Remember when Sup Forums was great, before the Trumptards and normies arrived?
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"Ye" does not mean "yes"
I remember a majority of faggots preferring Obama to Ron Paul or Romney. Sup Forums was shit.
>Sup Forumsharbor
>mitt and the fudge
>the great oakland escape
>boston brombbers
>the moot rebulution
>subgenius raid on mickey d's
>the birth of skykanggs
>census and poll riggin
>ferret "shave balls"
Ye but nah but ye but nah but ye
Not really.
Some of the greatest moments were from the beginning of the Trump-era and to after the election with ANTIFA shit; sure, the Obama-race era with Zimmerman and all the riots was good too, but the amount of trolling of the MSM from here has been the best thing it's done.
>Some of the greatest moments were from the beginning of the Trump-era
Normie detected.
This place is getting heavily shilled again. Some of the worst threads I have seen in a couple of weeks.
Something might be dropping soon.
I agree user, it's even greater now.
No man old /pol is only praised by shills. You fuckers even use older memes and memes alien to this place. You progressive faggots have the whole damn internet, leave this place alone.
You mean before defense contractors like Strator and political astroturf firms like Correct The Record started operating here? Yes, I do.
Bluffdale facility was the beginning of the end.
>older memes and memes alien to this place
>spunky thinks he invented anything
*Stratfor (Strategic Forcasting)
>uses normie
>calls himself oldfag
$0.02 has been deposited into your account
Would you prefer "plebe" or perhaps "faggot?
>mommy let me on the laptop XXdd :)
Yeah, Doom Paul was so much better
>not pleb
lurk one year before posting please
Look out...ninth grade must be on vacation
cant flimflam the dorner
best was spending summer watching the zimmerzammer trial
the election was p epic, but not worth the decline in quality, but ive said it before and say it again here: can fix this place by rangebanning canada and israel
when it was nothing but Paulbots arguing with stormfags? i feel like were actually accomplishing things now
Election was fun, but it has become terminal ass cancer now. /ptg/ homos are no different then libfags, can't even criticize anything Trump does without a bunch of aspie redditors sperging out. Sup Forums has only been good for happenings for a long time
it's still not reddit.
can't get your post hidden by downvotes or faggot mods
no, because i only got here post-trump. but i remember when Sup Forums was fun and not just porn.
>posting retarder picture
>remember when Sup Forums was great guys
Fuck off kike.
There hasn't been a good Happening in years.
yeah and when we said normalfag instead of redditterm normie?