Honestly, how often do you wish you were a Jew?
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Never. They're gross, like, really gross.
God I wish that was me.
I only wish I had a jewish waifu
Why do you want to be the girl?
I would go straight to Israel since this genius plan to flood Europe with kebab is really unpleasant.
Jews are a cowardly group of people with no honor or integrity. Not weeb in any way, but if I were to choose, I would choose to be born a samurai.
wheres ths sjws....we should meme this into major news turn israel into germany itll be funny
cuck the kike
I want to see the middle east turn into a fucking meat grinder. I want to see Israel burn.
Why would you assume you'd be a lower class Jew?
no, I would always choose to be born a white American, nothing else
lmao this is too true
Never, they are shit. However you should consider migration to Israel since they are flooding Sweden, just invade that crap and take it from them, since Sweden became an african/muslim shithole you can make a new Sweden there!
gee where have we heard this before?
>/comfy/ ethnostate
>Most summer olympic gold medals per capita
>biggest dicks in the world
>etc, etc
Being Hungarian is bretty gud
most people look at jews and all they see is a white person, but to actual white people you're just a jew
I imagine it feels the same as being a light skinned nigger
I wonder if Israeli lefties are sperging because of this or if no one really cares.
I can give you one good reason, user-sama...
Nah, id be even more hateful then now.
take me with you khazaria, my people liked horses too
I want to be a little girl.
It's OK, they're setting precedent
what people is that?
post jewish qts
Well we do need to run the world in safety.
>Honestly, how often do you wish you were a Jew?
About the same number of times that I wished to be a steaming turd!
Absolutely never.
If there ever was a picture that cries out for photoshopping
Jews are afraid of diversity.
Everyone wants to be a grill
No shame in it, propane and all.
Is this bait or they serious? Or massive lag?
So, Whits can say it now then
They better hurry up, almost 1/4 of Israel is non-Jewish
>unidentified man with an unverified story
got any else cuckboi?
I'm high af rn, as I will continue to be until the reich rises again
enjoy living in an unhabitable area by 2050, better work up those sprinklers
Good taste in girls for a memeflagger
because i am a transsexual
Jews don't like being in Israel because they are the ones being Jewed here.
Why don't you convert Sven?
Will get so much mileage out of this
never? are you guys so much inlove with yourselves that you think others want to be jews too and like they think often about it ?
talk about lunacy
Diversity is for the filthy goyim.
How can you not hate these rats?
>Honestly, how often do you wish you were a Jew?
lol wut
Thank you, you stupid Kikes. This little beauty has been the redpill the missus has been needing. After reading, she’s now realising the hypocrisy of the Jew and the mistakes of excessive immigration. Cheers cunts.
sauce on quotes?
We need to use this to our advantage somehow.
the funny part is a white male bleached her Hebrew female ancestors or she would not considerd Jewish
one shekel deposited into your account
I honestly hope Jews keep colonising Israel, as long as they don't fuck with the Christians
tfw no jewish gf
she's a qt
Nope. Their time is running out.
> How often do you wish you were a parasite
Why would I want to get in line for the gas chambers? In the long run, jews always overreach and get slaughtered. Even if its by some mongrelized islamic caliphate of their own creation, next time won't be any different.
Never, because if I want to be the original Jesus type jew, I have to be Hebrew.