>Nights with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt >Listen live: 2gb.com/show/nights-with-steve-price/ Phone in: Open Line: 03 96 900 693 Outside Melbourne Open Line: 131332
Emu's are no longer a problem in Australia. Can confirm.
Lucas Rodriguez
Nicholas Martinez
How do I deal with the fact I will never own a house without inheritance? I’m depressed and struggling to see the point saving or working at this point.
Liam Lee
But Australia is where people go when they're deported. You can't exile him to a penal colony when you are the penal colony
Owen Garcia
average wage is $1500 per week, more than enough for a house
maybe you should get a job
Dominic Kelly
Remember fellow anons that today is National Apology Day, so I would appreciate it if you all took a few moments to remember the many injustices committed against our indigenous brethren and the great debt our society still needs to repay.
Thank you.
Hudson Campbell
We got Christmas Island and New Zealand to dump people
Asher Clark
You should be able to save roughly half of your yearly wage per year, at least I do anyway.
I only make $40k a year and save $20k, so far I have $80k saved just another year and I'll have enough for a deposit on an apartment, might even hold out longer since prices are starting to fall.
David Martinez
today we pay respct to da abos past and present from da welubadadrinkadaveebee tribe
Educate yourself please bigot. I bet you even live in Queensland. Hopefully by the time National Sorry Day rolls around (26th of May) you're ready to apologise for your privileged upbringing at the expense of a 40,000 year old culture.
Jeremiah Hill
Kevin '07 apologised 10 years ago for stealing a generation and turning them into somewhat productive members of society
Parker Wood
>whats for dinner lads
Sebastian Sullivan
girlfriend made me some lovely katsu chicken earlier
Caleb Edwards
>average wage is $1500 per week fuck off with your average, it means nothing. the mean number is actually useful. most people are on half that at most.
Samuel Hill
>fuck off with your average, it means nothing >the mean number is actually useful. The median is what's useful (mean is thrown out by the hugely rich) and the median wage of a full time worker is around 80,000 per year.
David Sanchez
>While the arithmetic mean is often used to report central tendencies, it is not a robust statistic, meaning that it is greatly influenced by outliers (values that are very much larger or smaller than most of the values). Notably, for skewed distributions, such as the distribution of income for which a few people's incomes are substantially greater than most people's, the arithmetic mean may not accord with one's notion of "middle", and robust statistics, such as the median, may be a better description of central tendency.
Kayden Reed
>full time worker is around 80,000 per year no, that's the household average income. the average person is on around 40,000.
Camden Bailey
> In the twelve months to May 2017, Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings increased by 1.8% to $1,543.80.
Easton Lee
bullshit. there's a significant amount of people earning more than $150,000 a year that drags that number up. give the mean earnings.
Easton Mitchell
>there's a significant amount of people earning more than $150,000 a year that drags that number up. give the mean earnings. >give the mean earnings. Stay in school kids.
Isaac Wilson
Houses are easy as fuck to buy as long as your not living in a capital city. Prices are lower for mine than 6 years ago despite half the place being completely renovated
David Baker
I should probably do something with my life
Brody Martin
Luke Johnson
give straya-chan
Zachary Brown
Yeah, that is the average full time worker, so someone who is working a full week along with over time.
What's important to note here is that majority of the jobs in Australia are not full time. And that majority of the jobs are casual or part time. Most people on part time and casual jobs will never own a house.
Blake Powell
Matthew Brooks
Brandon Sullivan
>fat bitch loudmouth feminist on qanda My blood pressure
Aiden Powell
Luke Sanders
>What's important to note here is that majority of the jobs in Australia are not full time. And that majority of the jobs are casual or part time. Most people on part time and casual jobs will never own a house.
bull shit >An estimated 7.9 million (67%) employed persons worked full-time in their main job.
Jackson Lopez
This map is bullshit. By 1966, Victoria and NSW had hundreds of thousands of Greeks and Italians living there, neither of whom are white.
Bentley James
yep same, I'm trying though
Hunter Russell
Firstly by stop being a fuckwit for starters,
Stay single women are financial leeches that generally contribute nothing with the risk of losing half of your shit Go to your bank about seeing how much you can borrow many banking websites have calculators for this shit Nonstop search for houses in your price-range
Its not going to be easy nor is it impossible harden the fuck up cunt
Joseph Walker
>mustard on a sausage Dude what the fuck are you doing, mustard is only acceptable on hotdogs.
