Why do millennials want the minimum wage to pay a living wage when they can go to college to find a job that pays a living wage?
Why do millennials want the minimum wage to pay a living wage when they can go to college to find a job that pays a...
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You have to be an ultra high IQ city person to go to college.
Umm have you not heard of student loans and the fact that there is no jobs available for college graduates? Fuck college. Trade school or bust.
fuck college.. your literally paying ((( them))) 40k plus in debt.
Judging from the quality of your post and your flag, I'd say you never stood a chance.
Millenial here, 27 yo. I hate kids and id fuck marriage up for sure, also theres an amazing appeal to me about a lifestyle that doesnt require triple digit income and allows me to basically come and go as i please. Is that so bad?
>they can go to college to find a job that pays a living wage?
>That flag
You know... American higher education is different than in Europe? The American job market is different too.
Who's this bitch I keep on seeing in every millennial posting?
College is not worth it now. Skip it and learn a trade. You'll be in demand with all the illegals getting deported.
My dd214 is better
Went and made your own thread huh canacuck?
insta model i believe
i pretty much see her face every time a millennial thread is posted.
One can hope.
Because finding a job nowadays to fit college is hard af. I work construction from mwf and get paid 12 an hour under the table while the illegal Mexicans make 25 an hour. At least I have a job that's the bright side of it. Its fucking bs.
Oh and they can also choose what time of week to work to which is also bs, I honestly have no idea why the fuck my boos pays us 12 and pay these guys 25. We literally do the same job.
The one on the right is Soe Gschwind-Penski.
I wouldn't take anything less than $14.88 an hour.
Wow, she aged like milk.
what if i told you i get payed more than living wage and never graduated college? What I did learn from college was simple; I don't need to feed the jew, I need to feed my family and myself.
nice try anyways! nice b8 m8, get r8p3d
p.s. anyone like sage with their food? really? me too.
What a faggy sign off
Because they are lazy and believe that they have some sort of right to someone and their labor. Also they know nothing about economics.
>they can go to college to find a job that pays a living wage
You can not find a decent paying job with womens/gender studies, and engineering students for example are not complaining.
If I would run a buisness, that would even decrease your chances of me employing you, since I know people who study that shit are a pain in the ass to work with.
it's not only millenials looking to earn a living wage you faggots - some of us got laid off in our 40s and our now completely fucked.
To her credit she never got "internet girl fat"