What drives Barry to be such an unrepentant nigger at literally every possible opportunity?
Landon Stewart
Carter Bailey
A10 is bestest killing plane
David Long
She has a point you know... The age of whites is really over.
Ryan King
Evan Roberts
at least make yourself useful and post slutty anime traps
Chase Gray
Muh dick
Ayden Butler
Ryder Butler
what should I watch on netflix?
Gavin Richardson
the left cant me-...
Christopher King
Carter Davis
You say the no no word, gonna have to arrest you for two million years
Cameron Perry
Don't we all.
Andrew Ramirez
Liam Hughes
First for foreign brides.
Jason Turner
always sunny
Grayson Perez
>all of those women >in an orgy I am titillated and horrified all at once
Angel Ward
Being a senator from Illinois does that to you.
Jose Clark
Is this suppose to be funny?
Cameron Murphy
The browns will kill the gays
Camden Carter
Nathaniel Morgan
It's weird because his dad has always looked like a piece of shit businessman and yet he was a great guy and apparently very well to get along with I probably been watching too much Deadwood
Hudson Walker
>The world is getting browner and greener >Because evolution
Ian Gonzalez
The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.
Owen Hernandez
Maybe we can pay off the debt and the deficit, that's the only way to ensure a lasting future for this nation
Eli Russell
Gabriel Smith
Eli Gutierrez
>Not finding this STUNNING Disappointing, user
Brayden Jones
what happened to the 17th century attempted assassination lads?
Noah Bailey
Connor Harris
>greener *gayer
Anthony Cook
Parker Nguyen
Its funny considering trump in us and half of Europe voting right wing. Yeah these are the years of counterattack and not of crying aournd "omg its over!!omgomg". If you think whity will go quietly and let it happen I don't know where you take that information from certainly not from our voting behavior or our past lol
Blake Martinez
Aaron Cooper
Mullattoes are always the worst, their neuroticism is more dangerous than regular low IQ niggatry.
Brandon Reyes
Step up your game amigo, you memes need some help
Matthew Gonzalez
Anyone else /ExcitedForMidterms/ here? Unless the democrats end up at +14 or so nationally, they're gonna bleed quite a few senate seats.
I'm ready to see some of these bastards out of the senate.
Benjamin Turner
If you haven't noticed, the deficit is going to increase courtesy of corporate welfare.
Adrian Rivera
Jeremiah Hughes
If I were a former president I'd be a bit of an ass too, I'm also going to predict that when Trump is done being president he'll roast whoever has the job after him daily on twitter
This. They always have identity issues and then proceed to overcompensate their blackness.
Xavier Cooper
If you have some alcohol at hand watch the 7th season of american horror story Otherwise I would recomend little witch academia
Jordan Robinson
MN Special elections went fine. GOP kept house seat by 20 points, last time was 15, GOP narrowed down the Senate seat to 4%. Democrats still held it however.
Josiah Diaz
Anthony Adams
You're assuming it will be a Democrat?
Henry Torres
>I have no idea what I'm talking about Whoa, tranny boy is like all libtards, not a fucking clue about anything. Guess your shithole really is that worthless, eh, shitholer?
Noah Diaz
If you spend more than you collect...
Carter Evans
this one or...
Andrew Morris
this one
Hudson Williams
>Democrats still held it however. Nothing we can do about that, that entire portion of MN is cucked beyond belief.
Daniel Garcia
Aaron Peterson
There is some decent animu on Netflix that I watch sometimes.
Eli Cox
Obama dindu nuffin.. Susan Rice said so in her email. Checkmate, bigots.
Adam Edwards
not if it's Pence
Zachary Bennett
It's been funny seeing the media going from
>Inevitable blue wave coming! It's going to be a slaughter!
>um, actually this is looking neck n' neck. Blue wave cancelled
That said it's still the FAKE NEWS media so I don't trust them for a second.
Matthew Turner
The truth is out.
Oliver Barnes
What's up with the disparity in these polls, Sup Forums? The margin of error should be around +/-3.5%
Ryan Brown
this one
Zachary Kelly
This one
Jackson Sanchez
Josiah Stewart
M8, it almost flipped red in 2016, and is still trending red
Ian Morgan
It's a good thing that we got Proctor and Gamble here to kill off the weak of the species ;^)
Lincoln Lee
"Don, why's your caddy hiding over there?" Your response?
Angel Morales
Oh, I shouldve said, you need to watch Devilman Crybaby RIGHT NOW if you didnt watch it right on release
Kevin Lopez
Yes but it took a long time to get there.
Gavin Torres
Blake Hill
these pics and that Trump fireball one hurtling towards earth are all fantastic
James Stewart
But how do you know that's the government is gonna spend more? If anything, with hiring freezes, cutting back on departments, deregulation etc, the government will spend less
Aaron Moore
We will not quietly into the night.
Easton Gonzalez
She sent it like an hour before inauguration
That means there was a hit planned and it went south
Joshua Stewart
There needs to be something. I don't know. Even just a border between the two images.
Carter Gutierrez
holy shit the "your fired" guy from the apprentice is the president now?
Noah Edwards
>Fireball hurling toward earth Best timeline
Thomas Johnson
Cloverfield paradox
Josiah Collins
I honestly can't come up with anything else, but I would suggest you write something other than that
Daniel Davis
Death Note (anime, not the POS movie) Breaking Bad Always Sunny Panet Earth
Angel Carter
Henry Ward
Jace Watson
D-did you just awake from a coma?
Jack Edwards
>stay awake until 4AM >because I'm not a disgusting NEET my internal clock wakes me up at 8:30
Ayden Nguyen
It doesn't really matter who it is Trump will be messing with them. The only difference will be whether it's funny shit or mean shit
Carson Wright
He's just a puppet -- try and remember that. The personal stuff is lashing out because they keep strict control over him.
Caleb Allen
Rand Paul 2024
Gabriel Lee
Is it still being NEET if you are already rich?
Jonathan Russell
Bitcoin asploding soon
Kayden Sanders
"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"
Gavin Long
I didn't put ALL of dads money into crypto, jokes on you
Joshua Moore
>not getting up before the Mr Sun does
c'mon you'll never make it
No, it means you're living the dream. Congratulations.
Sebastian Evans
Hedge funds soon to be BTFO by volatility
Blake Hernandez
Well, yes. It is infact still being a neet even if you already have money Reason being you still don't contribute anything to society