Why is every news story on the ((((ABC)))) about Barnaby? What are they directing the gaze of the TV zombies from? Is something big happening behind the scenes? What could it be? And why are just about all presenters and reporters on the ((((ABC)))) women? Is there a gender quota?
Jason Miller
Yellow or Red mustard?
Mason Evans
>Italians aren’t white Fucking Anglo purists.
Brandon Myers
I know how you feel.
You're right work is a joke it's for silly goy and shitskins. Try to get rich if you can.
Caleb Lewis
pray the Libs pass their tax cuts and it might come true
Logan Howard
Not all women are bad, the best thing is to get a woman that earns well so then you've got double the money and then you can jew others.
Brayden King
if you're going to jew jew the jew
Isaiah Flores
Probably African gangs and ice.
William Wright
>be Aussie Sup Forums >get meme'd on
Liam Morgan
I legit hope Barnaby stays. He's a cunt but so are most Australians. So I want him there so they can look in the mirror so to speak.
Jose Brooks
How the hell do I jew the masters? They've got the game sewn up. Impossible. If anything I'd like to marry a jew, one of those hot ones with the tits.
Matthew Nguyen
politics has no shortage of cunts though, so with him gone there'd be no shortage of cunts to reflect us
Carter Harris
I mean the moral jew, boomer capitalists >hot ones with tits I can sympathise with you there but that means ur kids will be jewish
Ian Rogers
Watch the video i posted, that subject is somewhat addressed
They are probably hiding the blatant treasonous staff under investigation from the leaks.
Nathan Campbell
But lots of people don't think they're cunts. Lots of them fawn over the likes of say Penny Wong, because muh wyminz and muh lezos even though she's just another cunt.
It's much more apparent that Barnaby is a cunt.
Owen Myers
Lots of them are only ethnically Jewish and just act white so I don't care. If they are Orthodox or whatever well fuck that.
James Gray
The only people I know that don't think every pollie is a cunt are the sort of people who wouldn't acknowledge their cunt status pretty much regardless of scandals.
Colton Parker
I can't be bothered I'm gaming.
Evan Wood
That would probably be the majority of people.
Jose Thompson
obviously not gaming enough to not post four comments in three minutes you cunt
Kayden Cruz
Where are you from lol? People onboard with practically any politician or party are pretty fucking few and far between around here.
Michael Powell
But yet can be bothered to browse and respond on Sup Forums
Basically in an ideal (fantasy) world that could work however society and social norms paint a different picture
Christopher Reyes
where have all the left wing goons gone? These threads used to be crawling with them
Liam Miller
Wait, there are people ITT with steady jobs and a gf
Normies repulse me, you cunts know where the door is
Jonathan Carter
This aint r9k. Fuck off
William Price
Nah I meant amongst normies.
Brayden Butler
Sup Forums only takes a few minutes and I can say cunt, piss, nigger, everything, it's like a fun game in itself.
Samuel Butler
Yeah its worse
John Williams
I meant "around here" as in my local area lol. Normies fucking HATE politicians 'round here.
Samuel Thomas
Shorten hasn't said a word about the Barnaby issue. Could it be because Bill impregnated a very young intern in his office back when he was a shdow minister? Aborted and hushed up. ABC are blatantly biased cunts who badly need the day of the rope.
Joshua Turner
Found the filthy normie
Ian Reed
So Shorten is a pedo? How young was she? Was she a loli or a tween?
Jason Allen
19 I think
Mason Flores
I think he's just sitting back and biding his time, watching the shit show that is the coalition.
Levi Gray
Its mostly audio based something that can be listened to while gaming considering said game doesn't seem that important that it requires all of your attention because you are posting on Sup Forums
Joseph Green
I'm surrounded by self hatin cucks that pat themselves on the back for letting hordes of dumb violent shitskins into the west.
Wyatt Cruz
Can I get out of jury duty on account of the fact I literally just started a new job?
Nicholas Reed
Lost some sight in my left eye because of them we should have killed them all.
Sebastian Parker
which state?
Ryder Thomas
>chink calling for legal fag marriage
as if, chink communities were voting 80% no
Colton Torres
Ethan Evans
there should be some legal protection for you - your employer can't discriminate against you for Jury duty. Most States should have some system for asking to be excused due to undue hardship. In my state, WA, you can defer Jury Duty but you will get called up later in the year, and can't defer then. Contact the court ASAP - the earliest you sort this out, the better.
