Have we considered the possibility that Asians will become the predominant middle/upper middle class SES in the western world within the next 50 years?
Have we considered the possibility that Asians will become the predominant middle/upper middle class SES in the western...
hopefully not asians like the ones in op's picture
hope it happens, would be funny
gooks need ideal death and mass killing sprees.
just lol at poltards hating on jews and not realizing asians do the exact same thing except on a much wider scale and they dont hide their intentions
You afraid Shlomo?
>they dont hide their intentions
Good. Without you filthy kike the world will be much better.
im not a kike/jew u fucking faggot lol kys
If we don't limit pajeets it will be poos walking around screeching in their 87 languages about bobs and vagene, throwing garbage on top of the shit on the street.
>im not a kike/jew u fucking faggot lol kys
Yeah sure degenerate western rat
gib soy sauce milk
I am rooting for the kpop asians
hapa is the superior race when it comes to women, moon faced koreans are disgusting and packed with surgery.
location: greece
i can see why you're mad u rape baby. LMAO at ur shitty country
true, you have to love the hapa girls.
Superior genes and nobody likes them, which lowers their self steam.
this girl makes pornos where she drinks old japanese mens piss.
10/10 would still fuck.
the average east asian IQ in the US is 101
>i can see why you're mad u rape baby. LMAO at ur shitty country
Nice try pathetic mutt but everyone knows the truth.
Hopefully will be*
>meme eyebrows
>stronger jaw than most men
aside from that, absolutely perfect
south korea are the niggers of developed asia
they've fallen victim to the debasing jewnog pop culture meme
I thought that was our consensus unless whites wake up en masse.
lol pay your bills cunt
>Asians are next to get blacked...rubs hands.
>how much soy in them there bags.
Unless western culture corrupts them
who's the big tittied asian?
Not bad