Catholic General

God bless you, Sup Forums.

Come and discuss Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and the Church He established!

Continuing on from

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In case anyone didn't see the last thread - if you reply to this post I will allocate you a saint for you to ask their intercession for this year. God willing, we will have good match ups like yesterday.

Give me a Saint desu

You got St. Cajetan
Patron of Unemployed People
Some info about him:



Friend of mine came to me concerned about the trading card game Magic: The Gathering. She voices uncertainty about the safety of her children collecting/playing Magic since it depicts all manner of creatures (angels, horrors, fairys, demons) as well as fictional characters who are disciples/clerics of fictional deities in the fantasy setting.
Does anyone have some advice I could her?

As long as people realise that it is a game and not real, there is no real harm.
If it causes them to sin, they maybe step away from it, but it is not sinful in and of itself.

Yaldabaoth please go.


how does a catholic reconcile the pope being a cuckold, and out of control proselytizing that transformed shitskins all over the world into catholics? i respect the religion and its history, i prefer roman heritage over greek myself, but it's hard to think of catholic nowadays without thinking of african niggers and american beaners.

catholicism is a universal faith. anyone and everyone is welcome in the church. however, i do believe the holy father is oftentimes too eager to accept non-catholics and liberal ideas. that being said, he is still the pope and deserves a certain level of respect.

>specifies catholic
You're not asking for Francis memes are you?

Further it can be seen in Acts 8 26:40 that there was the conversion of blacks with Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch.




Steve Jobs did more good for humanity than Jesus. Prove me wrong.

So benedict is on his way out?

unfortunately, yes. it seems so.

He said the other day he is in the 'final phases of his life'. We can only pray he has a happy death.




Steve Jobs cannot give you Eternal Life.

Not sure if the lads that helped me draft an email to my bishop are here, but thank you! I got an email today saying that they were going to launch an inquiry. Hope it sorts things out. God Bless!


Bible worship is Idolatry

I was one of those people! God bless, user - I am glad to hear it. You did a good thing. :)

He is a heretic therefore out of the church, therefore not the pope

>Sedes in 2018

How ya'll gonna spend lent?

For me it'll be no meat no coffee.

Catholicism is a lie. The only thing the post-second council of the Vatican high church cares about is adsorbing more third worlders to fill pews.
I left the church and I don't need to see this shit shilled here every day.

Good luck user. I tried no meat last year and failed. I hope you will do better.
I am going to try little to no carbs and nothing like chocolate or soda

Cheers! Maybe ill be able to see some good change for once!

I missed the other thread, what was the email about, if you don't mind me asking?

also, what time are you guys going to Ash Wednesday mass? I'm thinking 5 PM for me and the gf

Heretic in 2018

No alcohol, no coffee (gonna try and replace with tea).

no beer for me. gonna be rough I think

Unfortunately I will miss the mass at the Cathedral with the Bishop due to university commitment. I may try to fit both in (mass is at 12, commitment at 1 and it takes 10-15 mins to get to uni). Other than that, I may go at 6pm in a small chapel I've never been in.

I failed once too because I went to a restaurant and it didn't say on the menu that there was meat in the dish and I didn't notice until half way through.

>no coffee (gonna try and replace with tea).
Same here, stocked up on green, black and camomille already.

Watched The Case for Christ tonight. Pretty good.

Hallelu Yeshua boys!

Two priests at my RCIA were teaching that Hell didn't exist. Here was my email:

I am in the RCIA at the Newman Center in --- and lately I have been troubled because the priests, Father ---- and Father ----, that conduct the meeting have been teaching that there is no Hell. I know this to be contrary to what I have been taught and what is in the Catechism (CCC #1035). I am very worried that this kind of teaching could be damaging to the faith of those attending and could endanger their souls. I would be ever grateful if you could help me dispel this wrongful teaching. Or If I am mistaken please let me know. I don't want to cause a ruckus but I am serious concerned, and this matter has caused me to feel very disenfranchised. Thank you for your time and consideration. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


wow wow wow, good on you for bringing it up! I hope something good comes from it

will you be getting confirmed this easter?

What you should believe and follow is the official dogma of the Church, not the opinion of this or that liberal priest or parishioners. It is objectively true that the Catholic Church teaches the existence of hell. That will never change.

