Got your wet cloth ready user?
Got your wet cloth ready user?
What is this
Is that a raspberry?
What am I looking at?
i dunno but i dunnwant reverse search it
>you do it
Green sunrises are a legitimate natural phenomenon I’ve seen a couple
Last time he posted this with a countdown. 48 hrs untill his gender reassignment surgery. Only 24 hrs to go, op!
Some mentally ill actually schizophrenic user made a thread yesterday posting that image and hinting (keyword "hinting", he was being purposedly mysterious because that's what his illness requires of him) at some biochemical happening when the sky goes green and to "put a wet cloth over your eyes"
tl;dr /x/ leaked here
How the fuck does nobody know what this is?
anyone know what this is
Anyone know what this is
>people are going to put wet clothing on their eyes before going outside because of a Larp
You fags are so easily trolled
looking for quality artifacts, friend. will buy for 500rb
I see a pussy and a sleeping pet cat.
fuck off, bots
What a rip off, cyka
A heckin cute kitter catter and some faggot
it's not anything. some hobby beads covered in a resin with some paint or somethign on it.
Or it’s some fucked up cancerous shit
>/x/ leaked
no, /x/ has taken root and flowered into full schizo paranoid fantasies all over Sup Forums
it kinda looks like one of those stress balls, or a really really fucked up lung
For fucks sake, dubbers? Are we truly fucked?
Op, I asked this last night after reading the whole thread. Is your happening going to ruin my Valentine's Day?
this was posted on Sup Forums on jan 19, it was something an user found under an old couch in his basement.... was some kind of bag of fruit at one point
i’m glad i’m not the only one who’s been seeing /x/ tier shit all over this board recently
someone made a spooky thread like two days ago. like a legit r/creepy tier bullshit non political thread
Is that a fucking plumbus?
Is it bad that this actually makes the most sense? The smell it must have jesus.
My guess: Morgellons
Rotting Raspberry
This purple booger again.
He's got the Morgellon's lads.
Davy jones returns
And right before I go to sleep! Marvelous.
so glad I saw the original larp yesterday. I hope doomsday occurs and I can be happy knowing I witnessed the most important thread in Sup Forums history.
it's unique
to be fair, who gives a shit anymore
Checked and not wrong
wish I screencapped, because I didn't think this thread would show up again
some guy took it from Sup Forums and posted it here