Even if their army was full of soyboys, how can you lose against Greece? I mean a million faggots should have been better than Greece.
Even if their army was full of soyboys, how can you lose against Greece...
What had Italians been doing for ever? Sucking little boys dicks? They had no work ethic, they didn't want to fight, they wanted to go home, drink wine, and shitpost irl about how hot it is or something.
What says, coupled with low discipline and high bureaucracy.
Italians should really kill themselves.
>I mean a million faggots should have been better than Greece.
Says who? The faggot from Canada who never win a war?
We won against the US in 1812, plus we won both world wars you retarded niggerfaggot.
You shouldn`t be proud of what he said, he was a coward and a sell-out, letting the soviet union survive. Now even greece is infected by leftists.
>We won against the US in 1812
One battle not the war bastard leaf.
>plus we won both world wars you retarded niggerfaggot
You did not participate fucking mutt.
You was one of the few countries who after the war had bigger army! ahahahahahahha
You did exactly the same on the first world war fucking cucks.
The military history of Canada during World War I began on August 4, 1914, when the United Kingdom entered the First World War (1914–1919) by declaring war on Germany. The British declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the war, because of Canada's legal status as a British dominion which left foreign policy decisions in the hands of the British parliament.[1] However, the Canadian government had the freedom to determine the country's level of involvement in the war.[1][2] On August 5, 1914, the Governor General declared a war between Canada and Germany. The Militia was not mobilized and instead an independent Canadian Expeditionary Force was raised.[3]
42k canadian soldiers died in ww2, 400k american soldiers died in ww2. The US had more than 10x the population of Canada. You're a retard.
>You shouldn`t be proud of what he said, he was a coward and a sell-out, letting the soviet union survive. Now even greece is infected by leftists.
Im proud, Italy and NAZI Germany (who was allies with you) declare war to us and they was buttfucked.
FDR was a great General (Commander in Chief). US casualties was few because he was waiting the right moment.
>Now even greece is infected by leftists.
SIRIZA is the last leftist stronghold, they gonna die after.
Italians were the only Axis troops to break out of Stalingrad in sizable numbers with a human wave attack.
>Mussolini didn't know shit about war
>Had a WE WUZ ROMANS complex
>Shit tank design and mountain warfare
>Greeks still had the blood of FUCKING SPARTANS
Gee, I wonder why.
>42k canadian soldiers died in ww2, 400k american soldiers died in ww2. The US had more than 10x the population of Canada. You're a retard.
600k Greeks died in WW2
We was only 7 million back in 30s.
Gtfo now western subhuman.
Two shield walls meet. Who wins? The virgin gladius or the chad sarissa?
>Dieppe Raid
>Battle of Hong Kong
The chad pilla destroys the sarissa.
As much shit as pol talks about how little Muttmerica brought to the table in WW2, what exactly did you do?
>ha ha ha America BTFO...200 years ago
And what have you done since?
Spartans were slaving, matriarchal morons. Other city states were much cooler.
>An unironically canadian talking shit about anyone's army
Consider yourself lucky we aren't neighbours leaf
>Muttmerica brought to the table in WW2
We literally changed the face of both warfare and science with splitting the atom and all but single handedly won the Pacific Theater, which seemed 100% hopeless before our entering the war. Our accomplishments were massive to say the least, certainly more than that of any other Allied force other than the Soviet Union.
America just didn't do much in Europe other than basic troop support and logistics, the outcome there would have been the same regardless of us. But that won't stop faggots on here from playing both the "YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING IN WW2" and "YOU FOUGHT THE NAZIS EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT" cards.
Yea we split the atom with a bunch of German scientists
hellas stronk, leaf
Gets a little tiresome. Even before shit could possibly have been all our fault, have you noticed it is STILL all our fault?
hahahah ok goyrapebabyokopolous
Greece is cool. You guys kicked ass and defended the Hellenes for the millionth time.
Greeks are better than other humans.
Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks
while you are mongrels mixed with abo shitskins
>How can you lose against the country that is the home of the most popular and arguably best warrior peoples in the world?
stfu mutt, you bought our research
t. szilárd, teller, neumann
Greece? Redpill me on them , I have never thought about them in military sphere and achievements
Greeks were pretty tough warriors at that time.
>Delayed german march on Russia saving their sorry ass.
>BTFO'ed the italians.
Pretty sure Nazi Germany fucked you hard and raw. Though sad that we fought on different sides.
But in terms of italians you are right.
>SIRIZA is the last leftist stronghold, they gonna die after.`
Doesn't that faggot Tsipras have a scandal blowing up right now?
> Brazil
How is your husband , tranny faggot
Have you ever heard Mussolini speaking German ? It's alpha as fuck....very imposing.
"For the sake of historical truth I must verify that only the Greeks, of all the adversaries who confronted us, fought with bold courage and highest disregard of death." Adolf Hitler
"Greeks don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks" Churchill
stay mad fags
1000 young germans were butcherd by based Cretans. Although Greece vs Axis was autistic and avoidable
We've taken part in pretty much every war of modern history and some very cruel civil ones too. Many leaders acknowledged our soldiers bravery, from Hitler to Churchill. We've even send a battalion in N. Korea which was awarded by the U.S.
Guerilla warfare in Cyprus against the British and a volunteer unit in Serbia is our last acts of military action i believe.
I'm no expert on WW2 but from what I've heard their ranks were packed with British spies. I think even one admiral's mistress was a spy.