>Two priests at my RCIA were teaching that Hell didn't exist.
It only exists for Christians.
Jews don't believe in hell.

The first ideas of hell as we know it now (fire and brimstone) come from Zoroastrianism. That's also where the halo's come from. Ancient fire cult.

/his/ out.

You got one of my favourites - St. Padre Pio!
Patron of
Some info on him:

Yah I hope so too. And yes!
Well of course I believe that. The problem is they are leading others astray and undermining the faith covertly. The whole parish is terrible in my opinion. Too many women making decisions not to mention I know there are overly gay people in attendance and are Eucharistic ministers for Gods sake! Its just sad in general, no one goes to confession no doubt.

The Church is dead. The pope is a godless communist. They hate whites and Western civilization.

I'm sorry brothers, but they killed god. The only thing left is to do as I did. Leave the church that left you.

go to latin mass only

>post-second council of the Vatican

I would but they dont really offer them where I live. And also since I am a catechist there I am 'heavily' recommended that I am there every Sunday. I know a lot of good people there and I do plan to move parishes once I am confirmed. I know many who will follow suit after I leave.

>I'm sorry brothers, but they killed god. The only thing left is to do as I did. Leave the church that left you.
gee I wonder who can be behind this post.

The Church has survived far, far worse than whatever is happening now.

I'm sick of catholics saying this.
everyone hates it, yet they all follow the high church blindly and nothing changes

>The Church is dead.
The Roman Catholic church is dead.
The Catholics have been shit since the dark ages.
Go protestant or read the bible for yourself and worship in your own way. You don't need a massive corrupt organization telling you the proper way to pray.

It kinda reminds me of what Yuri Brezmonov said. At this point generations of Catholics have grown up with it and it has become normalized. An inherent problem is that not enough people freaked out fast enough. The Eternal boomer strikes again.

(((the dark ages)))

No, it really hasn't. There has never been as severe a crisis as this for the church in 2000 years. The pope and other communists destroy it from within. The mudskins destroy it from without. It has turned it's back on whites when it should have embraced them, and so they have turned their back on it. The youth hate mass and are taught to have empty sex and take drugs is good, while the church is hateful because it backs Jesus. The only way this could occur is that god is dead. And you are following the witches that killed him.

You have to give it up. I know it's painful, but it's the only way.

Weakness breeds weakness

How can you have sola scriptura if you took out whole books of the Bible?

man cannot kill God, and cannot kill the holy Church.
I'll pray for you user.

The only hope I see is with a select few younger male Catholics. The females are all practically worthless, they support abortion, homosexuality, and generally just use the faith as a social club. Reminds me of the (((protestants))) I know.

>implying that just because some guy says so that it's true
There are other religions that also promise eternal life. Are they lying? If yes, then how can anyone be sure that you aren't lying either?

That's why I left.

The church killed god, and there's nothing holy about that. Your prayers ring hollow in an empty vastness, deeper than the words echoing through empty churches every Sunday.

The whole of Christianity boils down to the Resurrection. Even St Paul says without it our faith is in vain. I believe the Resurrection happened.

>using a photo from a likely weekday Mass when the young people are working

Lads I really recommend praying either the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet when you get urges or temptations. It has really helped me this past week. God bless.

This one's a Sunday. Would god want you to lie to yourself about the reality of a dying church?

FUCK. That's depressing

The Rosary is a Satanic prayer:
>Then all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, along with all the women who were present—a large assembly—and all the people living in Lower and Upper Egypt, said to Jeremiah, "We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD! We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm. But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine." (Jeremiah 44:15-18)

>deeper than the words echoing through empty churches every Sunday.
my church is full to the brim every Sunday, in the morning and the evening. On Saturdays and weekdays it is full.

First off, truth isn't determined by popularity.
Secondly, look at the Pew Research about global Christianity. Catholicism is projected to increase in numbers by 2050. It is not dying off globally.

Lying is a sin, user.

How does that quote have anything to do with the rosary? Meditating on the life of Jesus is Satan because of an unrelated verse from Jeremiah? Sheesh, the reasoning of anti-Catholics is just so bizarre.

>your prayers ring hollow in an empty vastness
>says the internet nazi

lacking some self awareness there, son?