Isaiah Nguyen
>Nights with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt what's this?
Chase Evans
>average wage is $1500 per week, more than enough for a house
t. boomer scum
Take out the millionaires, doctors, (((lawyers))) etc and the tech illiterate boomer scum that collects 6 figure wages in management to drive companies into the ground, export jobs and be left behind by technology and that average wage figure for youth would be well under $1000.
Joshua Ross
Fucked my back while squatting lads, how do I keep myself busy for the next week? There's no longterm consequences apparently but this is a fucking bitch to deal with because I can't bend my back for shit right now and it's university o-week so muh social gains are gone
also can I use the poor student card to jew my way out of paying $900 for the ambulance that the university took the liberty of ordering on my behalf? I can't afford $900, taxi would have been fine to get me to hospital for a checkup
Aaron Bell
and if you didn't waste all your money on tattoos and hair products, you could afford a house, user.
Ryan Green
Possibly. I think it's probably built into the system of enlisting people that they expect a certain percentage of people to pull out for reasons so they aren't too strict on forcing you to do it. I got called up for dury juty in my first year of uni and I said I couldn't do it because of how it would interfere with my study and I haven't heard from them since
David Hill
>you should exclude certain demographics from the calculation to get the result I want
why is the alt-left so stupid? The world doesn't exist in a specially designed bubble for snowflakes
Grayson Wilson
>Queensland >Reaffirmed individually as part of the Commonwealth by Sir Joh Bjelke Peterson >Reaffirmed individually again by Campbell Newman >Double Majority on an Aus Republic referendum is meaningless to QLD unless QLDers decide to go with it in their own right >QLDers will never vote to be part of a republic with pleb tier States >An Aus republic will not have the best State
Michael Smith
become a fucking lawyer, user. I did, and I'm from a working class background.
Grayson Walker
Its a radio broadcast
Nathan Adams
Understand nigger
Half the country earns less than $1500/week which is perhaps the borderline income to get a 30 year mortgage and pray rates never rise. Take away the boomer scum and the few youths that are doing good and your curve slides left and the median falls dramatically, I’d not be surprised if it was around a grand or less. Of course our generation can get ahead but if you’re in the left side of the bell curve you’re more than likely fucked
Alexander Rivera
>you should exclude certain demographics from the calculation to get the result I want
Of course you should. If you’re looking at the median income as a measure of housing affordability you can’t look at the median for the general population which includes older folk that already own homes, these older folk also earn more as the result of 30 years of ladder climbing. What is relevant is the under 30s data
>and if you didn't waste all your money on tattoos and hair products, you could afford a house, user. I don’t have tattoos
Camden Edwards
people need a full time job to be able to buy a house
that's why when the Libs reduce company taxes, economic activity will increase and more people will work and earn more
Colton Scott
>I don’t have tattoos give yourself 2 years - no alcohol, no dining out, no discretionary spending, basic model mobile phone no plan, eat beans on toast a few times a week. See how much you have saved in that time. For all the slagging off of the boomers, that's what most of them had to do to get their foot in the real estate market. And most of them did it on one wage.
Nathan White
>that's why when the Libs reduce company taxes, economic activity will increase and more people will work and earn more
Yes I agree, if we can beat other countries in following Americas lead it’ll be good. But tax cuts alone won’t fix the fact our decent jobs are being sent to China. Trump is following the tax cuts up with trillions of infrastructure spending and renegotiating free trade agreements whereas Liberals just want to give the ASX 200 a bumper reporting period
Jordan Powell
Except 25% of new houses are bought by the Chinese.
>give yourself 2 years - no alcohol, no dining out, no discretionary spending, basic model mobile phone no plan, eat beans on toast a few times a week. See how much you have saved in that time
That’s pretty much what I’m doing plus working 6-7 days per week but thanks for the concern user. By the way the whole boomers made a sacrifice story is a myth, until the late 80s housing prices never went beyond 4x median incomes. 4 years living with the parents on an apprenticeship or labour job and a marriage to a chick that spent the same amount of time as a receptionist and they had 50% or more as deposits so when they talk about the 18% interest rates keep in mind they had tiny percentages of their homes mortgaged
Jordan Allen
>Except 25% of new houses are bought by the Chinese.
Yep, and now that the boomers have discovered that their kids can still buy a home if they live like paupers, put of having kids until their late 30s and sign up to 30 year mortgages they’ve planned to increase the chink factor more.