I dont wear my wedding band. What does pol think about this?
I dont wear my wedding band. What does pol think about this?
Are you married?
The only reason you should take that shit off is if you work closely with machinery and it could get caught and rip your finger off.
No, he can't be married. Interspecies marriage is still illegal
I don't wear mine either. It's way too small now.
psychologists say that married men of means who don't wear a wedding band do this consciously or subconsciously to signal their sexual availability
that's immoral
I have the opposite problem. Lost a shit ton of weight and mine doesn't fit. I told my wife if she wants me to wear it she can either get me an insert to make it fit or pay to get it cut.
So far I don't have to wear the thing. I hate wearing jewelry personally. It feels fruity.
Me neither. I hate jewelry. My wife wears hers.
Where can I get a cheap wedding band? I hear it makes the sluts go after you.
depends on why you do it
You can get a cheap titanium band on amazon for like $10
It does. When women see a man going out with a woman or has a ring they automatically assume there's something good in that man and they want a piece of that.
I think its fucked up. My boss doesn't either and it's because he hates his wife and wants to die.
Married, love my wife, no wedding band. I do shit with my hands and don't want to be de-gloved.
called a degloving injury. Pretty gross.
Get a silicone one. Or dont. Fuck you faggot.
My wife and I wear ours but they're cheap because we aren't jewelry people and both think it's just a dumb waste of money. If they get lost or broken it's easy to just get more no stress. The rings signify that you're taken so I do believe in wearing them, but honestly people focus way too much on the perfect wedding and the most expensive jewelry without even thinking ahead to the marriage.
I googled it. Fuck
Had to cut mine off years ago when I got a job doing industrial maintenance. Its been in a box in the closet since. Never fucked around. The handful of times I've had broads get forward with me I just told them I was happily married.
I don't wear mine either, but that's because I don't want some electrons to flow through it into my finger. This would likely cause a sudden increase in vibration of the highly conductive atoms within the ring, changing its state of matter into a liquid, only to resolidify after cooling down while scattered accross my freshly deformed finger.
Had my first one cut off at the hospital after a rattlesnake bite. Got another one. Saw a guy get his finger ripped off jumping out of the back of a dump truck when it got caught on a bur. Took mine off and haven't worn it since. Work with a lot of moving machinery as well. Don't need a ring to remind me I am married.
that's why I don't wear mine
also we got married before I started working there, so now if I wore it on a weekend, I'd have some real trouble getting it off again, and it's just not worth it to enlargen it for the weekends
is there a problem with this? i mean if you aren't actively pursuing adultery there shouldn't be.
degloving isn't just a work related injury.
I don't either because my workplace prohibits it
Haven't wore my ring in 35 years. I prefer my fingers attached.
Me and my wife don't wear the ring. Put it in the box safely somewhere.
Mine got to big as I lost weight
Then keep it on.
You're stupid as shit. More women will want to fuck you if you are married than if you aren't. It proves that you can support a family and are a viable husband. It's like you know nothing. Holy shit you are dumb.
Same here. Don't even wear a watch because of the environment I work in. Too many things could go wrong, don't want to risk it.