>global Christianity.
It's gaining niggers and spics, who aren't actually really Catholic. Its that the church you want to be in? One that votes in more illegals and demorat politicians to fund abortions?

And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock.

being leaf is more satanic

How could anyone advocate for The Old Testament and kid diddlers

>Tiny print so no one can see they are all the equivalent of gender studies majors
>Lets zoom in and enhance
The concept of imaginary numbers was invented in roughly 50 A.D. but this priest compared them to the kingdom of god in 1890 A.D.


I'm not even making the argument that religion is holding us back. It's just retarded that you are trying to say the dark ages did not suck.

> putting value in symbols
Are you sure you're not orthodox? Seems almost iconoclast in here.

Then they crucified the rock upside down. But I guess Jesus forgot to mention that.

You were refuted last time you were posting this.

>literally the saviour of mankind is crucified

>man charged with building his church is crucified

Am I meant to see something wrong with this glorious martyrdom? The church stands yet still.

A man is not the Church.

It is rotten and crumbling, and will not stand much longer. There is no glory in communism. The wages of this church are death.

You didn't understand him.

>It is rotten and crumbling, and will not stand much longer.

I refer to my previous quote. The church will not fall, it was built upon the solid foundation of Christ's immortal truth.

Saint me, please.

You got The Blessed Virgin Mary!
Some info about her:

It's opening a portal.

Bad idea.

The gospels are the written accounts of Jesus life and teachings.
Everything else is just stories of the founding of the early chruch mixed in with political propaganda from the times.

Tell me anything in revelations matches up with the teachings of Christ.
You can't because it's just early Christians shit talking Nero and the Romans for persecuting them. It's like people in the future looking at Sup Forums logs and thinking we were actually worshiping Kek like politics had nothing to do with it.

>talk to Proddie friend
>talking about religion
>asks me what I am
>I tell him I'm a Catholic
>an instant distasteful look goes across his face
>starts calling me a heretic for having saints and believing in purgatory
>try to explain how he's wrong
>won't listen

Fuck you Matthew this is why my dad and his Scouser friends used to beat you guys up.

Pray for him.

>How does that quote have anything to do with the rosary? Meditating on the life of Jesus is Satan because of an unrelated verse from Jeremiah?
Satan will tell you one million truths to get you to believe one lie. The final mystery of the Rosary is the crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven. The Rosary is not about Jesus, it's about a demonic entity that appears in the form of a woman that claims to be Mary the Mother of Jesus, but is actually the evil entity worshiped by the people of Israel when they turned away from God. Veneration of this demonic entity is at the heart of the Rosary prayer and Catholicism.

No, I wasn't.

Anyway, I've recently pondered upon mystery of Eucharist. This might be already understood by many of you, but I want to share my understanding.
Prots believe that Catholics re-sacrifice Jesus during Mass.
That's of course not the case. Mass is a sacrifice, but is it sacrifice made from bread and wine?
No. It's sacrifice from Body and Blood of Jesus. A perfect sacrifice, that will never be "too old".
>And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of his offering; he shall not leave any of it until the morning. 16 But if the sacrifice of his offering is a votive offering or a freewill offering, it shall be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice, and on the morrow what remains of it shall be eaten,
>17 but what remains of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burned with fire.
Leviticus 7
The imperfect sacrifice mentioned here, can't be eaten three days or more, after the sacrificed animal was killed. It's imperfect, can only be valid for two days.
But Jesus sacrificed Himself, that He died once, but His sacrifice is valid until the end of the world.
It can always be eaten.
And because Jesus died "outside the camp" it can only be eaten by those outside the Old Law, because His Blood was spilled, so that entry to Most Holy Place might be given to many. And sacrifices for high priest, that he enters where Ark dwells, were not eaten in the Old Law. That's why st. Paul says:
>We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat.
Hebrews 13,10
And what does it mean "we have an altar"? Well, from what has Levitic priesthood lived? From the altar, priests ate the remainder of what was sacrificed (Leviticus 5,13)

That's why st. Peter calls every Christian a "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2,9). Because we have the right to eat Eucharist that is remainder of perfect sacrifice.
And priest who eats the remainder of imperfect sacrifice, satisfies bodily hunger and will not die from starvation. And one who worthily eats Eucharist will not die, but live forever.
>This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.
John 6