is Land o' Lakes Extra Melt Process Cheese Loaf.
This is sort of related.

You know the government fucks up a whole lot of shit but that cheese must be on point

It's 100% true. Stop being a retard. Tell me I'm wrong so I'll have reason to go get a source after which you'll mysteriously disappear from the thread. The days of everybody getting food stamps the first of the month are over. Stop repeating things you've heard but have no direct knowledge of.

should be reporting them instead of fucking us all over user.

>tfw pillhead neighbor who stole from me a few times finally got disability for his back so I recorded him replacing the transmission on my car to SSA and he's in jail for fraud

Chapter Jackson is kind of hot. I'd hit it.

Bernie is gonna love this idea.

sure thing tough guy

Youll find out soon enough, burden.

it never was a joke

>no frills

holy fuck, I can't imagine frill-less cheese, I love that shit. Crisps perfectly in a grilchee and holds flavours in. Glad these subhumans don't get any frills

a lot of mad gibs nigger neet retards itt. Can't wait to see you retards die when you have to prepare actual food instead of getting govt hot pockets.

>Hurp a durp mah casino
>meanwhile he's literally your president

Jokes on you fag dick

It’s probably the same type of bulk generic cheddar cheese you can, or at least used to be able to, buy at an regular US supermarket, although I’m not sure whether it would be sharp or extra sharp etc.

How easy was it to work with SSA on that? My shitbag neighbor's are all living off the system and constantly doing yard work, landscaping and cleaning (they run under the table businesses). Didn't know what angle to take to report them because I don't want to fail and hear "muh disability" from the fat bitch who looks like shrek and has a mustache


side note: you know the street cash value for EBT is like 50cents on the dollar. You can sell your $100 EBT for $50 cash in da hood, and then just ask for another card if they don't give you the empty card back. That's the scheme. I only saw ONE family use their EBT for REAL food. They were actually buying milk, eggs, cheese, bread, etc. I felt good knowing this, while also feeling bad that this is probably the only guy in the city who does.

>tfw shopping
>have a few things in a hand basket
>get stuck in line behind huge spic family paying for overloaded shopping cart with 12 WIC checks, 2 separate EBT cards with SNAP and government cash who don't even speak English

Government cheese is extremely high quality

it is true. i think they still get other checks on the 1st and the 3rd but food stamps is spread out over like a week or more and it goes by your last name or social security number or some shit like that. whenever i got it for a few months after katrina i think my day was the 7th or the 9th i cant remember exactly

It's good, you can make queso with it

Sharper than the single mother eating it.

My wife used to work at a European food store that accepted food stamps.

>Black Caviar
>Lithuanian Sausage
>French Cheeses
>Russian Dried Fish
>German Candy

All on fucking EBT cards.

Looked at a year of receipts from Walmart, only shopped on the 1st three or four times, don't remember it being crowded. I do go before 10am though.

queso literally is just spanish for 'cheese' you retard, wow great you can make cheese out of cheese who would've thought, wtf I love velveeta now

niggers dont eat that stuff

Yup, or less cost for the same amount of food. And it prevents the EXTREMELY common phenomenon of niggers blowing their whole EBT card on steak and crab every first. This seems like an all around good idea.

Aren't store brands usually made by name brand companies anyways?

>govt hot pockets

lmfao how has some company not lobbied the government to let them get that contract yet.

The trick with the peanut butter was to add just a bit of oil to it so you didn't tear up the bread trying to spread it on. Charlie Murphy mentioned that same thing on Chappelle Show once, totally cracked me up.

Eastern European niggers do. Georgians, Russians, Albanians, and Poles.

>niggers having such good taste

I just can't stop being amazed by this man. I have no doubt in my mind he will easily be the single greatest president of my entire lifetime.

>The boxes would account for half of the benefits for the household and the rest would be put on their Electronic Benefit Transfer card.

Niggers are getting cut the fuck off. They will probably through the shit out in protest too. This will be great.


Your language requirement has really made you cultured, huh Mohammed?

>Govt. mtn dew
>Govt. doritos.
Hell why not even govt. fucking issued nintendo switches and soylent?

Fuck off spic

I wonder how much it will hurt brands and certain industries once items aren't bought in bulk, it basically is a subsidy for them,
We'll see people whining how much it'll costs states, all while they claim states like California have billions in slush funds and would be nth biggest country if not part of the US.

It was a contract product made from the massive dairy surpluses the government used to buy up to prevent the dairy industry from collapsing. At one point, in the 1980s, they were just going to discard the milk until people bitched about it. In fact, a lot of the farm bills from that era just resulted in market excesses being destroyed or rotting in government warehouses.
Anyway, the government contract companies to make the cheese, particularly Land o' Lakes, hence why their Extra Melt Cheddar Process Loaf is the closest commercial analog.
I am Native and commodity cheese is an important part of my heritage. So important, in fact, that I still remember a stabbing that came out of an argument over a block of it.

There will be chimp outs over this.

How dey gonna trade der food stamps wif tavarious to get they malt liquah and smokes mang?

Fuck you mang that cheese is dope. They literally just get it for pennies on the dollar from regular manf. plants that produce cheese. Btw Kraft is just a logo, the same plant that makes cheese for Kraft will also make cheese for other companies.


Was at the grocery store a few months ago
>Nog rolls up with a cart of shit and 4 things of malt liquor as well as some clearly luxury type foods like high quality steaks
>Also 2 canisters of tabasco sauce
>Pays in coupons, stamps, whatever
>Uses a credit card for the remainder
>Think nothing of it
>Go over to Gamestop next door to pick up my little brother a fistfull of used games hes been wanting
>Same nog as before walks in
>Buys two PS4s and no less than 10 new games with a massive wad of cash in his pocket

>called 855-niggafraud
>I believe my neighbor is using the gibs fraudulently and I have video of him laying in the gravel on his back for three hours pulling a 150lb transmission out of a Honda on public property
>email to [email protected]


Have you tried not being a nigger?

>>German Candy
Do g*rmans actually think that black licorice is candy and not poison?

>love seafood
>can't swim
i just don't understand negroes

>Black licorice is poison.
Is this some new redpill I should know about?