Red Pill General - Quick Rundown Edition

Hello there reader, would you like to learn the truth? Or rather I should say, pieces of the whole truth. Beware however, the truth is not as fulfilling and happy as one would think it would be. It comes with a very heavy weight, the burden of knowledge. You are about to see the world for what it really is. Strap your ass to your chair and open your mind. Everything you know is a lie. This information is the most valuable thing a stranger on Sup Forums can give to you. Share it with people you care and love.

This is how your money works
Proof 6% of your life is being stolen
This is why were in the middle east
> [Remove]
This is the federal reserve
> [Remove]

This is the history of the jews in a documentary, best ive found yet

The truth will set you free.

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Old pills






that guy was a HUGE employer of illegals
he could have been a big deal in the fight against immigration


... fucking kikes. the donald shilled that guy so hard. makes me sick.








Now why would our government do this,,,?












The beginning of the end of America started right here.


































The Plan to Eradicate all Whites

(((Their))) Future

















